An unknown old low-rent apartment in Shinjuku District, Tokyo.


"Are you Yamata no Orochi?" Xia Yi looked at Hanyu Kurasuke in confusion.

She was not sure whether Yamata no Orochi was a title or whether the man in front of her was really the mythical eight-headed giant snake.

Hanyu Kusuke guessed what Xia Yi was thinking, nodded and said with a smile: "That's right."

"Where is Susan?" Principal Long suppressed the anger in his heart.

"He is dead." Hanyu Kusuke, who had already revealed his identity, still maintained a respectful look towards Principal Long.

"Where is he!" Principal Long roared angrily, with a furious glare like a diamond. The edge of the sword in his hand had already scratched the skin of Hanyu Kamasuke's neck, and scarlet blood flowed down.

"He is dead." Hanyu Kurasuke looked at the old man with pity on his face, "Actually, you should have guessed it a long time ago, but you just don't want to believe it."

Principal Long started coughing violently again, and could not hold the Seven-Star Sword tightly in his hand. However, Hanyu Kamasuke did not take the opportunity to dodge, and just stood there quietly.

"Principal Long, or I should call you Principal Shen." Hanyu Kurasuke said calmly.

After someone revealed the secret he had hidden for many years, Principal Long felt somewhat calm. The Seven-Star Sword slipped from his hand, and he sat down against the fence with Xia Yi's support.

"I haven't heard this name in years." Principal Long breathed heavily.

"I have investigated Shen Mengyu's identity before. He is from the Shen family. How could the clan that cultivated such an outstanding person be willing to send him to the execution department to become your minion and do those things that would lead to a narrow escape from death."

"The other clans are all famous families with hundreds of years of history. Only the Shen family appeared out of nowhere, but it makes sense to explain it as a new force formed by war." Hanyu Kurasuke smiled, "So I will stop Investigate."

"I have been investigating your identity these days. My original intention is to understand your spell." Hanyu Kusuke looked at the principal's face, "You are like a person who appeared out of thin air. There is no file to record anything." Regarding information about your bloodline, spells, etc., until you found people from several major clans many years ago and took the lead in establishing the academy, I discovered that this was also the first time that the Shen family appeared in front of the world."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence? Or maybe I'm cooperating with the Shen family?" Principal Long asked.

"Then the cooperation between you is too close." Hanyu Kusuke shook his head and said, "The principal has made many enemies in the college over the years, and many forces want to bring you down. Only the Shen family, who rarely shows up, supports All your decisions.”

"Of course, these were all speculations until I saw Shen Mengyu's younger brother." Hanyu Kusuke recalled the scene when he met Shen Delu, and fear filled his heart.

"I have always had a question. Since you, the principal, knew Fujiwara Chiba's plan to create a god, why did you not stop it but chose to endure it?" Hanyu Kurasuke shook his head and smiled: "Because you are also working on your own god-making plan." God's experiment, you are waiting for the success of the experiment, and the two Shen brothers are the ultimate success."

"Why do you recognize him?" Principal Long asked.

"This is a long story." Kusuke Hanyu bent down to pick up the Seven Star Sword from the ground, handed it to Principal Long, and then sat down on the ground like him.

"Izanagi and Izanami went to war for the throne of the Supreme God. After the defeat, Izanami was imprisoned in the Land of Underworld. In order to prevent Izanami from devouring human souls in the Land of Underworld and returning to the world, Izanami Xanagi cut off the passage between the Kingdom of Underworld and the human world, and an abyss was formed between the two worlds."

"Then where should the souls of humans on this land rest after they die?" Xia Yi, who had been listening to the story silently, suddenly asked.

"That's a good question, but few people care about this issue." Kurasuke Hanyu praised Xia Yi, "So Izanagi created the Kingdom of Night, which is a compromise."

"The Kingdom of Night is the kingdom of the undead. Although those undead souls cannot be reincarnated, at least they have a place to stay. It is better than going to the Kingdom of Underworld to become Izanami's food. At the same time, the Kingdom of Night also prevents Izanami from returning. The last seal in the world seals the land of hell."

"What a selfish god." Xia Yi said coldly.

The war caused by God's desire for power deprived humans of this land of the right to reincarnate.

Hanyu Kurasuke shrugged: "In the final analysis, they are two different creatures. Just like two humans fighting, do they care how many ants they trample to death?"

Xia Yi was silent.

