The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 11: Is Your College Still Recruiting People?

At four o'clock in the morning, in a hot pot restaurant, the middle-aged male owner cheerfully served food to the only table of customers.

"The dishes are here, eat slowly, eat slowly, don't be in a hurry." The boss brought a plate of tripe and said to the man and two women sitting with a smile on his face.

The boss had already closed and was about to go home. All the employees in the store had already gone home from get off work. Suddenly, an eye-catching red Ferrari stopped on the side of the road. Ferraris are not common, but it is even rarer to see a Ferrari on the road with its car body crashed like this. . A man and two women got out of the car. The man looked young and smiling. One of the two girls was tall, hot and beautiful, and the other had long silver hair and an expressionless face. Before he could speak, someone from the driver's seat The graceful girl who got off the seat handed over a wad of cash and said that she wanted to eat hot pot now. The boss took the wad of money, and after a brief surprise, he immediately opened the store door.

"Sorry for the trouble, I'll call you again if necessary." Lin Yue said.

"Okay." The boss retreated to the cashier and quietly counted the wad of money, which was ten thousand yuan. He looked at the only man at the table and said with envy: "What a lucky boy. Eat a There are two beauties accompanying me in the hot pot, and Bai Fumei is still extremely rich."

"Wow, it's really delicious!" Xu Qinghuan picked up a piece of tripe and put it in his mouth and exclaimed. He was so poor that he had never been to restaurants. The only hot pot he had was when the manager of a convenience store organized a team building for employees. Rotating hot pot for 39.9 per person.

Xia Yi, who was immersed in eating vegetables, also nodded in agreement.

Lin Yue glanced warily at the boss behind the cashier in the distance, stared at Xu Qinghuan who kept putting food into the bowl, and said, "I remember you were pierced by the sword of the monster knight here before." This was the first time she saw him. To such a heartless person.

Xia Yi glanced at Xu Qinghuan in slight surprise.

"It's a small injury, I'm a devil..." Xu Qinghuan was about to brag about himself, when suddenly Xia Yi kicked him under the table, causing him to cry out in pain.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yue naturally noticed something unusual about the two of them.

"Nothing, nothing." Xu Qinghuan lowered his head to eat the food. Although he didn't understand why the brave man didn't want his identity to be revealed, he understood the reason why people had to bow their heads under the roof.

"Thank you both for your help in this matter, but I hope you can help the academy keep the secret." Lin Yue kept observing Xia Yi's expression while speaking.

"What you do is to protect human beings. Why are you worried that ordinary humans will know the truth about the world? With their help, hunting monsters will be easier, right?" Xia Yi asked lightly.

"You don't understand this." Xu Qinghuan, who was devouring food at the side, interrupted, "Compared with ordinary humans, aren't you gods with special abilities also monsters?" He stared at Lin Yue with a smile.

Lin Yue was surprised that the ordinary-looking boy in front of him could actually tell the story of the relationship between gods and humans since ancient times.

"Yes, the identities of divine descendants have been announced in history, but the final endings were tragic." Lin Yue looked complicated, "Compared with those distant gods and monsters, human beings are more afraid of aliens like us around us. "

Xu Qinghuan raised his eyebrows at Xia Yi proudly.

Halfway through the meal, Xu Qinghuan went outside the shop and lit a cigarette and started smoking. It wasn't because of his quality. When he took out the cigarette on the dining table and was about to light it, Xia Yi gave him an expressionless look and was frightened. He quickly ran outside the store.

"That girl did everything on the dock alone?"

Xu Qinghuan turned around, but unexpectedly Lin Yue also walked out.

He didn't know what Lin Yue meant, so he nodded and said, "Despite her thin appearance, she is really powerful. Even in my heyday, I had to avoid her sharpness."

The demons are a race where strength is paramount. Even if they are brave men who fall short of their great ideals, Xu Qinghuan admires them more than hates them. After all, his skills are inferior to others.

"Are you familiar with her?"

Xu Qinghuan thought about it and said, "I'm not very familiar with her, just about four or five years old. She and I are from the same hometown, so we can be considered fellow villagers."

Lin Yue turned back and glanced through the glass at Xia Yi, who was engrossed in eating in his seat, and whispered: "I saw the man with horns on his head that you mentioned. He should be the one who saved the two of us, although I don't know Why would he save us?"

Xu Qinghuan thought to herself that I am the man with horns on his head as you say!

Seeing that Xu Qinghuan didn't speak, Lin Yue asked again: "Do you have any impression when he saved you?"

"One thing, I just remember that he is quite handsome." Xu Qinghuan didn't know what Lin Yue meant, but since the brave man wouldn't let him reveal his identity, he had to pretend to be stupid.

Lin Yue was silent for a while, and finally asked: "Is he... not dead?"

Xu Qinghuan suddenly realized that the girl in front of him felt that the powerful girl sitting inside had a grudge against the devil who had saved him twice, so he kept silent at the dinner table about what happened tonight, and took advantage of Xu Qinghuan to come out to smoke. Kung Fu came out to ask.

