Izayo Yeyue and Xu Qinghuan were walking on the way back.

Xu Qinghuan frowned because the trip was in vain.

"I don't understand why you are so eager for money?" Izayo Yeyue asked puzzledly. Xu Qinghuan's reaction really puzzled her.

"Who doesn't like money?" Xu Qinghuan thought Izayoi Yue's question was quite idiotic, "Don't blame me, Xia Yi is still worried about the mortgage every month, and she also takes on some private work of making birthday cakes at home during the holidays. "

"I don't understand." Izayoyuki shook her head.

The two of them walked outside the gate of Fujiwara Imperial Palace. There were many black cars parked crookedly outside the door. Some of the car doors were not even closed. Men wearing suits and holding weapons lay on the ground.

These people drove here after receiving the news of the attack on their family. Before they even walked through the door, they fell into a genjutsu due to Izayoi Tsuki's divine order.

Izayo Yeyue found a car that was still on, got into the cab, and waved to Xu Qinghuan, signaling him to sit in the passenger seat.

Xu Qinghuan fastened his seat belt, lowered the window and lit a cigarette.

"In the world I come from, money is nothing compared to power. After all, gold can't save one's life when the devil attacks."

He put down the seat and lay comfortably in the car, resting his head on his head with his left hand and reaching out the window with his right hand to flick cigarette ashes.

"Aren't you the Demon King?" Izayoiyuki's driving style was particularly domineering. He skillfully put the reverse gear on and stepped on the accelerator, knocking away the vehicle blocking the road behind him. Then he turned his head gracefully and drove onto the main road.

"Although I hate to admit it, I was indeed a human before becoming the Demon King." Xu Qinghuan sighed.

"Human!?" Izayoi Yue braked so hard that Xu Qinghuan almost hit the windshield, but luckily he was wearing a seat belt.

"Drive well!" Xu Qinghuan dusted off the cigarette ashes on his body. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would have suffered a big loss if a hole had been burned into his down jacket by the cigarette butt.

"Human!?" Izayoi Yeyue stared at Xu Qinghuan in disbelief and repeated it again.

She was the noble Tsukiyami in mythology, but she really couldn't accept that she was being crushed by a human.

"Okay, okay, I don't need you to remind me." Xu Qinghuan lay back again.

"How can you be a human being!" Izayoiyuki asked.

"Maybe it's because my parents are serious human beings." Xu Qinghuan said nonsense, "But don't get me wrong, not everyone in our country is as strong as me."

The engine roared and the car started again.

"Then how did you become a demon?" Izayo Yeyue calmed down a little, wanting to find out more information about Xu Qinghuan.

"That's a long story. I couldn't finish my legendary experience in three days and three nights." Xu Qinghuan squinted his eyes with a proud look on his face.

"It's about an hour's drive from here to the hotel. I have enough time to listen to your story." Izayoiyuki glanced at the time on the car screen.

"The story begins when a beautiful woman from a well-off family returns to her grandmother's house in the countryside and meets a handsome lumberjack. These two are my father and mother. They fell in love at first sight, regardless of the objections of the woman's family..." Xu Qinghuan Start gushing.

"I asked you to tell it in such detail. No wonder you said it would take three days and three nights. You really weren't exaggerating at all." Liu Yeyue hurriedly interrupted Xu Qinghuan, and continued like this until he arrived at the hotel. It's a bit suspenseful to even talk about the protagonist's birth.

"Then let me summarize it and refine the key points."

"Okay." Izayoyo nodded.

"I aspired to be a hero since I was little, and then I successfully became a hero. Then for some reason, I swore to become the Demon King, and then I became the Demon King."

There was a brief silence in the car.

"No more?" Izayoyuki said.

"No more." Xu Qinghuan nodded.

"It's amazing." Izayo Yeyue laughed angrily. She suspected that Xu Qinghuan was playing tricks on her, but she couldn't beat him and could only smile through gritted teeth.

"Then how come the Demon King who almost conquered the world went to work in a convenience store?" Izayoiyuki was unconvinced and asked again.

"Nonsense, just to make money and earn a living." Xu Qinghuan answered matter-of-factly.

"Perfect, perfect." Izayoiyuki took a deep breath and continued to suppress the anger in her heart.

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, Izayoyoyuki stopped talking and concentrated on driving.

Xu Qinghuan, who was in the passenger seat, suddenly spoke again: "I have never done such a difficult job in my life."

"Is it harder to be a hero or to be a demon king?" Izayoi asked.

Xu Qinghuan shook his head and revealed the answer: "Convenience store clerks are more difficult."

"Wow, this answer is really beyond my expectation." Izayoi Yue pretended to be surprised, thinking, I knew you would say this!

Xu Qinghuan said: "I think human beings' jobs are really terrible."

Izayoiyuki ignored him.

"Hey, have you been to work?" Xu Qinghuan touched Izayoi Yue with his elbow.

"No." Izayoye Yuexin said, what's your problem? I am a noble Yueye Jianzun, the master of the Kingdom of Darkness, and I am in the same class as you.

"That's no wonder." Xu Qinghuan sighed, as if he was suffocated by the weight of life.

"How do you say it?" Izayoiyuki was suddenly curious.

