"How will you be here?"

Xia Yi took back the holy sword in his hand and looked at Principal Long who was walking towards him.

"The rain has stopped, I'll come over and take a look." Principal Long stood with a smile on his face, "Things are a little beyond my expectation."

"Is this all your plan?" Xia Yi asked with a frown.

"The more detailed the plan, the more likely it is to go wrong. I only give people the right to choose, and their choice determines the direction of things." Principal Long still looked as calm as ever, "Just like now, I am very curious about what you will do. What decision to make.”

Xia Yi's right hand shone with golden light again, and the holy sword appeared in his hand.

"This barrier cannot stop me."

"It's true that I can't stop you." Principal Long smiled, "But this is the last barrier between the Kingdom of Darkness and Japan."

"What do you mean?" Xia Yi asked coldly.

"Behind the door is the Kingdom of Night in Japanese mythology, also known as the Kingdom of the Dead. The Yamata-no-Orochi is imprisoned inside. If you forcefully cut through this barrier, it will be equivalent to releasing this world-destroying monster." Principal Long's tone Can't hide my excitement.

"The rain has stopped." Xia Yi said coldly.

The vision symbolizing the revival of Yamata no Orochi has stopped, indicating that Xu Qinghuan has solved this problem.

"It will rain again soon," Principal Long said. "The Yamata no Orochi is a world-destroying monster created by Izanagi who exhausted his divine power. Its power comes from devouring human souls."

"Nearly a century's worth of undead have now poured into the Kingdom of Night, providing Yamata no Orochi with a steady stream of power. Its revival is only a matter of time."

"Will Xu Qinghuan's remaining strength be exhausted after killing Yamata no Orochi several times?" Principal Long asked.

The light of the holy sword in Xia Yi's hand gradually faded.

If it is true as the principal said, Xu Qinghuan is facing an enemy who has a steady stream of power and cannot be completely killed. Even if Xu Qinghuan can kill Yamata no Orochi again and again, when his magic power is exhausted, he will still become The food of Yamata no Orochi.

If this barrier is forcibly broken, the immortal monster will escape from the Kingdom of Darkness and come to the human world. Even if he was confident of killing the monster, a battle of that level would definitely affect ordinary people.

"I know Mengyu once discussed with you the issue of killing one person to save more people. I like your answer very much." Principal Long stamped out the cigarette butts at his feet. "Now the problem has changed. Saving one person will lead to more people." Many people die, what is your choice?”

Xia Yi was silent, and Principal Long stood quietly waiting for the answer to the question.

"These two questions seem different, but they are actually the same." The light of the holy sword in Xia Yi's hand shined again.

"So my answer remains the same."

The sword pointed directly at the principal.

"Xu Qinghuan is not the only one trapped in the Kingdom of Darkness." Xia Yi said expressionlessly, "I have always wondered why you sent Lin Yue and Shen Delu to Japan. Now it seems that they should be the key figures in your plan. "

"What you said before was beyond your expectations. It should be that Lin Yue and Shen Delu were trapped in the Kingdom of Darkness together with Xu Qinghuan."

Xia Yi's previous silence was not because she was struggling with Principal Long's question. She had always been very firm about the answer to that question and had nothing to think about. She was just thinking about this series of things.

As Principal Long said, the more rigorous and intricate the plan, the more likely it is to make mistakes. This is not the fault of the planner, but something unexpected will always happen.

"You are very smart." Principal Long smiled.

This dull-looking girl is not as simple-minded as Loki said.

As an indispensable figure in his plan, Shen Delu was supposed to follow Lin Yue and meet up with Shen Mengyu on the night they arrived in Tokyo. However, the two of them met Xu Qinghuan on the way, and the three of them were trapped in the Kingdom of Darkness together. .

This also means that regardless of whether Xia Yi appears here or not, Principal Long will find a way to rescue Shen Delu.

"Whoever tied the bell must have a way to untie it." Xia Yi put away the holy sword.

"To untie the bell, you must tie the bell." Principal Long said.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Xia Yi nodded.

Principal Long lit another cigarette.

"It's a pity that I'm not the one who tied the bell. The key to the Kingdom of Darkness is not with me." Principal Long looked up at the dark clouds in the sky that had not yet dissipated. "Wait a little longer. The person who can open this door will probably have to wait a little longer." It will take a while to arrive.”

Tokyo, Chiyoda Ward.

This is the political and economic center of Japan, and even the residence of the emperor is here.

Because of this, the rules in Chiyoda District are extremely strict, and even the Oni and the Samurai God Society cannot infiltrate their influence here.

A black Toyota drove into the villa.

