In the dark sky of the Kingdom of Night, a black and red light fell rapidly into the endless abyss.

"Brother Xu!" Shen Delu exclaimed.

He and Lin Yue ran to the edge of the cliff and looked into the abyss.

Shen Delu just glanced at it and turned his head and fell to the ground. This bottomless abyss that could not be seen at a glance made him so scared that his legs weakened. This fear came from the unknown, just like human beings' fear of the deep sea.

What's more, there is a strange snake with only seven heads in the abyss.

"How is Brother Xu?" Shen Delu closed his eyes tightly and asked Lin Yue standing aside.

"Can't see clearly." Lin Yue shook her head.

The two of them could only hear the painful roars from the monsters in the abyss.

Xu Qinghuan has long been used to this kind of dark and numb place. He once spent a number of days in the sea of ​​abyss that he couldn't remember even after his hands and feet were cut off.

He rushed into the abyss at great speed, like a black sharp blade that could cut off everything. The Yamata no Orochi in the abyss also realized that a powerful enemy was coming, and its seven heads twisted and pounced on the tiny creature.

Xu Qinghuan stepped heavily on a snake's head. The strong momentum caused the snake's head to fall rapidly, and the whole body was affected and fell down.

Using his inertia, Xu Qing jumped into the air and punched the snake's head towards him.

This scene was so shocking that his body was not even as big as the scales on the snake-headed face. Lin Yue could not even see his existence in the abyss.

The powerful fist hit the snake's face, and the scales covering the entire snake's body instantly exploded and flew around, followed by stinky flesh and blood, and it turned into a blur of rotten meat before it even had time to cry. .

The ground was shaking continuously, with an amplitude no less than that of a high-level earthquake. Lin Yue and Shen Delu had to stay away from the cliff.

The endless roar finally stopped, and the ground returned to calm.

The devil spread its wings and flew out of the abyss, and when it landed next to the two of them, Xu Qinghuan's appearance had returned to normal.

"Killed?" Shen Delu stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Of course." Xu Qinghuan breathed heavily. In order to save magic power, he deliberately did not summon the magic sword, but chose simpler melee combat. Even this cost him a lot of strength.

"All its heads were torn off and smashed by me. Now it should be called Lingqi Orochi." Xu Qinghuan joked.

The battle just now was not really as calm as he said. This ugly monster devoured too many souls and was much stronger than last time.

"Oh, it's a pity that I didn't take a photo." Shen Delu frowned. It's not like he hasn't tried it before. His phone couldn't be turned on after entering here.

"What's going on with these people?" Lin Yue pointed to the dense crowd around him. Their eyes were still dull and they jumped numbly into the abyss.

"It's a long story." Xu Qinghuan was too lazy to explain.

"Brother Xu, please keep the story short." Shen Delu took Xu Qinghuan's arm. He is curious about it all, adding exciting drama to the stories he creates.

Xu Qinghuan took a deep breath helplessly and explained: "Tsukiyomi built a bridge here for the undead to pass through to the Country of Underworld on the other side. Her mother happened to be sealed in the Country of Underworld. Her younger brother Susano wanted to Awakening the Yamata no Orochi in the abyss, and using it to break the seal and rescue his mother, Susano cut the bridge, and the unconscious souls fell into the abyss and became the food of the Yamata no Orochi."

"In order to stop this sacrifice, Tsukuyomi closed the passage between the human world and the Kingdom of Darkness." Xu Qinghuan looked at the large swaths of undead around him jumping into the abyss one after another, "But now it seems that someone has opened the door to the Kingdom of Darkness again. ”

"Where is my sister-in-law?" Shen Delu said worriedly.

"Who knows, she is in the same group as Hanyu Kusuke we just met. Maybe the two of them made up these things." Xu Qinghuan looked angry.

"Wait a minute!" Shen Delu's brain was shut down by the influx of too much information at once, "The Samurai God Association and Principal Long are in the same group. Hanyu Kurasuke is the head of the Samurai God Association, and at the same time he is talking to me. My sister-in-law is in contact..."

"The case has been solved!" Shen Delu said excitedly. He was extremely excited to be able to show his usefulness in a task of this level.

"What?" Xu Qinghuan and Lin Yue said in unison.

