Xia Yi was stabbed straight into the chest by a thunder gun, fell heavily from the air, and made a big hole in the ground.

She stood up holding the holy sword and wiped the blood coughed from the corner of her mouth. Pain spread throughout her limbs and bones. The armor made of magic on her body dimmed, the wings behind her disappeared, and the golden light quickly repaired the huge wound on her chest. .

Xia Yi's expression was grim. Her opponent's strength far exceeded her expectations. Her current magic power was less than half of its peak. In the state of her wings, her magic power was consumed very quickly and could not be restored. If she could not win quickly, the final result would be to be dragged to death.

She looked around, because their battle caused great damage, many buildings collapsed, and many humans who failed to escape in time were buried in the ruins.

Lightning caused fires and lit up dark streets.

"I am willing to call you the strongest human being!" The mysterious man looked down at the silver-haired girl on the ground, suddenly remembered an anime he had watched recently, and said something inexplicably.

In fact, his condition was not much better than that of the silver-haired girl. He had far more sword wounds than the girl's, and golden blood flowed from the wounds. Even he was secretly amazed at the girl's swordsmanship. Her speed and strength were all on top of him. Coupled with the gorgeous long sword that contained divine power in her hand, he already started to want to escape under the pressure, but it became obvious later. Feeling that the girl's strength was weakening, she managed to hold on and look for opportunities.

Is he also a god? But she couldn't feel the presence of divine power in her body at all.

Looking at the girl on the ground, the mysterious man felt a little regretful that such a powerful opponent was about to die.

The strength shown by Xia Yi strengthened the mysterious man's determination to kill her, and he would never allow any power that threatens the gods to exist!

The mysterious man chanted Guao's spell, and each black spell was attached to the thunder gun in his right hand, and his arrogance surged. This was his most lethal spell, and he did not expect to use it against a human being.

[Spell]: Death

Suddenly he noticed another familiar figure on the ground in the distance.

"Not dead yet?" The mysterious man was slightly surprised. With a wave of his left hand, a sharp bolt of lightning pierced the sky.

Facing the mysterious man hanging in the air like a god and the spear covered in black runes in his hand, she stood up straight and raised the sword in her right hand. The dazzling golden light covered the sword body and illuminated the entire street. The sword energy surged greatly. The length of the sword was extended, and the armor covering the body disappeared, revealing the simple short sleeves and sweatpants worn underneath.

The reason why she was selected as a brave man by the church was not only because of her amazing talent. After all, the most important thing in the vast world is talented people. The most important thing is her courage. No matter what the situation, she will never give up. Fear, her courage does not rely on her own strong strength. She was born to be the embodiment of courage. There is no one more suitable to shoulder the responsibility of a brave person than her!

All the magic power is gathered into the holy sword, and even the armor transformed by the magic power has been lifted. Facing such a powerful enemy, this is Xia Yi's ultimate blow! It is also the last move of the brave Chris!

"Rest in peace." The eyes of the mysterious man were closed under the mask.

The black spear headed towards Xia Yi with the will of the god.

Xia Yi threw the holy sword with all her strength.

Three figures shuttled through the city, rushing towards the center where Raiden was. They wore black battle uniforms, with the sword and shield emblem symbolizing the Night's Watch Academy rusted on their right arms.

The three of them were Wu Yu's team who met Xia Yi some days ago.

"Zhao Ying, you are responsible for rescuing the trapped people! Li Qian and I will continue moving forward."

"Got it!" Zhao Ying received the order and broke away from the team and rushed to the ruins.

"Boss, this Linjiang City is really not easy." Young Li Qian followed closely behind Wu Yu.

The three of them left Linjiang City and returned to the academy after the Black Demon Dog incident. Unexpectedly, a group of monsters attacked the dock the next day. As the execution team closest to Linjiang City, Wu Yu and the others were sent back to investigate the monsters. Group thing.

The two of them suddenly stopped in unison and looked at the sky in the distance with shocked expressions. Two figures were fighting fiercely in the air. Each move contained unimaginable power, comparable to a battle between gods. One of the figures looks familiar. Wu Yu still remembers the conspicuous long silver hair and the gorgeous golden sword in his hand. However, the last time he saw her, she was wearing white work clothes. Now she is wearing dazzling gold armor. , a pair of sacred wings sprouted from his back.

