A golden stream of light flashed across the sky.

Xia Yi's eyes glowed with golden light, and she had transparent wings spread out behind her. Her speed was too fast for people on the ground to notice, and she left pieces of split clouds behind her.

After parting ways with Izayoiyuki, she did not choose to take the Shinkansen train, which was the fastest way for ordinary people to return to Tokyo. However, Xia Yi was not an ordinary person, so she chose to fly back directly.

What Xu Qinghuan didn't know was that he actually didn't have to worry about Xia Yi's magic power consumption at all, because Xia Yi's magic power had recovered to 70% to 80% since the battle with Wednesday in the college ice cellar, and there was no chance to consume it after that.

Fortunately, Izayoi Yue took back the magatama from Xia Yi's wrist in time, otherwise Xia Yi could break it off at any time if she really wanted to.

While rushing on the road, Xia Yi thought about many things.

The Tsukuyomi they have been looking for is actually in Takako's body. For some strange reasons, the two sisters are trapped in the same body.

This weird rainstorm should be some kind of monster's resurrection ceremony. Now that the rain has stopped, it means that the ceremony has been terminated. There is a high probability that Xu Qinghuan has solved the matter.

This made Xia Yi breathe a sigh of relief.

She tried to find Xu Qinghuan based on the aura of magic power, and indeed felt the surge of magic power. The strange thing was that she could not confirm the specific location.

Xia Yi fell into a deserted alley and returned to the hotel.

The last message Shen Delu sent to himself showed that the three of them had come here to look for him at around eleven o'clock at noon.

The proprietress on the second floor of the hotel saw the silver-haired girl leaving and returning, and had a premonition that something was wrong. After all, in her eyes, the identities of the group were not simple.

Xia Yi didn't speak Japanese, so she had to open her phone to find the selfie of the three of them sent to her by Shen Delu, and use translation software to translate her questions.

"Where are these three people?"

The landlady took the phone respectfully and entered text on the translation software.

"The three of them left in the Rolls-Royce around half past eleven."

"Did you say where you were going?"


The two of them communicated in such a troublesome way.

Xia Yi left the hotel and disappeared around the corner.

"You are speeding, you are speeding." Speeding reminders are constantly issued on the mobile phone navigation.

Shen Delu had previously sent a selfie of the three of them in the office of the Evil Ghost Headquarters building. In the photo, there was a huge signboard of the shopping mall outside the French window. In line with the principle of having to start from scratch when there is no clue, Xia Yi decided Let’s first go to the Fujiwara Building to understand the situation.

In the Fujiwara Building, the three people who suddenly broke in today caused chaos in the building. The death of many core personnel paralyzed this organization that has been operating with precision for many years.

Secretary Tsukina is directing the reconstruction work in the office. So many important positions are suddenly vacant. At this juncture, everyone in the family is still arguing about placing their own people.

The phone on the desk rang.

"Miss Yukina, this is the security department. Suddenly a Chinese girl came to the building to inquire about the three people who invaded the building in the morning."

"I'll go downstairs right away!"

As if facing an enemy, Yuena hurriedly left the office and took the elevator downstairs.

After getting out of the elevator, Yue Na trotted all the way to the lobby on the first floor. Because of the morning, the decoration in the lobby was destroyed and she didn't have time to restore it. There was not even a place to sit.

The two men in the security department looked frightened, and they were relieved when Yue Na arrived.

Yuena glared at the two of them, thinking to herself that she didn't have the eyesight to take the distinguished guest upstairs to rest. Isn't the loss you suffered in the morning enough to teach you a lesson?

Then he noticed the silver-haired girl standing in the hall.

"Sorry for the poor reception." Yuena said in Chinese, with an apologetic look on her face.

The silver-haired girl was surprisingly easy to talk to.

"Have you met these three people?" Xia Yi saw that the other party could speak Chinese, which saved her a lot of trouble. She raised her phone and there were selfies of Xu Qinghuan, Shen Delu and Lin Yue.

Even now when she sees the man's face in the photo, Yuena can't help but feel nervous.

"I've seen it." Yuena nodded, "Who are you?"

She could not confirm the relationship between the silver-haired girl and the three people. If she made Xu Qinghuan angry after providing her with information, the consequences would be disastrous.

"My name is Xia Yi, and I am their friend." Xia Yi said truthfully.

"It turns out to be Miss Xia Yi!" Yuena said in surprise.

In the morning, as a representative of the demons, she accompanied Xu Qinghuan and the others to the Samurai Gods Association, and then accompanied the three of them to Hanyu Kamasuke's office in a vehicle provided by the Samurai Gods Association.

