A black car drove at high speed on the road in the early morning, followed closely by more than a dozen cars of the same type.

Xu Qinghuan was sitting in the driver's seat and controlling the car underneath him. The speed pointer on the computer was already pointing to 160.

Driving at this speed on the urban road is obviously extremely dangerous. He drove the car through sporadic traffic and passed through one red light after another. Other drivers on the road slowed down and pulled over to let this group of speedsters Madman gives way.

The police officers on duty did not dare to stop them at all. They used walkie-talkies to inform their colleagues at the next intersection of the whereabouts of these cars and set up green lights in advance to reduce the probability of accidents.

An hour ago, the news of the attack on the Fujiwara Imperial Palace and the death of the head of the Fujiwara family, Chiba Fujiwara, shocked the whole world. All police forces in Tokyo were dispatched to maintain public order. As the head of the Gosho family, Chiba Fujiwara's death was bound to cause widespread concern among the five families. After receiving the news, the other family heads immediately summoned all their subordinates to the Fujiwara Imperial Palace.

Tokyo became lively in the early morning. The roads were full of vehicles belonging to the Wushu family, and police officers maintaining order at every intersection allowed them to pass.

Xu Qinghuan glanced at the rearview mirror and saw more and more black cars following behind.

He threw away the cigarette butt, raised the window, and stepped on the accelerator again. The vehicles behind him also accelerated to keep up.

Half an hour ago, Xu Qinghuan was reversing with difficulty and knocked over a trash can on the roadside.

This is the second time in his life that he drives a car. The first time was Lin Yue’s Ferrari.

He drove slowly on the road according to the navigation set by Izayoi Yue before leaving. Just as he was smoking and waiting for the red light at the intersection, black cars drove directly past.

This shocked Xu Qinghuan, thinking that the quality of the Japanese people was worrying, so wouldn't they be afraid of being fined if they ran a red light?

When Xu Qinghuan drove to the next intersection, a police car with flashing lights was parked on the side of the road, and the police were directing traffic.

Xu Qinghuan said that these racing gangs should be carefully controlled, but he didn't expect that Japan's police dispatch was quite fast.

Just as he was swaying left and right in the driver's seat to the dynamic Japanese songs in the car, two more black cars overtook him, one of which was even driving in the wrong direction.

Xu Qinghuan cursed and said, "What a bunch of idiots. Didn't you see the police in front of you? You guys are waiting to be arrested." Unexpectedly, the police at the intersection turned a blind eye to this.

Xu Qinghuan was confused and wondered whether the traffic laws in Japan were different from those in China? Does the red light mean passage?

Just when he was confused, a car stopped to his left, the window was rolled down, and a Japanese man in a black suit on the passenger side shouted sternly at Xu Qinghuan in Japanese that he did not understand, and then sped away.

Xu Qinghuan suddenly felt angry and evil in his heart. In his opinion, that annoying Japanese man must be mocking him.

He is the devil, a notorious outlaw. If there is anyone in the world who should not abide by the rules, it is definitely him. How can he be laughed at by little devils for waiting at a red light?

So things developed into what they are now.

He passed one car after another along the way, and every time he overtook it, it was extremely thrilling, and he even knocked off a taxi's rearview mirror just now. He no longer knew where he was driving, he was just driving wildly with those black cars, and he drove wherever the road was wide. The on-board navigation interface kept re-planning the route, and the annoying navigation kept ringing, probably to remind him to go. Wrong way.

"Did you see that the members of the Fujiwara family are so loyal that they rushed back without their lives when they learned that something happened to the head of the family?"

In the vehicle following Xu Qinghuan, the man in the passenger seat pointed at the speeding vehicle in front and scolded his younger brother.

"We must not fall behind, Mr. Chongming, drive faster." The man said to the younger brother who was driving.

"But boss, he doesn't seem to be going the right way." The man in the driver's seat warned carefully.

"Stupid! That car has the license plate of the Fujiwara family. How could the members of the Fujiwara family know where the Fujiwara Palace is? They must have taken a shortcut!"