"Although Izanami cut off the bridge to the underworld, Izanagi still created the Yamata no Orochi, which is me, to guard the road to the underworld in case he and Izanami's children want to rescue their mother." Hanyu Kurasuke smiled awkwardly, "You should already know what happened next. Mikiko killed Izanagi, took away the Ten Fist Sword, and used the Ten Fist Sword to kill... It should be said that he temporarily sealed the Yamata no Orochi. ."

"Tell me how you escaped." The weak Principal Long lowered his head, unable to see the expression on his face.

"After I was sealed, Tsukuyomi took over the Kingdom of Darkness and tried to rebuild the Bridge of Underworld." Kusuke Hanyu shook his head and smiled, "It is not just a bridge, but a passage connecting two worlds. It is very time-consuming to restore. Strength, that silly girl has stayed in the Kingdom of Darkness for more than six thousand years, spending her divine power to transport the souls of the dead to the Kingdom of Underworld while building bridges."

"Isn't Izanami in the story sealed in the Land of Underworld?" Xia Yi wondered.

She had only heard a rough outline of these stories from Takako. As the Lord of Takamagahara, Takako didn't know much about the Kingdom of Darkness.

"That's right, those undead souls that were brought into the Land of Underworld were all devoured by Izanami." Hanyu Kurasuke raised his head and closed his eyes, "What a pitiful race. They were abandoned by the gods and have not been reincarnated for thousands of years. The power of reincarnation.”

"It's a pity that someone insists on breaking such a beautiful situation." Principal Long stood up with a sneer.

Hanyu Kurasuke turned to look at Principal Long, his expression first showed surprise and then he smiled with relief.

"Your story is not finished yet." Principal Long leaned against the fence of the corridor, the rain outside blowing in and making his back wet.

"Many, many years later, the Bridge to the Underworld that Tsukuyomi was about to build was cut off by Susano. The sacrificed souls fell into the abyss one after another and awakened me. Susano made a deal with me."

"He said that he would provide me with enough undead souls to fully restore my power. The condition is that after that, I will help him break the seal, which is the Kingdom of Darkness, and release Izanami." Hanyu Kurasuke stared at Principal Ryu. , said with a semi-threatening tone: "I am a monster created by Izanagi using all his divine power, otherwise he would not be defeated by Mikiko. Only I have the ability to destroy the Kingdom of Night created by Izanagi. "

"Continue." Principal Long said coldly.

"For me, this is a sure-profit deal. Just as Susana promised, the door to the Kingdom of Night that was closed by Tsukuyomi was opened again, and a steady stream of undead poured in to become my sacrifices. Strength gradually returns."

"Until one day Susan returned to the Kingdom of Night again, or it should be said that he escaped back to the Kingdom of Night." Hanyu Kurasuke recalled the past.

"He told me that he needed my help, and threatened me that if he died, the deal between us would be cancelled, and he would close the door to the Kingdom of Darkness, and I would be trapped here for the rest of my life."

"He had already suffered a lot of injuries at that time. I was very curious about who could have injured Susana like that. He is the strongest among the three noble sons, second only to his father Izanagi in strength. There are no gods in Japan. It’s his opponent, even if Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi join forces, they can’t hurt him like that.”

"I thought this was a very simple matter. When gods come to the territory of other gods, their strength will be suppressed. With Susan and I joining forces, no god is our opponent, and no one can break the Kingdom of Night. The gate was the seal set by Izanagi when he was at his peak."

"The result is obvious. A man broke the seal and came to the Kingdom of Darkness. He beat up Susan and me. I was convinced of the defeat." Even though it was the past many years ago, Hansuke Hansuke still showed a look when he mentioned it again. A look of awe.

The corners of Principal Long's mouth rose and he continued: "That man wanted to kill Susan. At the last moment, Susan knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, saying that his sister was still waiting for him to save. His sister was innocent. The man agreed. He took out Susan's heart and gave Susan a stick of incense time to go back and save his sister. When the time was up, he would crush his heart. After Susan left, he killed Yaqi. Big snake.”

"You really know." Hanyu Kurasuke was not surprised. "The moment he killed me, I abandoned my body, and my soul escaped into the human world through the gap opened by him, leaving only one body without a soul. ugly body."

"That man's name is Long Weiguo. He is my regiment leader. He used to be a young Taoist priest who lived in a Taoist temple on the mountain." Principal Long held the Seven-Star Sword beside him.

