Wang Xichao took Zhang Yan’s arm.

He had a gentle personality since he was a child and never quarreled with others. When faced with disputes, he always gave in and backed down. Now facing Zhang Yan, he was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and his mouth was so stupid that he stumbled over his words before he could say a complete sentence.

"My father, he would never do those things! He is a hero!"

Zhang Yan is an expert in close combat, and she just instantly grabbed Wang Xichao's right arm to counterattack.

"As for your father's private transportation of goods, the school's executive department also wanted to avoid pursuing it because he died in a battle with a monster. The executive department is no longer pursuing the cause of the matter, so why should you do this." Zhang Yan let go of Wang Xichao's arm. , push him away.

Wang Xichao staggered to steady himself, and still repeated those words: "My father is a hero, he would never do such a thing!"

He spent most of the past few days bored in the dormitory. He borrowed Shen Delu's student account through Xu Qinghuan's relationship. The details of each operation will be announced on the forum of the official execution department of the college, but C-level students do not have permission to view it. Thinking that although Shen Delu has been downgraded to C level, his account can still log into the forum of the college's executive department, he turned to the announcement released some time ago. The announcement said that the college's confidentiality team in Linjiang City was merged. Smuggling goods privately without receiving any transshipment tasks led to an attack by a swarm of monsters. The confidentiality team and its leader Wang Weiyu died in the attack. In the end, the monster swarm was killed by Xia Yi, an S-class freshman who had not yet entered school at the time. Kill them all. During this battle, Lin Yue, an intern of the Fifth Team of the Executive Department, showed bravery and was rewarded with credits. The Executive Department made a special case to recruit Lin Yue, who had not yet graduated, to become an official sword bearer.

Some of the comments under the announcement praised Lin Yue, some cursed the leader of the confidentiality team for leading all members to smuggle goods, which led to the annihilation of the entire army, and some even mentioned the Samurai Gods Association, saying that the confidentiality team was secretly working with the Samurai Gods Association. The transactions and smuggling are the goods of the Samurai God Society. Wang Xichao had never heard of the Samurai God Society, but he could feel the students' dislike of it from those words.

Those harsh and unpleasant words made Wang Xichao furious. His father had been working diligently for more than ten years, raising his son alone to grow up. He would smoke cheap cigarettes to save money, and he had not bought new clothes for many years, because How could such a person, who wants his unsatisfied son to go to a key high school and use his savings to treat people to eat and laugh with him, smuggle goods for money? How could he kill his teammates because of his own selfish desires?

There were student union students standing around who heard the noise and came out to check. The harsh voices echoed in his ears.

"Who is this person?"

"The new student is said to be the son of Wang Weiyu, the leader of the college's confidentiality team in Linjiang City."

"That Wang Weiyu who helped the Patron Gods smuggle goods and killed the whole group?"

"Yes, I really don't know what the school leaders think, that the son of such a person can be recruited."

Everyone gathered around Wang Xichao, their expressions either angry or sarcastic.

Wang Xichao's consciousness began to blur. He could not see the faces of those people clearly. The harsh words were like sharp knives piercing his heart. He did not want to leave, repeating to everyone over and over again that his father was a hero.

Like a drowned dog driven to a dead end.

A hot-tempered boy among the crowd of onlookers kicked Wang Xichao in the back. Wang Xichao fell heavily to the ground, his ridiculous face reflected on the smooth floor.

It's really useless.

Downstairs in the student union building, next to a classic car, Wednesday, who had changed into a black suit, leaned on the car, smoking an expensive cigar, looking up to the second floor of the building, with an unfathomable smile on his face.

"Come on, old man."

An inexplicable power suddenly surged into Wang Xichao's body, and his consciousness became even more blurred. There was only one thought left, my father is the best hero.

Angry, manic.

"My father is a hero!" Wang Xichao stood up violently and shouted at the people around him with a ferocious expression.

Everyone also noticed the sudden change in the new student in front of them, but they didn't care. So what if the dog in the water bared his teeth?

"His father is a hero!"

A cold female voice came from the distance.

Lin Yue walked towards the crowd step by step, followed by a handsome man with an ugly face. Everyone recognized him as Lu Lin, the chairman of the student union.

Wang Xichao stared blankly at the girl walking towards him step by step. He suddenly felt aggrieved, and the restless power in his body gradually calmed down.

Lin Yue supported Wang Xichao and said to everyone indifferently: "I have fought side by side with Team Leader Wang Weiyu. Can my words be trusted?"

Without waiting for anyone to respond, Lin Yue spoke again: "Team leader Wang Weiyu led all the team members to fight to the death and fight bravely. If he really smuggled goods for the Patron Gods for his own personal gain, how could he be willing to sacrifice his life for it?"