"My sister-in-law, Hanyu Kurasuke and Principal Long are all in the same group." Shen Delu said proudly.

Lin Yue lowered his head and thought.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter which one of them is with whom, we'll beat them all up after we go out." Xu Qinghuan waved his hand indifferently.

Shen Delu's expression suddenly turned frightened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Brother Xu Xuxu...are you sure you killed Yamata no Orochi?"

"Nonsense, did I trick you into having money to spend?" Xu Qinghuan frowned.

Shen Delu stretched out his hand and pointed behind Xu Qinghuan.

"Then what's behind you?"

Xu Qinghuan and Lin Yue had already noticed something was wrong when Shen Delu was talking. Lin Yue lit blue flames in his hands and turned around to prepare, while Xu Qinghuan turned around impatiently.

Familiar stench.

The ground began to tremble, and eight huge pink snake heads crawled out from the edge of the cliff one after another, their bodies as smooth and tender as new life.

The eight giants opened their bloody mouths to devour the undead on the cliff, as if they were eating a buffet. The undead did not react at all and allowed themselves to be swallowed and dissipated. As more and more undead were devoured, the monster's pink body gradually grew majestic black scales.

The ground on the edge of the cliff could not bear the weight of the Yamata no Orochi and the body began to collapse. It began to struggle and crawl from the edge of the cliff to the ground, getting closer and closer to Xu Qinghuan and the others.

"Damn it." Xu Qinghuan cursed, "You two hide, I'll come back as soon as I can."

Not long after he finished saying that he had killed Yamata no Orochi, this ugly monster appeared in a very ignorant manner, which made Xu Qinghuan feel that he had lost face.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Delu had already fled far away. No wonder people's potential is unlimited. Even with weak legs, he broke through the fastest speed in the physical test.

Abyssal phobia, giant phobia and various miscellaneous symptoms have already frightened Shen Delu to the point where he wanted to dig a hole in the ground and stuff his head inside. The core idea is that if you retract your feet under the quilt, the female ghost can't hurt herself. It's the same kind of self-deception.

This is not because Shen Delu is too timid. Even Lin Yue, who has fought against the Black Demon Dog alone on several missions, couldn't help but feel fear and suffocation when looking at the abyss. This fear reached its peak when the Yamata no Orochi climbed up the cliff. reached its peak.

Observing this huge, ugly monster at such a close distance, the scarlet vertical pupils, the eight dancing songs, the new-born pink body, and the black scales that gradually grew out like ringworm.

Lin Yue stood there with her limbs stiff, and the overwhelming fear overwhelmed her.

It seemed that only herself and the terrifying eight-headed giant snake were left in the world.

"What are you still doing here?"

A familiar male voice came to his ears, pulling Lin Yue out of the whirlpool of fear.

Xu Qinghuan frowned and stared at Lin Yue in confusion, wondering if this girl was frightened.

Lin Yue woke up.

"Hide quickly, don't get in the way."

His speed was so fast that Yue could only see a ray of black light, and in the blink of an eye, Shen Delu could no longer find Xu Qinghuan's body. After all, his body was too small compared to the huge creature.

Lin Yue turned back while running, trying to find Xu Qinghuan's figure.

Suddenly her steps slowed down.

Xu Qinghuan stood on the head of the snake in the middle of the Yamata no Orochi. His left hand turned into a sharp claw and inserted into the monster's forehead to keep his body shape. His right hand punched the monster's eyes one after another.

I have to admit that this man who rushed against the flow of people and rushed towards the peerless monster at the moment of life and death exuded charming charm.

The black suit he snatched didn't fit well, and the suit jacket swayed in the wind. Lin Yue was too far away to see his face clearly, and could only vaguely see him running on the bulging snake body.

Move forward fearlessly and with dignity.

Xu Qinghuan gathered the magic power into his left hand and turned it into a sharp claw. Yamata no Orochi's body, which Susano'o once barely broke open with the sacred weapon Ten Fist Sword, was like a fragile white paper in front of his demonized left hand.

He inserted his left hand into the snake's head, stepped on the snake's head and ran all the way towards the snake's body. The hard scales shattered wherever he passed, the snake's body was split into two, blood spattered everywhere, and the flesh and blood separated.