Xu Qinghuan felt warm in her heart for no reason.

"Hey!" Lin Yue pushed Xu Qinghuan's shoulder when he saw Xu Qinghuan was frozen in place without speaking.

"Oh, he's fine, Yong...he left before Xia Yi came." Xu Qinghuan lied casually.

Lin Yue felt as if a stone had dropped from her heart and let out a sigh.

"Do you know why Xia Yi is looking for him?" Lin Yue asked again. As soon as the words came out, she suddenly felt that she had talked too much tonight, like a middle-aged woman who gossiped.

"Hmm..." Xu Qinghuan pondered for a while. He glanced at Xia Yi, who seemed to have eaten enough and was holding his hair in boredom in the store. Suddenly, a plan came to his mind and he was ready to tease his old enemy.

"Oh, that's what happens between men and women! The man nicknamed the Demon King is from the same village as us. He is handsome and famous all over the country for his good looks. He is also our famous gang boss. We are pursuing him. Don't have too many girls." After saying that, Xu Qinghuan pointed at Xia Yi inside and said, "She, she likes her too. She has been chasing the devil for a long time, but it's a pity that others didn't take notice of her. When she heard that the devil was here, she acted shamelessly. I followed him to look for him."

Lin Yue was shocked, on the one hand because of the gossip stories she heard, and on the other hand because of the hometown that Xu Qinghuan mentioned. How could there be two such terrifying people in a row?

"Don't mention it in front of her, she will get angry." Xu Qinghuan added.

Just when Lin Yue was doubting the authenticity of Xu Qinghuan's words, her cell phone suddenly rang. Her backup phone was issued by the college, and the people who could get through her phone number were all leaders of the college.

Xu Qinghuan put out the cigarette wisely and walked into the hot pot restaurant.

"Lin Yue, an 18th-level student of the college." Lin Yue looked serious.

"Why did you interfere in such a dangerous matter tonight! Didn't I ask you to return to the academy in the afternoon?" The angry voice of a middle-aged man came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Yue heard the man's voice.

"Deputy Dean, as a night watchman, you cannot leave your companions behind." Lin Yue was a little angry.

"Are you okay with your health? Are you injured?" The man sounded concerned.

"No. But this operation is very strange. The academy's ship was actually filled with so many powerful monsters. I suspect it was the Samurai God Society who did it, but even they don't have the ability to control so many monsters. It's worth it. The cargo that the enemy went to such great lengths to seize must be very important. Only one confidentiality team was assigned to guard such important cargo. Moreover, I asked Director Zhang of the Execution Department, and he checked the mission records and said that the college did not issue a shipment to Wang Weiyu's team. The mission record of the goods, the most important thing is that the goods are missing now.”

The man on the other end of the phone was silent for a while and said, "The college will investigate this matter clearly. You don't need to interfere, and you won't be allowed to interfere in the future."


Before Lin Yue finished speaking, the man interrupted: "This is an order!"

"The people from the execution department have already reported to me your previous incident of killing the black demon dog alone. As your vice-dean, I am proud, but as your father, I am even more worried about you, who ignores your own safety and does not obey the captain's instructions. Behavior!"

Lin Yue remained silent.

The man on the other end of the phone softened his tone: "Okay, I've sent a car to pick you up. Come back tomorrow."

"Is this also an order? It's summer vacation now." Lin Yue counterattacked.

"This is a father's request to his disobedient daughter."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Yue stood at the door for a while, then turned and entered the store.

"You guys eat first. I've already taken a taxi and parked it at the door. After eating, you can get in the car and go home directly. The fare has been paid." Lin Yue said goodbye to Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi politely. Although she had recovered from her injuries, But tonight's events consumed all her mind, and she was already very tired.

"This is my phone number. You can call me if you need anything in the future, but I should have left this city by then. I will still help with whatever I can. Thank you both." Lin Yue handed over a piece of paper with his phone number written on it. To the two of them, they turned around and wanted to leave.

Xu Qinghuan shouted something and waved goodbye.

"Wait a minute." Xia Yi suddenly stopped Lin Yue.

Lin Yue looked at this expressionless girl, wondering what she was going to do.

"Is your college still recruiting people?" Xia Yi asked expressionlessly.

Lin Yue was stunned on the spot. She didn't expect that the terrifyingly powerful girl in front of her would actually want to join the academy. Lin Yue didn't think about inviting her. She just felt that such a powerful girl must have a mysterious background behind her. She didn't want to commit suicide. It's boring, but I didn't expect the girl to take the initiative at this moment.

Such a girl definitely has the strength of an S-class student. If she joins the execution department in the future, the risk of the mission can be greatly reduced.

"Recruitment, it's August now, and our new students will be admitted in early September." Lin Yue suppressed her excitement and tried hard to keep her voice from shaking.

"Is it okay for me and him?"

Xia Yi pointed at Xu Qinghuan, who was eating food and lying down for no reason.

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