An unknown small mountain village in Hunan.

The calm was broken by the arrival of a group of men in military uniforms.

With perverted and ferocious smiles on their faces, they treated the villagers as livestock, beat their wives in front of their husbands, and inserted bayonets into the hearts of their parents in front of their young children.

Wails, curses, harsh laughter as perverted desires are fulfilled.

It's pure hell.

The young boy was hidden at the bottom of a well by his mother, and he hid under the water to avoid being hunted by the demons.

The boy was shivering in the cold well water. He had lived in this isolated mountain village since he was a child and didn't know what had happened.

The mother's cry, the father's resistance, the terrible gunfire.

The boy wished he was deaf.

For a whole day and night, the boy crawled out from the bottom of the well along the rope. The tragic situation in front of him made him wish he was blind.

"why why?"

He foolishly put his parents' bodies together and knelt on the ground as if they were dead.

"From now on, I will be your leader! My name is Long Weiguo!"

The man with a dark face and a vigorous look stood on the slope and shouted to a group of gray-faced and depressed soldiers in front of him.

They were defeated soldiers who had just retreated from the front line. Their military uniforms were in tatters. Some even threw away their weapons in order to escape faster.

"The country is going to perish! Hunan people die first!"

The man known as Captain Dragon held a light machine gun that had just been captured in the previous battle and took the lead in charging towards the enemy pressing down from a distance.

He is not very old, and is just like a child compared to the soldiers under his command, but he has rich combat experience. According to him, he has been fighting the Japanese since he was twelve years old. When the team was broken up, he ran away. The Chinese army followed.

Captain Long's team grew from dozens to hundreds of people. This group of defeated soldiers who had lost their fighting spirit actually actually fought with the enemy under the leadership of this young man with no hair. Under the absolute overwhelm of equipment and numbers, they were driven away most of the time and lost many teammates in the battle.

This young man who claimed to be the leader of the group seemed to have no clear purpose. When he heard that there was a war somewhere, he led the team to rush there. If he met the enemy on the road, he would kill them and he would kill them. If he couldn't defeat them, he would run away.

His purpose is very clear, that is, to drive the enemy out of his country.

A huge country has fallen, and cruel wars are being staged every moment. This group of people is wandering around like ghosts. Their existence is insignificant to the entire war situation. For those who are rescued by them, they are the saviors. .

"Don't be afraid of death, just be afraid of being uncomfortable! Don't be afraid of life, just be comfortable!"

Captain Long cursed.

On a private plane flying from China to Japan.

"Teacher, teacher." Li Yi called softly to Principal Long who was sleeping on the seat.

Principal Long slowly opened his eyes and looked out the window. The tall buildings on the ground became increasingly clear. He lowered his head and looked at the watch on his wrist.

Seven o'clock in the morning.

At this time, it was drizzling in the blue-grey sky.

"When I was young, I vowed that I would come to Japan once in my life. By the time I actually came, I was already old and almost dying." Principal Long took out a hand-rolled cigarette from his pocket and lit one.

This is the academy's private jet, which is almost equivalent to his Long Weiguo's private jet.

Principal Long usually lives a simple life, and his only expense is the tobacco that needs to be transported by air. This is simply not money for the college. He spends most of his time in his principal's cabin, and occasionally needs to go abroad. They are also available in economy class.

Someone once advised him, saying that as the principal of Night Watch College, if you don’t take the private jet prepared by the college for you when you go on overseas exchanges, you should at least book first class. The college has invested in many airlines. , there is really no need to save money in this regard. If the gringos know that you are flying economy class, it will inevitably lose the face of the college.

Principal Long immediately retorted, "Does it matter whether you lose face or not? Does it depend on what plane you take, what clothes you wear, what wine you drink, and what cigarettes you smoke?" Fists, only big fists will make people look up to you!

Anyone who is familiar with Principal Long knows his temper and character.

However, this was the first time that Principal Long had used the plane. Everyone had a tacit understanding that no matter how ostentatious the principal was, he was never willing to lose his momentum in front of Japan.

"The evil ghosts are already waiting at the airport." Li Yi said respectfully. Facing the principal who looked about the same age as himself but was actually over a hundred years old, he, who was known as the contemporary swordsman, had to swallow his pride, especially since the principal had taught Li Yizhi when he first entered school. So Li Yi always calls Principal Long teacher.

"Yes." Principal Long nodded, his eyes still lingering outside the window, "Li Yi, I remember you stayed in Japan for a few years."

"Yes, I have practiced swordsmanship for two years." Li Yi replied slightly awkwardly. He knew that the teacher in front of him hated Japan the most, and his experience of studying in Japan was considered a dark history.

"What do you think of the Japanese?" Principal Long asked calmly, puffing out cigarette smoke.

Li Yi thought for a while and said: "Knowing small etiquette but not great righteousness, sticking to trivial matters but not great virtue, focusing on trivial details but not respecting integrity, fearing power but not being virtuous, the strong will be robbers and bandits, and the weak will be humble."

This sentence comes from Dream of Red Mansions, and it is a perfect description of Japan.

"I have a friend, and you have the same evaluation as him." Principal Long looked at Li Yi.

"Of course, there are many good ones among that generation of young people." Li Yi added.

"for example?"

"Hanyu Juro's son, Hanyu Kurasuke."

"I heard that you had a good relationship with him in Japan." Principal Long said.

"His father, Juro Hanyu, was an extremely despicable swordsman even though he was good at swordsmanship. Such a person is not worthy of using a sword, but his son, although not proficient in swordsmanship, is upright and upright," Li Yi said.

"You should have heard of Hanyu Taki."

Li Yi nodded: "Well, Hanyu Kusuke's son is said to be a first-rate genius in both swordsmanship and kendo."

"Compared to you?"

Li Yi smiled: "I'm already old."

Principal Long smiled and said: "I still remember when you first entered school, you were always shouting that your swordsmanship was invincible. I didn't expect that you would obey me now."

Li Yi didn't care about being mentioned about his dark history in his youth, he just laughed along with it.

Principal Long tired of laughing and sighed: "I know there are many people in the college who don't agree with my approach."

Li Yi sat aside and didn't answer.

"Now times have changed, and life has become better. The previous generation of leaders of each clan have died, leaving me, a stubborn old man who cannot recognize the times, and is stubborn to seek revenge at all costs."

Principal Long's eyes were a little unable to open due to the smoke.

"My friend once said, don't be afraid of death, just be afraid of being uncomfortable. Don't be afraid of life, just be comfortable."

Principal Long casually threw the cigarette butt to the ground and stamped it out.

"Comfort is really a terrible thing. It can make people forget their hatred and wear away their blood. But they have forgotten what they got for their comfortable life now!"

"Although sometimes I wonder if everything I have done is worth it? But as long as I think about the sinners still living comfortably in this world, I will never stop!"

"The grudges of the old era need to be ended by myself, a survivor of the old era, and the blood debt must be repaid with blood!"

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