The Yamata no Orochi let out a painful wail, twisting its body in an attempt to get away from the man pinned to itself, and the other seven also opened their huge mouths and pounced on Xu Qinghuan.

Xu Qinghuan originally thought that they were coming for him, but after he dodged their attack, they actually started to eat the body of the same kind that was about to die at his feet, completely ignoring Xu Qinghuan.

"It's so ugly."

Xu Qinghuan gasped and looked at this scene indifferently.

The situation is much more dangerous than imagined. This monster recovers very quickly and is stronger than before every time it is reborn.

This is also the reason why he changed his fighting style, wanting to save as much magic power as possible.

He took out his left hand, looking for an opportunity to cross over to the head of another snake that was eating the remains of the same kind. When he was about to do the same, the Yamata no Orochi's entire body had climbed onto the ground, crawling forward at a very fast speed.

This guy had been trying to climb up the cliff before, as if there was something on the ground that attracted him. Even though he knew that there was a powerful enemy like Xu Qinghuan, he still wanted to take the risk.

Xu Qinghuan lost his balance and fell from a high place. His demonized left hand instantly returned to its original state, and instead, a pair of bone wings grew out of his back, allowing him to float in the air.

The body of the Yamata no Orochi is huge, and its movements seem clumsy but in fact it is extremely fast. The undead souls on the ground dissipate instantly when touched by its body. The body of the snake destroyed by Xu Qinghuan is like a broken branch sprouting new buds. A new head grew at an alarming rate.

Wherever the snake's body passed, it left behind pools of thick black mucus, quickly corroding the ground.

Lin Yue and Shen Delu looked at the Yamata no Orochi approaching them.

"Run away!" Lin Yue shouted.

Shen Delu also reacted, and he and Lin Yue ran away frantically for their lives.

Yamata no Orochi seemed not interested in Lin Yue and chased Shen Delu with a clear goal.

Lin Yue, who had not run far, realized this problem. She turned to look at Shen Delu.

Shen Delu shouted for help while running away like a crazy rabbit, but unfortunately his speed could not be compared with Yamata no Orochi, and the monster behind him was getting closer and closer to him.

Lin Yue's heart skipped a beat and turned back in the direction of Shen Delu.

Xu Qinghuan in the sky was also thinking of ways to stop this monster that looked like it had taken stimulants. He tried to drag the Yamata no Orochi away by its tail. This scene looked very funny. The huge and majestic monster was actually dragged by a tiny figure. With its tail restrained, this monster really couldn't move.

This move indeed slowed down the monster. Just when Xu Qinghuan was proud and Lin Yue and Shen Delu breathed a sigh of relief, one of the snakes turned its head and opened its bloody mouth and bit off its own tail. Xu Qinghuan couldn't help but admire the behavior of a strong man cutting off the wrists and tail of a gecko, and wondered why this guy wanted to chase Shen Delu even if he risked his life.

Could it be that that guy is a ginseng fruit?

"If I can go back alive, I must dramatize this scene well. If I don't write hundreds of thousands of words, I won't be able to bear this pain!"

Shen Delu ran wildly and yelled. He was so frightened that he didn't even dare to look back. The monster's roar and strong smell of blood were getting closer and closer to him. He could only say bad words to divert his attention.

"You bitch, Xiao Xu! If you can't do it, you can't do it. Why are you bragging? I was killed by you."

His physical strength has long been exhausted, and he relies solely on adrenaline to maintain his strength. His legs have begun to weaken and he may fall at any time.

No matter what he was afraid of, the key to him actually falling to the ground was that he landed on his face. His handsome face that he was so proud of was completely ruined.

Damn, I should have taken a plane to that seaside city to meet my soul mate earlier. I had to believe some Tianyan calculation and the result was fine now. I have been dating a girlfriend for three or four years and haven't seen her once in a while.

It turns out that there really is a revolving door before death, and scenes of his absurd, boring and extremely declining life experience appeared in his mind.

He could no longer stand up, and his limbs were shaking uncontrollably due to the exhaustion of his strength.

A force came from behind and pulled him up. Shen Deluxin said that he didn't expect that being eaten wouldn't be very painful.

"Hold me tight!" Lin Yue shouted to Shen Delu, and at the same time, he carried Shen Delu, whose limbs were already limp, on his back, and continued running towards the boundless darkness.

