In the dark night, Chen Mengyu suddenly opened his eyes while sleeping.

He quickly turned over and got out of bed, subconsciously reaching for the edge of the bed but finding nothing. He didn't bring any weapons with him during this operation, after all, those things couldn't pass the airport security check.

He hunched over and ducked to the window to check what was going on outside.

There was a row of black cars parked downstairs of the hotel. Men in black suits got out of the cars and guarded all the entrances and exits of the hotel.

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged couple who ran the hotel hurriedly ran out of the gate and groveled to negotiate with the leading young man.

The leading man was young and had a pleasant appearance when talking to the hotel owner and his wife, which did not fit in with people's impression of a gangster brother.

The man took out his checkbook from his pocket, wrote down a series of numbers with a generous stroke of his pen, then tore off the check and handed it to the boss. It can be seen from the incredulous expressions of the boss and his wife that the amount written on the check is quite large.

The man then explained a few words to the boss and his wife, then lit a cigarette and stood quietly at the door of the hotel waiting.

The boss and his wife hurried back to the hotel.

Shen Mengyu knew that these people were coming for the three of them, so she pushed open the door and walked out.

He came to the door of Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan's room and broke the door lock with his inner strength without any explanation.

"Get dressed quickly, our position is exposed!" Shen Mengyu turned his back and shouted into the room in a low voice.

He didn't want to see something he shouldn't have seen. After all, it was rude to break into a girl's room.

The room was still quiet.

Shen Mengyu turned around and looked into the room in surprise. The room card was still plugged into the power supply, the lights were still on, the bedding on the bed was neat, there was a pink suitcase on the floor, and there was a charging mobile phone on the table. The balcony window was opened, and the curtains were blown by the wind.

Shen Mengyu frowned and quickly closed the door and returned to his room. He turned on the computer on the table and his fingers jumped quickly on the keyboard. The screen jumped out of the map page. The red dot symbolizing Xu Qinghuan was located at the Tokyo Grand Shrine in Chiyoda District. Nearby, the red dot symbolizing Xia Yi did not move because her mobile phone was left in the hotel.

Hell, he was still in the Internet cafe when he checked Xu Qinghuan's location before going to bed. He stayed in that Internet cafe for two days and two nights. Shen Mengyu once suspected that he had discovered the location on his mobile phone and deliberately left his mobile phone in the Internet cafe. For this reason, he went to the Internet cafe to check and happened to see Xu Qinghuan coming out of the box. Run all the way to the bathroom.

Tokyo Grand Shrine?

Shen Mengyu had learned about the shrine, which was famous for praying for fate, from the news. Now he has reason to suspect that Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan are together.

The separation and reunification between lovers is really unpredictable.

Shen Mengyu took out her mobile phone and dialed Xu Qinghuan's number.

"Hello, the number you dialed is out of service, please call again later."

On the streets of Chiyoda District, Xu Qinghuan and three people finally stopped a taxi. After getting in the taxi, because Takako was a local, Xu Qinghuan took out his mobile phone and prepared to show Takako the name of the hotel where he was staying, and asked her to translate it to the driver.

"Ouch! What's going on? Why is my phone offline?" Xu Qinghuan fiddled with his phone in surprise.

He and Xia Yi didn't know the address of the hotel, and even the name only remembered a few unfamiliar Japanese characters.

"Did you recharge your phone bill before coming to Japan?" Xia Yi asked.

"It's recharged. I specifically recharged it with thirty yuan."

"You recharge the phone bill at 31?" Xia Yi asked.

"Nonsense, you treat me like a landlord!" Xu Qinghuan reluctantly closed the data and opened it again, but there was still no internet connection. "It's not really down, is it? Is the international traffic fee so expensive? If I had known better, I would have applied for international traffic. It’s a set meal.”

"Where is your cell phone?" Xu Qinghuan turned around and asked.

"I was in a hurry and didn't bring it with me." Xia Yi spread her hands.

Xu Qinghuan was anxious: "What should I do? My precious black card is still in the hotel!"

The taxi driver urged them to report their destination, and Takako replied apologetically, sorry, please wait a moment.

Takako suddenly felt that the two people around him were a bit unreliable. Can they really lead him to find his sister?

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