The young man known as Chongmingjun stepped on the gas pedal.

Among the vehicles behind, the young man driving looked puzzled at the vehicle in front of him that did not turn.

"Did the Takaji family drive the wrong way?" the young man asked doubtfully.

"They must be taking a shortcut and want to get to the Fujiwara Palace first to seize the credit as a token of their sincerity! Follow them!" The middle-aged man who looked like a team leader in the passenger seat taught the newcomers.

The three men huddled in the back row nodded in agreement.

Vehicles behind.

"Boss, this road is not right. We have missed several turns and are getting further and further away from Fujiwara Imperial Palace." The driver was confused.

"Stupid! The people in the Takaji family and the Kujo family in front of you are all idiots. Do they even take the wrong path to the master's house?"

Vehicles behind.

"Just follow Konoe's car in front. I'll take a nap first." In the passenger seat, the man who was woken up in the middle of the night looked sleepy. He adjusted his seat and fell asleep.


Shen Delu was going crazy.

It was originally an ordinary day for a migrant worker. Shen Delu, a security guard who had been fishing all day, was about to get off work when he was dragged to Japan by Lin Yue who broke in and went on a mission. He was only given half an hour to pack his luggage. , and then after various transfers, he finally boarded the plane to Japan at ten o'clock in the night. By the time he and Lin Yue arrived in Tokyo and got off the plane, it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

Shen Delu was restless along the way. He imagined countless times that he was a great hero who would save the world. He would fly to the world every day in a luxurious first-class cabin to save the people in distress. As soon as he got off the plane, the local people would enthusiastically rush towards him and say words of gratitude. But it’s finally up to you, hero, that son-of-a-bitch monster is destroying our home, and what happens next is up to you!

But when the day came, Shen Delu's legs were so weak that he almost fell down when he got off the plane.

He was very confident at first. There were Xu Qinghuan, Xia Yi and his elder brother in Japan. He knew the strength of those three very well, not to mention his elder brother. Although he had great confidence in him, he really couldn't stand it in front of the other two. It was so interesting that those two people could destroy the world if taken alone. In his opinion, this task was just a waste of credit, and maybe he could get some bonuses.

But damn Xu Qinghuan hadn't replied to her message for 24 hours. Shen Delu had no choice but to send a message to ask Xia Yi. Fortunately, Xia Yi had not lost contact. She replied that she didn't know where Xu Qinghuan was and that she had probably returned to China.

What kind of tasks will make the devil run away? That was the Demon King who pressed Loki at his peak to the ground and rubbed him!

The more Shen Delu thought about it, the more frightened he became. As soon as he got off the plane, he took Lin Yue to find Xia Yi. Now only with Xia Yi and his brother by his side, he didn't have to worry about dying in a foreign country.

The two took a taxi based on the address sent by Xia Yi.

The situation is getting worse and worse. The closer you get to the city, the more police there are. Black cars are driving arrogantly on the road regardless of traffic rules. The police on the roadside don't even dare to stop them and are even directing traffic to give way to those vehicles.

Shen Delu stammered and said, "Didn't I hear that Japan's public security is very good? Why is it different from what he imagined?"

The taxi driver carefully drove his car to give way to those vehicles, while introducing the local customs to the two foreign tourists.

Lin Yue's Japanese is not bad. She translated the driver's words to Shen Delu and said that it should be a gang fight.

Driving carefully all the way, getting closer and closer to the address given by Xia Yi, Shen Delu sat in the back seat and prayed to God to bless him to join Xia Yi and his brother smoothly.

Suddenly, an oncoming black car driving in the opposite direction at high speed flashed its high beams. The taxi driver quickly braked and turned the steering wheel. Just as the two cars were about to collide, the black car on the other side changed lanes in a thrilling way. The two cars passed by each other, but the taxi was knocked off. Car rear view mirror.

One black car after another followed closely behind.

Shen Delu asked with a trembling heart: Are all Japan such crazy people? Speeding in the wrong direction and running a red light in the middle of the night is really life-threatening.

