The Desert Eagle in Yu Wen's hand became hot due to the long and uninterrupted blast. Her body was almost reaching its limit under the high-intensity Death Eye state, and her nosebleeds could not stop flowing down.

There are a total of fifteen people in the five teams involved in this joint operation. Currently, less than five of them are still capable of combat. Because it was a capture mission, except for Yu Wen, the others did not carry powerful thermal weapons.

The monster is about to break through everyone's defenses, tearing its way through with its claws, trying to get rid of the entanglement of these sword holders.

"Lead the target to the south!" A familiar male voice came from the earphones.

"Everyone disperse! Yu Wen stops firing!"

Zhou Ran, who had only one arm left, appeared at the other end of the road at some point. He held an assault rifle in one hand and opened fire to attract the monster's attention.

The injured Zhou Ran should have been sent to the hospital for treatment by the people from the confidentiality team at this time. The gun in his hand was probably snatched from the people from the confidentiality team. Naturally, the swordsmen of the combat team will not carry these ordinary firearms that cannot cause damage to monsters. Only the people in the confidentiality team have them.

This place is a suburb, but there are also many residential buildings around it. If the monster really breaks through the siege and runs into the city before support arrives, the consequences will be disastrous, and there is a large area of ​​unfinished buildings not far to the south.

Yu Wen understood what Zhou Ran was going to do, and she rushed to Zhou Ran's side angrily.

Zhou Ran's plan worked as expected. Li Pei noticed the figure in the distance. The unreinforced bullet hit Li Pei, who was completely transformed into a ghost and covered in scales. It could not cause any damage, but it still aroused his anger and roared. Rushed towards Zhou Ran.

Zhou Ran's magazine was empty, and it was inconvenient for him to change the ammunition with one hand. He directly smashed the gun body towards Li Pei, turned around and ran away.

Zhou Ran shuttled through the streets, using various buildings to dangerously avoid the pursuit of monsters behind him.

Yu Wen followed at the end and wanted to shoot. Zhou Ran, who was running at the front, seemed to have expected it. Zhou Ran's voice sounded in Yu Wen's combat earphones.

"Don't shoot! I had a hard time luring him here!"

"Why the hell are you back again! If you're injured, go see a doctor!" Yu Wen yelled anxiously.

"Brother Zhou, I am the captain. As the captain, there is no reason to abandon the team members."

Zhou Ran was joking, but the situation in front of him was extremely dangerous. The surrounding roads were gradually opening up, there were fewer and fewer buildings that could be used to avoid delays, and the black shadow behind him was getting closer and closer.

A strange male voice sounded in everyone's combat headphones.

"I am the captain of this battle! I will take over the battlefield now! If you can't beat me, run away! It's important to save your life! Backup is on the way!"

Everyone was startled, but the pace of pursuit continued unabated.

Zhou Ran shouted: "Listen to the order! I will hold him up! If you are still able to move, quickly retreat with your teammates!"

The remaining team members still refused to retreat.

"I'm strong! Stronger than you all! If you follow me, it will only drag me down and distract me! Retreat! This is the captain's order!" Zhou Ran shouted angrily again.

When everyone saw this, they had no choice but to turn around immediately. Members of the confidentiality team had also joined the battle before and suffered heavy injuries. No one could help the injured team members.

Only Yu Wen refused to retreat and stubbornly followed behind.

"Get out of here!" Zhou Ran turned around and roared at Yu Wen, his eyes about to burst.

Yu Wen stopped, and his figure gradually disappeared into the night.

Zhou Ran breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. At this time, he had escaped to a deserted wilderness. Suddenly, he stopped running and returned in a hurry. He slid to his knees and pulled out the long sword in his hand, thrust it into the air and pounced on Li Pei.

Although Li Pei, who had completely transformed into a ghost, had greatly improved his speed, power and defense, his head became less bright. His abdomen was pierced by the sword and he started to cry.

Zhou Ran's weapon is different from the Japanese swords used by most people in the executive department. It is a traditional Chinese sword. It was a gift from the swordsmanship professor of the academy. It is named Longyuan and is an ancient alchemical weapon with a long history.

Unlike Japanese swordsmanship, which mostly relies on slashing attacks, the swordsmanship performed by Zhou Ran is mostly stabbing. The chop is smooth and powerful, but it can only damage the bones and flesh. If the chop does not hit the vital part, it can theoretically be healed afterwards. However, once the sword hits the internal organs, the blood will flow continuously and it will be difficult to recover, and in severe cases, you will die on the spot.

Zhou Ran, who wielded the sword with his left hand, was far less skillful than before, but he was much stronger than the others present. His pupils turned dark gold, and Li Pei's movements were frozen into images in his eyes. Every time the sword blade struck out, he would be shocked. Avoid defensive areas and attack weak points.

Spell: Flaw.

This kind of incantation combined with Zhou Ran's murderous swordsmanship made him once praised by the head of the executive department of the academy as a person born to kill.