Shen Delu lay on Lin Yue's back in a daze, thinking that although he and Lin Yue were classmates, they were not close to each other. Could it be that she had been coveting her beauty for a long time?

Speaking of which, Lin Yue was really good to herself.

Shen Delu thought about how Lin Yue had been paying attention to him silently for four years in college and had a love in his heart that was difficult to express in words.

"Sister Lin Yue, that...I..." Shen Delu hesitated.

"Say!" Lin Yue has excellent blood and excellent physical fitness. Even if the deer weighs heavily on his back, he still walks vigorously.

"I have a girlfriend." Shen Delu said awkwardly.

Lin Yue turned around and glared at Shen Delu, never expecting that this out-of-touch guy would still be so out of tune at a critical moment of life and death.

The movement behind them gradually subsided, and the two turned around and found that Yamata no Orochi seemed to be blocked by something.

"It's my smart and handsome Brother Xu who impressed the top ten young people in the country! He pulled the monster's tail!" Shen Delu excitedly patted Lin Yue's shoulder, "Put me down quickly! It's just a little snake. I already told Brother Xu It can be done!”

Lin Yue stopped and put down Shen Delu. It seemed that Xu Qinghuan had really stopped the Yamata no Orochi.

Shen Delu, who had escaped with his life, began to boast: "Xiao Lin, I am not telling you, you get so panicked in a small scene, look at me..."

One of the Yamata no Orochi bit off its own tail, its painful wail echoed throughout the world, and it ran towards the two of them at high speed again.

Shen Delu jumped onto Lin Yue's back.

"Sister Lin! Hurry! I know that bitch Xu Qinghuan is unreliable!"

If it weren't for the moment of life and death, Lin Yue would have really wanted to find a mirror and let Shen Delu see his ugly face.

Lin Yue picked up Shen Delu again and started running wildly.

"Miss Lin, to be honest, you must have been a great horse in your last life!" Shen Delu praised.

"I can throw you down at any time." Lin Yue replied coldly.

Shen Delu shut up.

Xu Qinghuan in the sky looked helplessly at Lin Yue and Shen Delu on the ground, thinking that the two people sent by the academy were not here specifically to hinder him.

The sound of scales rubbing against the ground became clearer and clearer, and Lin Yue's nose could tell that this meant that the Yamata no Orochi was getting closer and closer to them.

Lin Yue's heart was beating fast, and Shen Delu on his back stopped talking.

"Hey, why don't you speak?" Lin Yue asked.

At this time, she really needed Shen Delu to say something bad to distract her from her fear.

Suddenly there was a force on his back, Shen Delu broke away from Lin Yue and fell to the ground.

Lin Yue looked at Shen Delu in surprise.

"This guy seems to be coming for me." Shen Delu gave her an ugly smile, "It's better to die one than to die two."

Shen Delu got the strength from nowhere, turned around and ran towards Yamata no Orochi.

He realized that Yamata no Orochi's target was him, and Lin Yue carrying him would only make it impossible for both of them to escape.

Even though he was afraid of death, he was not just a guy who wanted a girl to support him before he died.

The target was right in front of him, Yamata no Orochi excitedly opened his bloody mouth towards Shen Delu.

Shen Delu closed his eyes tightly, secretly praying in his heart that he could die quickly.

The eight snake heads rushed towards Shen Delu. Just when they were about to swallow him, Shen Delu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Kneel down!"

Shen Delu's face showed a majesty that had never belonged to him. The simple two words were like the might of heaven. An unknown force pressed the Yamata-no-Orochi's body suspended in mid-air to the ground, causing the earth to tremble.

Almost at the same time, the black light split the body of the Yamata no Orochi, and this monster that destroyed the world turned into minced meat.

Xu Qinghuan put away the magic sword and landed in front of Shen Delu, sizing up this friend who could subdue Yamata no Orochi with just two words.

For him who summoned the weapon, it only took a moment to subdue the Yamata-no Orochi. He did not take action just because the sudden violence of the Yamata-no Orochi caught his attention.

What secret is hidden in Shen Delu? It turned out to be fatally attractive to this monster.

"Brother Xu!" When Shen Delu saw that the person coming was Xu Qinghuan, he immediately ran over, "My brother Xu! You don't even know what I went through just now!"

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