"As for the fact that the operation execution department could not find the mission records, I have reported this to Director Zhang of the execution department."

Lin Yue looked at Lu Lin and said coldly: "President Lu, your student union really opened my eyes today."

"Misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding." Lu Lin smiled awkwardly, then looked at his subordinates with an ugly expression, "What's going on?"

"As soon as he comes, he will look for Senior Sister Lin Yue and refuse to leave even if asked."

"We didn't touch him, he fell down on his own,"

"A new student ran into our student union headquarters and acted wildly. We have been very tolerant."

The people here are considered to be the elite of the student union. They are all very outstanding in terms of blood and family background. Even Lin Yue, whose father is the vice principal, can't do anything to them.

They all spoke in unison and blatantly lied.

"You heard it too. As a child, it's normal to be a little extreme." Lu Lin explained.

Lin Yue sneered angrily, supported Wang Xichao and was about to leave.

While they were talking, the elevator door opened and a man with messy hair came out, panting heavily and complaining: "It turns out there is a fucking elevator, so I'm exhausted from climbing the stairs."

"Hey, there are so many people." Xu Qinghuan saw a group of people watching something, and he squeezed into the crowd to find a good seat because he loved watching the excitement.

Suddenly he saw Lin Yue in the crowd.

Xu Qinghuan squeezed the person in front of him and yelled angrily: "Can you have a sense of time, woman! You were late when you picked me up at the train station last time. I said we would meet you downstairs at the student union for half an hour. Look how long it has been now. , I didn’t answer your phone calls, which made me look for you all over the building." He suddenly noticed that Lin Yue was supporting Wang Xichao, who was bowing his head and saying nothing, and said with a smile: "Oh, it turns out you have seen each other, this is me. The little brother I mentioned has trouble with you, Xiao Wang, what you did is unreasonable, you didn’t even tell me when you saw someone, which made me run for a long time in vain.”

Suddenly he noticed something was wrong with Wang Xichao, his eyes turned red, and he lowered his head and said nothing. Xu Qinghuan looked around him and found a footprint on the clothes on his back.

Facing Xu Qinghuan, a stranger who suddenly broke in, everyone had puzzled expressions.

"Lin Yue, is this your friend too?" Lu Lin asked politely.

Before Lin Yue could answer, Xu Qinghuan looked at everyone with a cold face and shouted angrily: "Who did this!"

This shout made Lin Yue on the side very surprised.

"This classmate, there was a misunderstanding between our students and this classmate. I am Lu Lin, the president of the student union, and I would like to apologize to him on behalf of the student union." Lu Lin replied politely. It seemed that the young man in front of him knew Lin Yue. He wanted to maintain his grace in front of Lin Yue, but he still mentioned his identity. Even if the other party was stunned, he would definitely give him some face.

"You are the leader, right? Let me ask you, who did this!" Xu Qinghuan pointed at the footprints behind Wang Xichao, not giving Lu Lin any face.

Lin Yue stood aside with interest, watching how Xu Qinghuan would handle this matter.

Lu Lin used a smile to hide his embarrassment. Although he was the president of the student union, the classmates who were on the same floor as him were from various clans and had noble status. Besides, as the president, he would be in this situation. Not standing up for your classmates would be a loss of face.

The young man didn't know what kind of behemoth he was facing. The complicated clan background in the student union made even him, the president of the student union, sometimes have to bow his head.

"How do you want to deal with it?" Lu Lin threw the question back, thinking that as long as the other party was not a fool, he should follow the steps he gave. Lin Yue happened to be here today and it was not easy for him to have an attack.

"It's easy to say, let the person who kicked me step up and give my little brother two kicks." Xu Qinghuan looked around the crowd, and the whole place was filled with pressure.

"Forget it, Brother Xu." Wang Xichao's mind had cleared up and he realized that these people were definitely something they couldn't afford to offend, and he didn't want Xu Qinghuan to get into trouble because of his own affairs.

"Count on you! The weaker you are, the more likely you will be bullied!" Xu Qinghuan hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Why did I show up to someone I had just met for a few days? Maybe I thought the young man was quite nice after spending a few days together, or maybe I felt a little bit guilty because of what happened to Wang Xichao's father.

What other reasons could there be? Maybe after staying with Xia Yi for a long time, he became as nosy as her.

Xu Qinghuan sneered and said: "No one admits it? Okay, then I will not let go of everyone present today. I will kick every one of you. Don't think you are innocent. Those who choose to stand by in the face of injustice are also accomplices."

Lu Lin was extremely embarrassed. The current situation was very difficult for him. On one side were his classmates from the student union, and on the other side were Lin Yue's friends. He wouldn't be angry with a stupid young man, but this stupid young man really gave him a hard time. The student union president who had just taken office had a problem.