The green buildings in the villa area are lush, and people who don't know may think this is a park.

The Toyota parked in front of a villa.

Li Yi got out of the car, walked to the door and rang the doorbell.

There were footsteps inside the house.

"Mr. Li Yi?" Hanyu Taki opened the door and saw Li Yi coming alone.

Hanyu Taki was wearing regular clothes, holding a wooden spatula in his left hand, and wearing an apron. It looked like he had just come out of the kitchen.

"Please come in." Hanyu Taki made an invitation gesture.

"I didn't expect you to cook for yourself." Li Yi walked into the villa.

When I met Hanyu Taki before, this young man was wearing a kimono with a long sword at his waist, and looked like a stern Japanese samurai. Now that he saw his image, Li Yi found it interesting.

"My friend was injured and is recuperating upstairs." Hanyu Taki looked embarrassed, "Wait a moment."

Hanyu Taki asked Li Yi to sit down, and then returned to the kitchen. When he came out again, he had taken off his apron and was holding tea for Li Yi.

After Hanyu Kurasuke injured Suzumiya Aoi that day, Hanyu Taki never had contact with his father. He hired his own specialized medical team to treat Suzumiya Aoi. Because he was afraid that his father would attack Suzumiya Aoi again, he stayed behind. Suzumiya Aoi took care of it personally.

This is his private residence, and neither the demons nor his father's forces dare to cause trouble at the Emperor's feet.

"Why did Mr. Li Yi come to visit suddenly?" Hanyu Taki brought tea to Li Yi and sat on the sofa opposite him.

It was strange to say that he had inexplicably hated the man in front of him for more than ten years, but after actually meeting him, he admired him more. He learned about the past events of that year, coupled with the handsome and heroic appearance of Li Yi who once drew a sword in front of Fujiwara Chiba, and when he was angry, he pulled his father to see Fujiwara Chiba's dog head. These all made Hanyu Taki admire this man.

"I'm here to ask you to go somewhere with me." Li Yi said.

"Okay." Hanyu Taki nodded without thinking, "Wait for me a moment, I'm going to say hello to my friends."

"Don't you ask me where I want to take you? What are you going to do?"

Hanyu Taki's cheerfulness surprised Li Yi.

"Since it was entrusted by Mr. Li Yi, there is nothing to ask." Hanyu Taki stood up and walked to the second floor.

Li Yi looked at the decoration of the entire villa. Unlike Hanyu Kusuke's residence, which was decorated with all kinds of luxurious furniture, Hanyu Taki's residence was extremely simple, not at all like a place where young people of his age lived.

Hanyu Taki knocked on the door gently, but when no one answered, he thought that maybe Suzumiya Aoi was asleep.

He found a pen and paper and simply wrote a note and stuck it on the door, turned around and left.

While going downstairs, I called and arranged for an escort to come to my home.

"I'm ready."

Hanyu Taki took off the long knife on the wall and walked to Li Yi.

"Let's go." Li Yi looked at Hanyu Taki with a complicated expression.

The two got into the car. Li Yi sat in the driver's seat and started the car, while Hanyu Taki sat upright in the passenger seat.

The two of them were speechless along the way.

"It's really rare for you to be able to study swordsmanship with such concentration at your age." Li Yi opened his mouth to break the silence.

"Mr. Li Yi must have realized his swordsmanship when he was my age." Hanyu Taki held the long sword diagonally in his arms.

"When I was in my early twenties, I was just a fool, and I only practiced swordplay all day long. Kurasuke always said that my life was too boring, and he often dragged me out to have fun." Thinking of the past, Li Yi couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, "Although later on I have achieved some success in swordsmanship, but what I miss most are those days of carefree fooling around."

"Where is my mother?" Hanyu Taki asked the question that concerned him most.

He was still young when his mother died, and he always remembers seeing her in the hospital.

Li Yi looked slightly sentimental when he mentioned his old friend.

"Hezi was the most lively among our group, and many activities were initiated by her. Cangsuke was most afraid of her at the time, because Cangsuke was the richest at that time, and Hezi would always ask him to provide funds for activities. "Li Yi had a warm smile on his face.

"The three of us formed a group at that time. Kurasuke and Hezi fought for a long time over the name of the group. In the end, Hezi couldn't give in and named it after the Three Strangers of Showa."

Speaking of this, Li Yi couldn't help laughing and turned to look at Hanyu Taki.

"Kurasuke probably never mentioned this to you, because his title is Monopoly Man."

Hanyu Taki fell into silence. In his impression, his mother always looked weak in a hospital gown. She did not have such a past when she was young.

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