On the way, the three of them would mention Xia Yi's name from time to time, and in just a few words Yuena could figure out that this woman named Xia Yi was a friend that Xu Qinghuan cared about very much, and would take photos from time to time and send them to Xia Yi.

"You know me?" Xia Yi was confused.

"I accompanied Mr. Xu Qinghuan and his two friends in the morning, and they always talked about your name." Yuena said respectfully.

"Then do you know where they are now?" Xia Yi asked.

Yukina apologized: "I separated from the three of them halfway."

"Is there any way to check?" Xia Yi asked.

"There is indeed a way..." Yuena pretended to be in trouble, but she had a good idea in mind.

"Do you need money? How much?" Xia Yi said as she rummaged through her pockets.

Yue Na quickly stopped, thinking that the gap between people is really big, and this girl is too easy to talk to.

"They are driving a special car provided by the Samurai God Association. Generally, vehicles of that level will have a positioning system." Yuena was ready to kick this trouble to the Samurai God Association.

She couldn't confirm the strength of the silver-haired girl in front of her. After all, the man named Shen Delu next to Xu Qinghuan was quite ordinary. The woman named Lin Yue was also very afraid of Xu Qinghuan based on her behavior along the way. Simply put, no matter how rich she was, People also have a few poor friends.

If the servant god knows how to recognize each other, then it's okay, and he can still be a favor. If there is a conflict due to lack of recognition, then they will wait for the man's revenge. If the girl in front of them dies, with the strength Xu Qinghuan showed that morning. Look, the Samurai God Society will soon disappear from this world.

"Please enter the address of the Samurai God Association." Xia Yi handed over the phone.

"Are you going to navigate?" Yuenai was a little surprised, thinking that this way of traveling was not worthy of your status as Xu Qinghuan's friend.

Xia Yi nodded.

"You are Mr. Xu's friend. We are willing to escort you there by plane or car. After all, the Samurai God Club is there..."

Xia Yi shook his head and said, "That's too slow."

slow? The helicopter is still slow? Tsukina didn't know what the silver-haired girl meant.

"But I do need a translator." Xia Yi thought for a moment and then added: "I can pay for it, and I can ensure the safety of the translator no matter where it is."

Yue Nai was thinking about how to send someone to accompany her. After hearing this, she immediately volunteered: "I can accompany Miss Xia Yi."

"How much money do you need? I don't have a lot of yen with me." Xia Yi said as she started to dig through her pockets.

Looking at the dumb girl in front of her, Yue Nai suddenly couldn't bear it, thinking that she should try to ensure the girl's safety as much as possible.

"Miss Xia Yi is so polite. It's our honor to be able to help you." Yuena said respectfully, then winked at the men on the side and said in Japanese: "Notify me, I will see you in five minutes." A helicopter is waiting on the rooftop."

The men received the order and immediately started making phone calls to prepare.

"Excuse me." Xia Yi turned around and walked towards the door, "Let's go."

Yuena followed and explained: "Miss Xiayi, it will take a few minutes for the helicopter to take off."

"That's too slow. I'll take you there." Xia Yi turned around and said.

Yue Nai didn't understand what Xiayi was talking about, so she had to follow her out of the building, thinking to herself, I want to see what kind of transportation you use in the city that is faster than a helicopter.

The two are now outside the building.

"Enter the address. I'm worried that you won't know the way for a while." Xia Yi handed over the phone.

Although Yue Nai didn't know what the girl was going to do, she respectfully entered the address and gave it back to Xia Yi.

Xia Yi took the phone and suddenly put an arm around Yuena's waist.

"Close your eyes if you're scared." Xia Yi reminded.

"Miss Xia Yi, what are you..." Before Yue Na could finish her words, she screamed the next moment.

"Miss Tsukina, the helicopter pilot has already..." A subordinate ran out of the door, looked at the empty door and wondered: "It's strange, Miss Tsukina was still here just now."

Yue Na felt like she was in a dream.

In the last second, she felt that she was being lifted up by a powerful force. The feeling was much more exciting than any roller coaster jumping machine. When she opened her eyes again, she saw a small city below her and the sound of wind in her ears. .

They were flying through the sky at an incredible speed.

Yuena looked at Xia Yi who was hugging her. Her eyes were filled with sacred golden light, and a pair of transparent wings with golden light stretched out behind her.

Xia Yi hugged Yue Nai with one hand and lowered her head to check the mobile phone in her other hand despite flying at high speed to make sure she had not strayed from her destination.

Monster's friends are indeed monsters.

Yuena marveled inwardly, feeling ridiculous for her previous thoughts.

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