The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 103 How Did Xia Yi Become A Brave Man?

In the dim bar, only the electronic screen in the center of the hall was lit.

"Stop making trouble." Shen Mengyu stood in front of Xu Qinghuan and stopped him from trying to negotiate the signing fee with the store clerk. "I can't let her stay here alone."

"Do you have a pen and paper?" Shen Mengyu asked the clerk in Japanese.

"Yes... please wait a minute." The man immediately rummaged for paper and pen. The tall and thin young man in front of him seemed to be the most useful leader among the four, and he did not dare to neglect.

Shen Mengyu took the pen and paper, wrote down her phone number and handed it to the clerk.

"This is my phone number. If you have any news about Miss Shirley Night, please contact me as soon as possible." After saying that, Shen Mengyu took out a wad of Japanese banknotes from her arms and placed it on the bar.

Xu Qinghuan's eyes widened when he looked at the pile of big bills.

The four then left the bar.

The four of them found an informal small hotel on a nearby remote street and rented three rooms.

Seeing the environment of this hotel, Xu Qinghuan missed how nice his previous residence was, and for a time he felt like returning to his original rental house.

The forty-year-old proprietress of the hotel held a cigarette in one hand and a beer can in the other. When she saw four customers coming to the door, she just glanced up and quoted the price of accommodation in a five-star hotel.

Shen Mengyu readily took out a wad of yen and paid for half a month's room fee in advance. Then the landlady threw three keys to Shen Mengyu and went to drink her beer.

I found this place mainly because it was irregular and did not require documents to be checked. It was the best refuge for all the shady people. It is precisely because of this that there is a mixture of good and bad people here, including fierce and tattooed men, fugitives wanted by the police, and skinny men and women with dark circles under their eyes.

At Shen Mengyu's request, Xia Yi and Guizi lived in the same room.

This was exactly what Xia Yi wanted. She was worried about Shen Mengyu. A few hours ago, this man had wielded a knife with murderous intent and vowed to kill Guizi. After answering the phone, he immediately changed his attitude and helped Guizi find his sister.

At the same time, she also had doubts about Takako's words. Although she looked innocent, she was a serious god after all. It was best to keep such a person by her side.

Xu Qinghuan clamored to go back to the previous hotel to retrieve his belongings. His precious black card was still in the pocket of his coat in the room. He didn't even wear a coat when he and Xia Yi went out to get angry.

Shen Mengyu said lightly that you can give up this idea, because that place should be burned to ruins now.

Lingguang Shenjun refers to the Suzaku, one of the four ancient mythical beasts. In the Lingguang state, Chen Mengyu can master the power of flight and is covered in fire. This kind of flame is unusual and very difficult to extinguish.

When Xu Qinghuan heard this, he didn't react as violently as he expected. He just sighed and said, burn it, then opened the door and went back to the room.

Shen Mengyu didn't understand why Xu Qinghuan was sad about a credit card. If he lost it, he would have to go back and get a new one.

Several people didn't get a good rest last night, so they each went back to their rooms to prepare for rest.

In another room, Xia Yi and Guizi were lying on the bed with their backs facing each other. Xia Yi also didn't get her luggage back from the hotel, so she gave Xu Qinghuan 10,000 yen as errand fees and asked him to go to a supermarket not far away and buy two sets of pajamas.

"Sister Xia, are you asleep?" Guizi asked softly.

"No." Xia Yi's voice was still cold and emotionless.

"You and Mr. Xu actually come from another world, right?" Guizi asked.

Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi had originally planned to send Guizi to Shen Mengyu and then erase Guizi's memory, but how could such a little trick work on a god?

If ordinary people heard about the past events mentioned between the two, they would just laugh it off and treat them as crazy jokes. Takako is a god, so he easily accepted this setting.

Xia Yi hummed.

At least for now, it seems that although the girl next to her is a god, she knows everything about them, without any lies or reservations.

Then he shouldn't lie to her.

"Sister Xia Yi, you and Mr. Xu are actually not husband and wife, right?" Takako said again, "I felt the wish you made at the shrine." Takako said.

With her head turned to the other side, Xia Yi's face quickly became hot and red.

"It's a pity that I can't help." Takako sat up, "But maybe I can give you some advice."

"No... no need." Xia Yi was still lying sideways on the bed.

Takako asked gossiping: "Were you enemies before?"


"Wow! Who won in the end?" Takako asked curiously with an expression of surprise.

Xia Yi thought for a while and replied: "There is no winning or losing."

Xu Qinghuan returned to the room feeling depressed. Before that, he had stayed up all night in the Internet cafe for two days, and then ran to the shrine with Xia Yi and met Takako. He hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

He was lying on the bed trying to sleep, and the noisy sounds of several Japanese men kept coming from the next room.