He had known these things for a long time. Long Weiguo returned to China after doing all this. After experiencing the war, he had already run out of energy and energy. He lay with himself on the grass bragging about all he had done, and then stayed forever. Closed his eyes.

"Since you know, why are you still looking for Susan?" Hanyu Kurasuke asked.

"I want to confirm that he is really dead." Principal Long said coldly, "By the way, I want to confirm if you have anything to hide."

"As expected of the principal." Hanyu Kurasuke smiled.

"Tell me, what does Tsukuyomi want to do?" Principal Long asked.

Hanyu Kurasuke just thought for a moment and then replied: "Her purpose is the same as Susana. She wants to awaken my body in the Kingdom of Night, use it to break the seal, and then kill Izanami to fight for the human race on this land. The power of reincarnation.”

Principal Long nodded, approved the answer, and then asked: "What about you? What is your purpose?"


"Is it worth it?" Principal Long asked.

"Of course." Hanyu Kurasuke replied.

All he did was to give his son a chance to be reincarnated.

"You should know that all this is not allowed by me." Principal Long said lightly, "Isn't the current situation very good? Why destroy it? You are just an ugly monster parasitic on the human body, for a Don’t you think it’s ridiculous for your so-called son to do all this?”

Under the stimulation of Principal Long, Hanyu Kusuke's expression became ugly, his heart surged with anger, and his whole body exuded a black aura, and golden blood flowed in the veins under his exposed skin.

He is different now. Although this blood sacrifice was to awaken his broken body in the Kingdom of Night, it also brought him strength.

He suppressed the anger in his heart. After all, there was a silver-haired girl opposite him whose strength was unknown. The strength Xia Yi showed when he was about to break through the door forcefully made him dare not act rashly now.

"Principal, don't forget that the god you have painstakingly cultivated for many years is still in the Kingdom of Darkness!" Hanyu Kurasuke threatened.

"The Yamata-no-Orochi is a creature created by consuming all the divine power of Izanagi. Although only a broken body is left, it is immortal due to the blood sacrifice. The guy named Shen has not yet awakened, and with his body there is no way to Bear the price of awakening!”

Hanyu Kurasuke looked at Xia Yi again.

"Of course Miss Xiayi can forcefully break the seal, but it depends on whether Miss Xiayi is willing to sacrifice the lives of all innocent civilians in Japan for the lives of three people!"

Regardless of whether the seal is broken or not, Hanyu Kusuke will definitely win.

"It's very simple." Xia Yi, who had not spoken yet, said, she put away the holy sword.

Hanyu Kurasuke frowned and looked at the silver-haired girl in front of him.

"Open the door and let me in." Xia Yi stared at Hanyu Kusuke with a serious expression, "I will kill the monster inside first. Before it is resurrected, I will break the seal of the Kingdom of Darkness and release Izanami, and then I will Kill her."

Hanyu Kusuke was shocked by this wild idea, and the serious expression of the girl in front of him didn't seem like he was joking.

His original plan was to use the blood sacrifice of the dead souls to break the seal of the Kingdom of Night with the restored Yamata no Orochi, release Izanami, and then join forces with Tsukuyomi to kill Izanami and rebuild the Bridge of the Underworld.

Xia Yi's plan is indeed feasible, as long as she has the power to do it.

However, Xia Yi is still a little too naive. The three people trapped in the Kingdom of Night are Hanyu Kurasuke's last bargaining chips. Moreover, in Hanyu Kurasuke's opinion, Xia Yi and Principal Long are a group of people. How could they turn against each other? Do yourself a favor.

Principal Long was not surprised by Xia Yi's thoughts.

While Hanyu Kurasuke was silent, Xia Yi spoke again: "I'm not discussing with you."

"Xia Yi, I believe you can do it." Principal Long smiled, "But you don't have weapons, and you don't have the weapons to completely kill the gods. They will still be resurrected."

Xia Yi turned to look at Principal Long, then turned back to Hanyu Kurasuke and asked: "You and Tsukuyomi have been planning for so long, you should have prepared weapons."

Hanyu Kurasuke's expression was ugly.

"If he really prepared such a weapon, why would he stay here talking to us for so long?" Principal Long looked at Hanyu Kurasuke, "I'm right, Kurasuke."

Hanyu Kurasuke's expression became even more ugly.

"If the principal is willing to hand over Tian Yu Yu Zhan, I guarantee that the three people inside will be safe and sound."

The ultimate reason why he stayed was to trade the lives of three people with Principal Long for Tian Yu Yu Zhan.

