The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 31 Three People On The Same Stage

"Gods are the first creatures born in the world. They possess the power of different rules. The descendants who inherit the blood of the gods will awaken different abilities at the same time. We call them spells. The currently known spells There are more than two hundred species.”

In a spacious classroom, an old man with gray hair was talking on the podium in front of a large group of freshmen. The four characters "Introduction to Spells" were written on the blackboard.

"Some of you may have awakened the spells, and some of you have not. The college does not force you to register the spells of ordinary students, but you must remember that some spells are too dangerous. When you realize that you cannot control it, you must Go ask the professor for help.”

As the professor said, the academy does not force students to register their own spells. This kind of thing can be said to be the reliance of every god. When carrying out dangerous missions, if the enemy knows your spells in advance, they can take precautions in advance. . After all, students will graduate and walk out of campus in the future. Even if they don't join the school's executive department and return to normal life, they will inevitably encounter danger as a god.

"get out of class is over."

As soon as the professor finished speaking, Xu Qinghuan rushed out of the classroom door with his books under his arm.

He didn't listen to a word of the professor's class. He was focused on grabbing a seat in the cafeteria. The fast food in the cafeteria was delicious and cheap, but there were too few dishes prepared. If he went there late, there wouldn't be many dishes to choose from. After all, in the college Not many students eat this kind of cheap fast food, and the cafeteria only prepares a small amount at a time.

After class, students walked into the cafeteria one after another, and their eyes were all attracted to the girl sitting in the corner. Her silver hair was too bright, and her story was even more amazing.

The seats in the cafeteria were quickly filled up, but the seats next to Xia Yi were empty, and no one dared to sit next to her.

This silver-haired girl has been a star that has attracted much attention since she entered school. However, she has always had an indifferent expression and has not said a few words. No one can understand this girl's temper. They only know that she is pregnant. Not only did the students dare not approach the power that defeated the gods, but even the professors did not dare to look directly into her eyes when teaching.

"You taught me the brave man, the savior of mankind, with shining silver hair, and you just eat this thing?" Xu Qinghuan walked to Xia Yi and sat down opposite Xia Yi with a rice tray. When he saw Xia Yi eating the same cheap fast food as himself, he sneered.

"Didn't the Demon King also work in a convenience store?" Xia Yi countered with a flat face.

"You and I are different. You and they are in the same camp. I am going deep inside the enemy to make money from them." Xu Qinghuan put the takeout box in his hand on the table and started eating his own meal. "I told you that we should go to the Samurai God Association. This shabby school has no sincerity at all."

"How come you found a food delivery job so quickly?" Xia Yi looked at the takeout box on the table.

"My boy in the same dormitory brought it to him. He has been in a bad mood recently. He went back to the dormitory directly after class and lay in bed all day like a dead person. People are like iron rice or steel. No matter what, you have to eat first. no."

"Are you so kind?" Xia Yi looked unbelieving.

"Do you remember that night at the pier, when we first met, several people from the Night Watch Academy died, and his father was among them." Xu Qinghuan wiped his mouth, "His father was a brave warrior. Earned the devil’s respect.”

Xia Yi stopped talking after hearing this.

The students around him talked about the identity of this young man who dared to sit at the same table with Xia Yi despite his ignorance.

"Look, they are all afraid of you." Xu Qinghuan mocked in a low voice.

Xia Yi glanced directly at Xu Qinghuan and continued eating.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Xu Qinghuan has long understood Xia Yi's temper. Even though she has a pair of three-roll eyes that seem to put people away, she usually has a paralyzed face, but she is actually a polite person. Ordinary girls are cold on the outside and hot on the inside, even a little nosy. As long as you don't challenge the justice in her heart, she will never do anything to you.

"If I had arrived faster that day, wouldn't those people have died?" Xia Yi put down her chopsticks and said this suddenly.

Xu Qinghuan frowned and stared at Xia Yi: "I don't think you should be called the Brave Man. You should change your name to the Holy Mother."

While the two were talking, a very charming male voice interrupted them.

"Hello friends, can I sit here?" Although he was asking, the blond man in a sky blue casual suit had already sat next to Xia Yi before he finished speaking.

"Who are you? No matter who you are, sit at the same table with me!" Xu Qinghuan replied impatiently. Sitting at this table is the strongest demon king and the strongest warrior in history. Who else is worthy of it? On the table, it’s probably just the gods.

When Xu Qinghuan saw the face of the man in the suit clearly, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Foreign devil!"

He had only seen this kind of blond and blue-eyed foreigner in American TV series. This was the first time he had seen him in real life.

"Just call me Wednesday." There was a polite smile on Wednesday's face, with an expression that made Xu Qinghuan very unhappy, like an elegant noble looking at a country bumpkin from the farm.

"You foreign devil..."

Xu Qinghuan stood up and slapped the table. Before he finished speaking, with a snap of his fingers on Wednesday, rows of waiters wearing black suits and bow ties carried silver plates and placed them on the table for three people one after another, taking away their original meals. plate. When the lid of the western food was opened, Xu Qinghuan only recognized steak and turkey. The waiter thoughtfully arranged the silver knives and forks and poured fragrant red wine into the goblet.

A moment ago, he and Xia Yi seemed to be eating Shaxian snacks on the street, but now they were eating Western food in a high-end restaurant, with considerate waiters standing behind them to serve them at any time.

Wednesday stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation.

"You, you, you are still very good." Xu Qinghuan smiled and sat down, picked up the knife and fork and enjoyed the food.

"Does the school cafeteria still have this service?" Xu Qinghuan cut a bite of steak and put it in his mouth.

"Their Western chefs are top-notch, and the ingredients are all flown in on the same day. As long as you give them enough money, there's nothing they can't cook." Wednesday leaned back on his chair, crossed his legs, and took a sip of red wine from a goblet.

Only then did Xu Qinghuan realize that the chair the foreign devil was sitting on had been replaced by a European dining chair at some point.

"Taste it, I have treasured this wine for a long time, in order to open it when entertaining the most distinguished guests." Wednesday shook the wine glass.

Xu Qinghuan took a sip and smacked his lips, "Just like that." He didn't know much about wine. In his opinion, as long as he could get drunk as quickly as possible and forget about his unlucky life after losing his magic power, it was good wine. .

Western food is actually more like the food of the world Xu Qinghuan lived in before, but now Xu Qinghuan is not used to it.

He tasted a few bites of the steak, shook his head and said: "It's not as delicious as the spicy beef in hot pot." He looked at Wednesday with a big brother air: "Hey, have you ever had hot pot? That's the real delicacy. .”

Wednesday did not show displeasure. Instead, he smiled boldly and said, "I haven't eaten it." Then he looked at Xia Yi, who had been silent and didn't even touch the tableware, "You don't like Western food either?"

"I'm full." Xia Yi said lightly, then stood up and left.

"Don't go, sister, we know each other." Zhou Zuoliu said. It seems that he most likely learned his Mandarin from people in the Northeast.

"My name is Xia Yi."

On Wednesday, he wanted to get up to persuade her to stay, but was stopped by Xu Qinghuan.

"Brother Zhou, please leave her alone. You know me just as well as she does. I am clear about her affairs." Xu Qinghuan stretched out his hand to pull Wednesday, not caring that his hand had just grabbed the turkey leg, and the oil on his hand was rubbed onto Wednesday's expensive On the suit.

"I originally thought that if you two are not used to Western food, I would treat you both to hot pot." Wednesday sighed.

Xia Yi, who had already left, came back under the surprised eyes of everyone, sat back in her seat, and said lightly: "As for the hot pot, I can have some more."

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