"Who doesn't have eyes!" Xu Qinghuan jumped off the bed angrily, left the room angrily and knocked on the door next door.

The tall man opened the door and stared fiercely at Xu Qinghuan, the unkind visitor. There were three men in the room who looked equally hard to bully, sitting around the table. The floor was covered with cigarette butts, and the table was littered with playing cards. and beer bottles, several people looked at Xu Qinghuan.

In the room, Xia Yi and Guizi sat on the bed holding their knees.

"Then he disappeared." Xiayi said.

"Awesome, it sounds like Sister Xia Yi is much more powerful as a hero than Mr. Xu as the Demon King." Takako clapped.

"Not at all, he is very strong." Xia Yi thought for a moment, and it was difficult to describe her lack of education. "For example, the Loki you know is our former classmate Wednesday. Wednesday only knew that the Demon King was very strong at first. But he still felt that he had a chance to defeat the Demon King, but when Zhou became stronger, he realized that the Demon King's power was so out of reach."

"So isn't my sister stronger?" Guizi looked at Xia Yi in surprise.

Xia Yi shook his head and took his hand out of the quilt.

A soft golden light shone between her palms, illuminating the room.

An ornate rapier appeared in her hand.

"It's because of this." Xia Yi showed Takako the holy sword.

"A very beautiful sword." Takako stretched out his hand to touch the sword and felt a peaceful and warm energy on his fingertips.

"This sword is said to have been given to humans by the gods of our world to resist disasters and monsters. Brave men of all ages have used this sword to kill demon kings. When demons approach this sword, their souls will be burned by the holy light. The Demon King is no different." Xia Yi explained.

"So that's it. Sister, how did you become a hero?" Takako was obviously more interested in the gossip between the two than the holy sword in front of him.

Xia Yi put away the holy sword and raised her head to recall.

"I've been locked up in a dungeon for as long as I can remember, and there are a lot of kids like me in the dungeon."

"Some of them look strange and deformed, and some of them look like normal human children."

"Children are often taken out. We all hope that we can be lucky enough to be taken out and see what the adults say the outside world is like."

"Then one day a young boy broke in, knocked down all the guards, and rescued us."

"He knocked down the guard who usually gave us water and bread. At that time, we thought he was a bad guy. We beat him, kicked him, cried and refused to leave."

When he said this, Xia Yi showed a rare smile on his face.

"Later I found out that those who imprisoned us were the bad guys, and the children in the dungeon were all experimental products born from the mating of humans and demons."

"The boy who rescued us took us to a nearby town and placed us in one house after another. Silver hair was considered unlucky in our place, so no one wanted to take me in."

"Later, he took me to a bakery and gave the owner a large amount of money to ask him to take me in as an apprentice. Then he left, saying that he was going to be a brave man and save more people. At that time I still don’t know what a hero does.”

Xia Yi turned to look at Guizi.

"Working in the bakery is a great pleasure. You can taste the leftover bread for free. In the dungeon, the guards would only tear it off and give us a little bit when they were in a good mood."

"What happened next? Have you seen each other again?" Takako asked.

Takako is a good listener. When Xia Yi told the past stories, she sat quietly and watched Xia Yi without saying a word.

"At that time, the war between the demons and humans broke out. The town I was staying in was on the border between the two races. It was affected by the war. The city gate was breached by the demons. The city was full of man-eating demons."

"I watched with my own eyes that the shop owner who treated me like a daughter was eaten by a demon with wings." Xia Yi paused, "After I joined the church and became a brave man, many people said that I was born a brave man because I won't be afraid, I won't be scared. I really want to tell them that I have used up fear a long time ago. When a person watches with his own eyes the man whom he regards as his father is eaten by a monster, his hands and feet are eaten, and his chest is torn open. , gnaws off the head, and the hot blood splashes on his face, what else is there to be afraid of in this world?"

"I jumped on the demon's back and ate its flesh. Unfortunately, I was too weak to stop what was happening."

Takako fell into silence.

"Then he appeared. At that time, he was already a young man, wearing golden armor, holding a sword burning with holy fire, and killed the demon."

"He didn't brag. He really became a brave man and easily killed all the monsters in the city by himself."

"I was lying on the ground like crazy eating the corpse of that demon. That damn demon ate someone very important to me, so I will eat it too."

"The demon's body was very big. When I was full, I rested for a while, and then continued eating until the soldiers cleaning the battlefield discovered me in the room. I don't know when my hands became like that monster's. The ugly claws frightened everyone. They tied me to the center of the square and held a torch to burn me to death. My ominous silver hair, demonic body and corpse-eating behavior were condemned by them as hiding in the crowd. The devil inside."

"Then what?" Takako's breathing became rapid.