"I didn't expect her to be here!" Wu Yu said in a daze. He naturally had a clear memory of this girl who defeated his entire team with a crushing force.

The next moment, the silver-haired girl was pierced by a spear and fell straight from the air.

Wu Yu and Li Qian were shocked and speechless.

Wu Yu turned on the communication device on his ear, with an ugly face, and reported word for word: "A powerful creature appeared in Linjiang City. I'm not sure whether it is an out-of-control god or a monster. The danger rating is conservatively estimated..." Wu Yu swallowed his saliva.

"Demigod level."

The academy has a specific rating system for monsters. Level C, which is less harmful to humans. Generally, a B-level execution team can complete the killing mission. Level B, which is more harmful, requires at least one A-level execution team to carry out the hunting and killing. Above that, there are A-level monsters. This kind of monster is a famous monster in myths all over the world. It is powerful enough to destroy a medium-sized human city. Since this kind of monster is particularly rare, the college executive department has only recorded more than a dozen battles against this kind of monster. Each battle was All teams from the execution department were dispatched. The last time they fought against such a monster, the monster was killed at the expense of an A-level sword wielder and several experienced team members.

But as long as it is a monster, there is a way to deal with it in the face of the night watchman with the blood of the gods and advanced human technology. The most terrifying ones are the demigod-level and god-level monsters. These levels can no longer be called monsters, but gods. Human technology cannot kill them. At most, they can be temporarily put to sleep. The only way to kill them completely is to use The same divine power.

The only thing that can kill a god is another god.

Wu Yu and Li Qian looked at the terrifying black shadow manipulating thunder in the sky in the distance, feeling the oppression from the depths of their souls. Li Qian, whose bloodline was considered outstanding among the Night Watchmen, felt his legs weaken, and he couldn't help but want to kneel down and worship. This had nothing to do with strength, it was purely bloodline suppression.

Wu Yu shouted loudly and woke up Li Qian who was about to kneel down.

"Continue to perform the mission! You stay here to rescue the wounded and report the situation to the headquarters to request more support!"

After saying that, Wu Yu pulled out the long knife from his back and continued to move towards the center of the thunder and lightning.

"You go home now, take a hot bath and take a nap. When you wake up, you will forget everything about tonight." Xu Qinghuan gently hypnotized Xiaoyu, who had already woken up. What happened tonight frightened this inexperienced high school girl. It's not light, and it's not a memory worth remembering. It's better to forget it.

Xiaoyu nodded blankly.

Xu Qinghuan turned around and looked for the electric bicycle that Xiaoyu rode to work. The continuous lightning had caused all the buildings in this place to collapse, and the electric bicycle was probably buried.

"Forget it, just run home." Xu Qinghuan patted Xiaoyu's head.

Xiaoyu nodded obediently, turned around and ran towards home, running like a nimble rabbit.

Xu Qinghuan was about to return to the ruins to search for the store manager. When he carried Xiaoyu out just now, he paid special attention, but unfortunately he didn't see him.

"Brother Qinghuan!" A familiar female voice came from behind.

Xu Qinghuan turned his head in confusion.

"I lied to you before. The person I like is actually not the boys in our class. They are all too stupid." Xiaoyu had a sweet smile on her face, and the dark environment hid her blushing face.

Xu Qinghuan was a little confused and waved to her.

"Go home now."

Suddenly Xu Qinghuan was startled, and a dangerous aura approached from behind. He subconsciously made a decision that made him extremely regretful.

"Brother Qinghuan!" Xiaoyu reminded loudly, fear written on his face.

Xu Qinghuan smiled slightly. After regaining his powerful magic power, he was extremely sensitive to danger. It was impossible for the enemy's sneak attack to succeed.

He turned slightly to avoid the fatal lightning bolt behind him.

Blue lightning passed over his body, and Xu Qinghuan suddenly realized that he had made a mistake, a fatal mistake.

The lightning had already flown far away, and he stretched out his hand in panic to block it. He was extremely fast, but unfortunately he was still just a little short of catching the fatal lightning.

Xiaoyu's frightened expression froze, and lightning passed through her chest.

The girl's beautiful body exploded in front of Xu Qinghuan.

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