Li Pei was suffering from more and more injuries, but he was a tireless monster who never stopped, and his divine blood repaired those fatal wounds at high speed.

On the other hand, Zhou Ran seemed to be in a precarious position. It seemed that he had the initiative in the battle, and every blow would cause considerable damage to his opponent. However, he was already seriously injured and could hardly hold on anymore, and it was difficult to dodge Li Pei's attack. No longer so nimble.

The violent gunshots of the Desert Eagle came from behind, and it was Yu Wen who arrived in a car he robbed from nowhere.

It turned out that she stopped before because her physical strength had reached its limit, and she didn't really listen to Zhou Ran's words.

Seeing Yu Wen still came over, Zhou Ran was extremely angry: "Fuck you!" Then he smiled bitterly, "I'm sorry, I thought I would make you safer by recruiting you into the team."

"What the hell are you talking about! My aunt can't hear you clearly!" Huge gunshots roared in his ears, and Yu Wen tried to cover up his cries with the gunshots.

Her attack did have a big effect. Li Pei had to dodge the specially processed bullets. For a while, the two of them suppressed Li Pei.

"You said you are a good girl, why don't you just do some clerical work in the execution department? Why do you have to join the execution department?" Zhou Ran sideways dodged Li Pei's claw and stabbed the sword with his backhand, "It's not good to go to school. I can’t see that you are such a person who is not afraid of death!”

The difference in status between Zhou Ran and Yu Wen made many people not notice that they were actually classmates. After Zhou Ran graduated, he came to the East China branch and joined the execution team to become a sword bearer. Yu Wen was assigned to the sword due to his average grades. The clerk position in the execution department was responsible for assisting the combat team in formulating execution plans and coordinating work. By the time Yu Wen applied to join the combat team, Zhou Ran was already recognized as the ace captain.

Zhou Ran and Li Pei were fighting in close quarters. Their bodies changed very quickly, making it difficult to aim. Yu Wen was unable to intervene.

"I didn't see you talking so much nonsense when I was in school!" Yu Wen threw away his guns and pulled out the long knife from his waist.

Yu Wen jumped down from the air and struck hard at Li Pei's back. The blade of the knife sank into his back but could not be pulled out. Li Pei was in pain and clawed back his hand. Yu Wen had no choice but to give up the sword and retreat to avoid it.

Seeing this, Zhou Ran stepped on the wall and leaped over Li Pei from the air. At the same time, he stepped on the long knife, and the blade sank deeper into his back. With this estimated power, Zhou Ran came to Yu Wen's side, and at the same time, he lifted the long knife in his right hand from The Long Yuan sword that never left his body was thrown to the open space next to Yu Wen's car.

Zhou Ran used his remaining left hand to drag Yu Wen to the car and put her into the car.

"I beg you, please leave quickly." Zhou Ran's eyes were full of pleading, and he picked up Long Yuan on the ground.

Yu Wen put the car in reverse gear and stepped on the accelerator, the car engine roared and backed up.

The car's lights shone directly on Zhou Ran. Zhou Ran turned around and smiled at Yu Wen. His thin figure was just like when he was in school. Then he resolutely rushed towards Li Pei, who had already reacted, with his sword in hand.

Yu Wen, who has always been very nervous, suddenly realized why this so-called genius man came to the East China Branch, an unfamiliar place, despite the generous conditions of the headquarters and the personal solicitation of the head of the execution department to stay, and why he would look down and compete with other captains. Not an excellent self.

As an A-level genius captain with rich combat experience, Zhou Ran should have thought of many ways to keep himself under Li Peili's claws, but he still panicked and chose the safest one, even at the cost of sacrificing an arm. , his arm holding the sword proudly.

Zhou Ran's body was reaching its limit, and his hand holding the sword kept trembling. In front of him was a monster that seemed to never be defeated, and behind him was his beloved girl.

What can be done? Only use the sword!

The one-armed man and the mad monster began a grand charge.

The roaring car came back again, crashing into Li Pei first and pinning him to the wall. Black smoke was emitting from the front wheels of the car.

"If you want to die, let's die together. You won't be alone on the road to hell, boss." A smile appeared on Yu Wen's face covered with blood and tears.

Li Pei was pressed against the wall by the front of the car. He waved his long claws, shattered the windshield and pierced the girl's chest.

"Fuck you!" Zhou Ran swung his sword furiously, and his attack was no longer as vicious and cunning as before. His anger overwhelmed his reason, and he slashed at Li Pei like crazy.

The car was eventually overturned by Li Pei, and Zhou Ran rushed to the rolling car and took out his beloved girl.

Li Pei walked slowly, taunting the two dying humans in front of him like a wild beast.

Just when Zhou Ran was about to face death calmly, a golden light flashed by, and Li Pei, who had looked like a murderous god just now, was knocked away by the golden light.

The light faded, and a silver-haired girl in pajamas looked expressionlessly at the two people lying on the ground.

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