Lin Yue crossed her arms and watched the show. Due to her special status, she didn't want to cause trouble to her father, who was the vice principal, and she was curious about how Xu Qinghuan would solve the problem. She knew that Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi were friends, so she was not worried about Xu Qinghuan.

Everyone just felt that Xu Qinghuan was just showing off. He didn't dare to do anything serious. After all, this was the headquarters of the student union, and the other party was just an ordinary freshman. Only after he went back to truly get to know the student union would he realize what kind of existence he had provoked.

Unexpectedly, this guy took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and actually raised his foot to hit a boy next to him. The boy didn't expect this sudden blow at all. Even though he reacted very quickly, he still received the kick. It doesn't hurt much, it's mainly because it's too embarrassing.

Crazy, what a crazy person.

Everyone was thinking this.

"Brother Xu, I'm really fine. Let's go." Wang Xichao knew that the matter would not end well, so he pulled Xu Qinghuan towards the elevator, but Xu Qinghuan still refused, "You are my little brother. It is not natural for my elder brother to come forward when my little brother is bullied. ?You don’t understand how noble your status is as my little brother, these people should be kneeling on the ground, licking your feet and begging for your forgiveness!”

Retribution came soon. While Xu Qinghuan was still chattering to Wang Xichao, the boy who was kicked by him punched him. Wang Xichao saw this and rushed forward. He did not feel the pain as he expected. Opening his eyes, he saw Lin Yue blocking the man's punch.

"Lin Yue!" Lu Lin said coldly.

He had long expected that Lin Yue would not stand idly by and was not surprised or angry. It would be good to teach these unruly students in the student union a lesson. After all, Lin Yue had a special status. However, Xu Qinghuan beat someone from his student union in front of so many people. As the chairman of the student union, he had to stand up and speak.

"Do you know who he is?" Lin Yue smiled, "I'm helping you avoid a big trouble."

Xu Qinghuan was shocked. Could it be that Lin Yue knew his identity as the Demon King? When was it exposed? It's not what he said. Xia Yi can't blame himself for being loud-mouthed if he knows about it, but his magic power hasn't recovered yet, so it's useless for you to tell them.

Lin Yue said: "His name is Xu Qinghuan. He went to school with Xia Yi. The two are friends and fellow villagers."

All the students present suddenly realized and understood why this ordinary boy dared to be so arrogant. It turned out that there was someone behind it.

Xu Qinghuan felt relieved and thought, "So this is what you are talking about. I was shocked." Then I felt disappointed again. I didn't expect that I, the demon king, would actually be reduced to using the name of a brave man to scare others. It was really sad.

Lu Lin looked at Xu Qinghuan in front of him and couldn't believe that this ordinary man actually knew the silver-haired girl who was said to have defeated the gods.

Lu Lin raised his eyebrows and thought to himself, no wonder this stupid young man was so stubborn, he had such a strong backer.

"A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. Student Xu, your solution is actually not bad." Lu Lin smiled at Xu Qing, "Whoever did it, please come forward."

The crowd fell into a brief silence, and a tall man stood up.

"I, I did it." The tall man stammered. In fact, he had just arrived and didn't even understand the cause of the matter. But among the students in the student union present, he was the only one with the weakest background, so he was naturally pushed out as the scapegoat.

"Xiao Wang, kick him with all your strength!" Xu Qinghuan smiled.

Wang Xichao still didn't dare to take action.

"Think about how he kicked you just now! If your father were still alive, he wouldn't want you to suffer this kind of injustice, right?" Xu Qinghuan spoke to stimulate Wang Xichao.

Wang Xichao shook his head, was silent for a while and slowly said: "I know that you don't actually care what kind of person Wang Weiyu is. In your eyes, he is just an insignificant person. It doesn't matter what he does or doesn't do. "

"But there are people who care, and I care, and my dad is a hero."

After speaking, Wang Xichao said softly: "Let's go, Brother Xu."

Seeing this, Xu Qinghuan had no choice but to give up and follow Wang Xichao away.

"Senior Lin Yue, what was it that my father and the others were guarding that day?" Wang Xichao sat on the steps, with Lin Yue and Xu Qinghuan standing beside him.

Lin Yue shook his head: "Unfortunately, I don't know. I thought they were escorting the body of the black demon dog that night, but according to the records, the body of the black demon dog had been taken over by people from the college that afternoon. The container was loaded The truck was driven away by your father's team members, and the college sent people to search for it for a long time, but there was no news."

"The whole thing is really weird. The team member who drove away has never contacted the college. He seems to have disappeared. The execution department cannot find any records of this transportation operation."

"My father wouldn't do something like that, right?" Wang Xichao sought psychological comfort.

"I fought side by side with him. He is a very brave warrior. He is very strong. His overall strength is at least B level. Logically speaking, people like him should not succumb to the confidentiality team."

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