"Then the man who became a hero came back from the battlefield. He saved me. People didn't understand his behavior and scolded their hero for colluding with the devil. He explained to everyone about laws and justice, and so on. I wasn't listening at the time, I was tied to the pillar and cursed him, even though it was obvious that if he had arrived just a little earlier, the shop owner would not have died. He had such peerless power but he failed to save the people I care about."

"But he still saved me. We were driven out of the town. He took me to a strange place to settle me down, and gave me some money to open a bakery of my own to live."

Xia Yi suddenly laughed again.

"He always spends money without counting. He only got the money to open a bakery for me by selling his golden armor."

"After doing this, he left again. Before leaving, he told me that he would definitely end this war and let me open the shop with peace of mind. When he returns from victory, he will definitely come back and taste the bread I made."

"Wow, what a perfect hero." Takako sighed.

In the room at the other end of the corridor.

Xu Qinghuan held a cigarette in his mouth and narrowed his eyes at the opponent across the card table.

"Are you going to follow or not?" Xu Qinghuan yelled at the tattooed Japanese man opposite.

He joined the group of people playing cards, and after learning a few simple Japanese words at the card table, he used the 10,000 yen that Xiayi gave him for running errands plus the 20,000 yen that he had saved by lying about the price of pajamas. Now he has Won two hundred thousand.

The tattooed man waved his hand, indicating that he would give up.

Xu Qinghuan jumped up with a loud noise, excitedly took all the cash on the table, and danced happily.

He turned over his hole card, a three of clubs.

"You were deceived. I'm not the King of Four! You little bastard, the Ace of Three was scared away by me!"

"Just like he really became a brave man, he also really ended that war. I was very happy after learning that the war was over. I ran outside the city wall every day to see if there were any returning human troops."

"Too bad he never came again."

"I have always wanted to see him again and apologize for what I said at that time. When I heard about him again, I heard that he had betrayed the church and would be tried. I closed the shop and rushed to the royal capital. Unfortunately, we did not have mobile phones and Internet there. When we learned about his trial, he had been dead for several months." Xia Yi looked sad.

"Ah, he is dead? How could such a hero betray the church?"

"I stayed in the royal capital and found a job as a baker in the slums. I secretly investigated about his trial, but found nothing. I didn't even know where his body was buried."

"Later, the church began to openly recruit new brave men. It is said that the demon clan produced a new demon king and launched a new war. The human front line was retreating steadily. Human beings who lost their brave men were no match for the demons."

"The conditions for becoming a hero candidate are very simple, as long as you can pick up the holy sword."

"The request is so simple?" Guizi said.

"I thought it was very simple at first. Soldiers from surrounding countries came to the capital to draw their swords. Three months later, no one succeeded. People with evil intentions will be counterattacked by the holy sword when they hold the hilt of the sword. It felt like my heart was being roasted on fire."

Takako asked doubtfully: "No, sister Xia Yi, you can be regarded as a devil in a sense. You will feel pain even when you are close to the holy sword. How did you pull out the holy sword in the end?"

"The one who draws out the Holy Sword is the chosen one, but I am different. I chose the Holy Sword."

Xia Yi once again summoned the gorgeous and holy sword in her hand. She placed her hand on the sword body. The golden flames spread to her fingers and then to her palm. The white skin was instantly burned, and the exposed finger bones were vaguely visible in the firelight. .

Takako exclaimed, unable to bear to look directly.

"My body would burn if it touched the blade, so I had to hold the hilt so it wouldn't hurt so much."

Xia Yi put away the holy sword, and the wounds on her hands began to heal quickly.

She was so brave and quiet that people forgot she was in pain.

"I pulled out the holy sword, became a new hero, and accepted training from the church."

"That man was always talking about justice and justice. I couldn't understand it at the time. I wanted to be a brave man, but I just didn't want others to go through what I went through and become as useful a person as him."

"How can it be!"

Xu Qinghuan stared blankly at the royal flush on the card table opposite.

The tattooed man avenged his shame and spoke arrogantly in Japanese that Xu Qinghuan could not understand, and took away all the banknotes in front of him.

Takako has fallen asleep.

Xia Yi hugged her knees and sat alone on a chair by the window, recalling in her mind the time when the man left her for the second time.

"The people you protect drove you out of the city, why would you do such dangerous things for them?" The young silver-haired girl asked the young man who was about to leave the city.

She hopes the youth will stay.

The young man turned around with a bright smile and straightened out the low-quality leather armor he just bought that didn't fit well.

"Not everyone in this world is rational and smart. Some of them are ignorant and some are selfish. But there are also kind and lovely people. This is what humans are."

"You might die for this group of people. Is it worth it?"

"I am fighting for the justice and justice in my heart."

The four men knelt on the ground, not daring to look directly at the man in front of them.

"A con man cheated me out of money? Damn you devil!"

Xu Qinghuan packed up all the valuable belongings of several people and returned to the room humming a little tune.

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