"As a god, you naturally won't worry about money. You can get a lot of money by doing a magic trick."

"Hey, I can't do that kind of magic." Izayoiyuki said truthfully.

"You said you were curious about human life, but in fact you have never experienced the life of a real ordinary human being." Xu Qinghuan shook his head, "So you don't understand."

"I have lived in the world of life for many years." Izayoiyuki retorted.

"Yes, you have lived for many years and experienced the colorful lives in comics, but those are not the lives of most people. The reason why those comics are best-selling is because the people who read them also yearn for the life in the comics. , because I can't do it, so I yearn for it." Xu Qinghuan lit another cigarette, lowered the window, and the cold wind whistled through the window.

Izayoiyuki fell into silence. She had lived in the human world for many years and thought she knew enough about humans. But now she was educated by a demon king who had only come to this world a few years ago.

But as Xu Qinghuan said, as a god, she always feels out of place in the human world. She does not need to worry about money. She has countless ways to get money. The life she experiences is her choice. She likes and longs for it, so she feels that human life is so beautiful.

But she has always ignored that the vast majority of human beings actually cannot choose their lives, they have no right to choose.

"I...I also worked for others." Izayoiyuki thought for a long time and finally recalled that he had a boring work experience for a short time.

Xu Qinghuan shook his head: "You can work as a convenience store clerk or other ordinary jobs, but the mentality is different from ordinary people. You know that you can leave at any time if you want, but ordinary people have no choice, they lose If you lose your current job, you won’t be able to repay next month’s loan or pay your children’s school fees.”

Izayoi Yue was speechless.

"Did you know that we have a special organization dedicated to fighting against demons? The people in it are not regular armies from various kingdoms and churches, but are spontaneously formed by rangers. If you want to get ahead, you only need to practice swordsmanship and join them. , no one will laugh at your poverty, and everyone will call you a hero, because they need such people to protect them on the battlefield against demons. If you are lucky enough to kill a few demons on the battlefield, the army and the church will also I’ll give you a medal, and you won’t have to worry about food, drink or accommodation when you go to any city with the medal, and you’ll have unlimited refills in every tavern. Young girls are proud to marry such a hero.”

"Not every warrior is as strong as me. They will be nervous and scared before going to the battlefield, but once they set foot on the battlefield, everyone will regard death as home."

"Most of them cannot become regular soldiers because of status issues. In our world, if you want to join the army and the church, you have to pay attention to your family background. In peacetime, those nobles who pride themselves on being noble look down on the poor and humble civilians. The devil is coming. Sometimes they need these untouchables in their eyes to work hard. As soon as they present the award with a smile, they turn around with a look of disgust and wipe the hands of the untouchables who just touched them with disgust."

"Those great warriors knew this clearly, but they still went to the most brutal battlefield willingly. Because they knew that they were doing something meaningful. They were protecting their fellow humans behind them, and they were fighting against demons."

"They are stupid, stupid enough to protect those who are not worth protecting. They are great, so great that everyone's name deserves to be recorded in history books and praised."

Xu Qinghuan spoke in a calm tone.

"After seeing those stupid people, I decided to become a hero, because I am stronger than everyone else. I can kill all the demons by myself. I can stop this war and let those who don't deserve to die people are spared from sacrifice.”

Unknowingly, the car had already driven onto the street. On both sides of the road, scattered overtime workers in suits and ties could be seen walking on their way to get off work, exhausted.

Xu Qinghuan pointed at the office workers who were like walking zombies. They were walking home from work at two o'clock in the morning. Some of them must have passed out drunk on the roadside after socializing with clients, and their suits were stained with disgusting vomit.

"When I first came to this world, I actually looked down on these people."

“They work meaningless shifts every day and earn a meager salary to barely support their families. They go to and from work, and the exhaustion of work makes them forget that they once had no ideals. They seem to be alive but are actually dead long ago. "

"I used to be called the most powerful warrior in human history. Demons who heard my name would run away in panic no matter how powerful they were. Then I was called the most powerful demon king in history, and all those who resisted my will were defeated. I am completely wiped from the world.”

"I used to think that these people's poor and difficult lives were because they were not smart enough, not hardworking enough, and not good enough. Even if I don't use cheating power, I can still be much better than them." Xu Qinghuan smiled. "Later, I worked in a convenience store for a long time. I was assigned by the store manager to be busy every day, unloading and moving goods, sorting shelves, checking cash registers, and after paying my salary every month, there was not much left. When I got home from work every day, I just I want to lie in bed, rest, watch TV series and watch short videos to pass the time.”

"So I became very sympathetic to them. The developed Internet shows the lives of every class in front of them. They seem to have many choices, but in fact they don't have many choices."

"Now I begin to admire them. In our world, people desperately fight against the devil in order to survive, and the people in this world are also fighting a war. They realize the cruelty of life and still fight against it."

After saying that, Xu Qinghuan suddenly stuck his head out of the car, waved enthusiastically to the people passing by and cheered: "And you! Are the real heroes!"

Pedestrians subconsciously stayed away from this lunatic who was shouting in Chinese for no apparent reason. Only the drunk man under the telephone pole gave the lunatic a bright smile and a thumbs up.

Xu Qinghuan retreated into the car.

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