The taxi driver stopped the car on the side of the road and refused to get on the road again. With a serious look on his face, Lin Yue took out several wads of 10,000 yen worth of Japanese yen from his pocket and stuffed them into the driver's face. Then he got out of the car and dragged the driver away without any explanation. When I came down, I said that the money should be enough to buy your car. I got into the driver's seat, put it in gear, stepped on the accelerator, turned around roughly, and followed you.

"Hey, hey, hey, Miss Lin, why are you crazy? The local underworld fight has nothing to do with us! We'd better find Xia Yi and then discuss it in the long term!" Shen Delu tightly grasped the armrest of the roof of the car, trying to maintain his balance.

"The car just now was driven by Xu Qinghuan."

When the two cars passed by each other just now, Shen Delu was so frightened that he closed his eyes, while Lin Yue clearly saw the excited look on Xu Qinghuan's face in the driver's seat opposite.

Xu Qinghuan was in a happy mood, and all the racing gang members had surrendered to his driving skills and followed him obediently, without any thoughts of overtaking him.

Now that these little guys are convinced, there is no need to continue this game.

He slowed down the car, changed lanes, lowered the sun visor on the driver's seat, and looked in the mirror proudly.

"As expected of you."

He said to himself in the mirror.

The vehicle that had been following him caught up with Xu Qinghuan and drove side by side.

The man in the passenger seat lowered the window and shouted something in Japanese that he didn't understand at Xu Qinghuan.

Xu Qinghuan thought that the other party had surrendered to his superb driving skills and came here to see his style. He always had a good temper towards his admirers, the Demon King, so he let him drive down the road and lowered the window and responded with a smile: "It's not a shame to lose to me. , don’t feel too inferior to yourself.”

I don't know whether he was stimulated by Xu Qinghuan's words or because he lost the game and jumped over the wall. The man in the passenger seat yelled something at Xu Qinghuan with an angry expression. He took out a gun from under the seat and pointed it at Xu Qinghuan, shouting non-stop.

Anger suddenly emerged in Xu Qinghuan's heart, and he said to himself that I won you over and your body was covered with flowers and water. You still don't accept it, right? You don't have any competitive spirit at all, so you draw your gun after losing.

The people of the Wushu family had already realized that the person driving the car with the Fujiwara family's license plate was a young Chinese man.

The chase in Tokyo escalated again, and people from the Wushe family took out their guns and shot at Xu Qinghuan.

Xu Qinghuan, who was driving at the front, shouted excitedly in the car, and the car stereo played harsh heavy metal music.

The scene in the movie where the male protagonist dodges bullets while driving is obviously not believable, and the killer chasing him is not a fool. How could he shoot bullets one after another and yet perfectly avoid the protagonist in the driver's seat?

Obviously, the original owner of this car did not have a high enough status in the Fujiwara family to own a high-end car that was fully bulletproof, so Xu Qinghuan was shot many times, and perhaps it should be said that no part of his body was uninjured. Thick bullets penetrated the car body, and one or two tires were probably shot out. Xu Qinghuan reluctantly controlled the disobedient steering wheel, pressing the accelerator as hard as possible.

He deliberately had no defense. The pain from the bullet penetrating his body and the splattered blood made him feel the excitement and passion he had not seen for a long time. The magic power in his body was repairing his body at a high speed.

He was like a desperado, with an unknown road ahead of him, a large group of Japanese gangsters chasing him behind him, and the hard-to-appreciate heavy metal music and the sound of bullets piercing the air in his ears.

What a perfect night.

Xu Qinghuan's car was completely unable to drive. All the tires were blown out, the body was in tatters, and the fuel tank was broken. The rear of the car caught fire. It slid on the road at low speed and finally hit the guardrail in the middle of the road.

The Wushe family controlled the vehicle to stop at a distance. The nearly scrapped vehicle could explode at any time, and the people inside would have no chance of surviving under such firepower.

As expected, there was a bang a few seconds later, and the fire shot into the sky and set off a heat wave.

The car finally exploded.

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