Three artifacts made from the fragments of the Ten Fist Sword can naturally be reforged into the Ten Fist Sword.

"Okay." Principal Long nodded.

Hanyu Kurasuke looked at Principal Long in surprise, but he didn't expect him to agree so readily.

It seems that Shen Delu is really important to the principal.

"Let the people go first," Principal Long said.

"The principal is joking!" Hanyu Kusuke sneered.

Hanyu Kurasuke's cell phone suddenly rang, it was a video call from Su Qingge.

"Boss, look what this is!"

In the video, Su Qingge was on a Shinkansen train, sitting comfortably in business class drinking champagne. There was a knife on the seat next to him. Hanyu Kusuke recognized that it was the lost Tianyu Yuzhan.

"Don't worry, your little brother, I am rushing to deliver to Yamanashi County. It can be delivered to Miss Tsukuyomi in half an hour at most. Don't worry about me doing the work. I guarantee you with my personality." Su Qingge blinked and added The camera was pointed out the window, proving that he was indeed on his way to Yamanashi Prefecture.

"Is it okay?" Principal Long asked.

The hairs on Hanyu Kurasuke's body stood up. He stared at the man in front of him, feeling that he was so terrifying for the first time.

Judging from the position in Su Qingge's video, he had already set off about an hour ago, which meant that Principal Long had long expected that he would come here to find him, ask for an exchange, and even asked Su Qingge to set off long ago.

"Of course you can also ask your men to catch him." Principal Long flicked the cigarette butt away.

"As expected of the principal." Hanyu Kurasuke said coldly.

Although things have been plotted against him, he has not lost yet. As long as Tsukuyomi gets the three artifacts and goes to Gao Tianyuan to recast them into a ten-fist sword, it doesn't matter whether Xia Yi acts in accordance with the agreement or not. His original purpose is just Get back Tian Yu Yu Zhan.

Hanyu Kurasuke walked to the door of the apartment and was about to reach out and open the door to the Kingdom of Darkness.

He has the mark of the Kingdom of Darkness, which does not require magatama for him. He only needs to open the door and let Xia Yi in. As for whether she has the ability to rescue the people inside, it is not her own business. It just so happens that she can borrow Observe her strength.

Just as he was holding his hand towards the door handle, he suddenly realized something was wrong and turned around suddenly. The heavy rain in the sky suddenly stopped.

The original appearance of the barrier appeared again, and the black door covering the sky and the earth was revealed, and the golden symbols densely surrounding the door shone with dazzling light.

There was a huge crash in the void.

A powerful force struck with unstoppable force. The golden light was as dazzling as the sun and could not be looked directly into.

Xia Yi felt that the power was extremely familiar.

The wooden door of the apartment was broken open, and the black door that blocked the sky was immediately destroyed. The golden runes surrounding it shattered, and the invisible barrier collapsed.

The worst thing was that Hanyu Kusuke, who was standing in front of the door, was knocked away by the force.

Hanyu Kurasuke looked at all this in disbelief. The prison that had trapped him for thousands of years, and the seal placed by the supreme priest Izanagi, was actually broken in front of his eyes.

"How many times have I told you that there is a way, there is a way, Xiao Shen, you have been embarrassing yourself in Japan by crying all over the world."

The golden light dissipated, and Xu Qinghuan helped Shen Delu, who was unsteady, to walk out, followed by Lin Yue who looked stunned.

"Hey, Xia Yi, are you here?" Xu Qinghuan noticed Xia Yi floating in the air with six wings on his back, and immediately gathered all his strength like a thief.

Then Xu Qinghuan discovered Principal Long standing nearby. He was protected by Xia Yi during the explosion and was not injured.

Xia Yi returned to normal and landed in the corridor.

"Sister Xia Yi, I have finally met you." Shen Delu stumbled towards Xia Yi, crying with snot and tears: "You don't even know what I have been through, that bitch Xu Qinghuan is not a human being! Treat me like a Fishing bait for monsters!”

Xu Qinghuan grabbed Principal Long's collar and said fiercely: "Long Laodeng, it's a good time for you to be here. I already have the evidence of your violation of laws and disciplines. Let's see if I don't put you to death on the spot!"

When Lin Yue saw this, she subconsciously wanted to protect Principal Long.

"Forget it, I'll kill you later."

Xu Qinghuan let go of his hand and pointed at the empty door behind him.

"I won't pay for it. I'll reimburse the school expenses."

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