At this moment, Xia Yi no longer looked like the holy warrior he had in previous battles. His iconic silver hair turned black at some point, and the golden light surrounding the holy sword in his hand was also swallowed up by black flames. His whole person was filled with murderous intent.

Li Pei seemed to have noticed the transformation of the girl in front of him, and instantly retreated into the air to coldly look down at the two people on the ground.

"I knew you had a backup plan!" Xu Qinghuan smiled happily and scolded Xia Yi after surviving the disaster.

Xu Qinghuan squatted on the ground and wiped the blood on his face. He took out a soft box of cigarettes that was squeezed into a shape from his pocket, and then touched around in his pocket but did not find a lighter.

"Come on." Xu Qinghuan waved to Xia Yi.

Xia Yi stretched out the holy sword. Xu Qinghuan took advantage of the black flames rising from the sword to light the cigarette and said slowly: "This kind of power should have been used long ago. There is no essential difference between the power of the devil and the power of God." , are they all used to kill enemies, right?”

This is the power of the devil.

"You are too happy too early. We will both die here tonight."

Xia Yi only left these words, and after speaking, the black wings spread out from behind and flew into the air.

Xia Yi's attacks were not as elegant and calm as before, and became fierce and brutal.

The situation on the battlefield changed again. The black-haired Xia Yi completely suppressed Li Pei in terms of speed and strength. Li Pei, who was crushed in close combat, tried to distance himself and drag Xia Yi with the summoned thunder spear, but Xia Yi was beaten one by one by Xia Yi. Blocked by the black feather behind him.

On the top floor of the building, the man watching this scene was so angry that he smashed the wine glass in his hand. Then he calmed down and was thankful that he didn't take action rashly tonight.

The sound of the car engine was getting closer and closer. Only then did Xu Qinghuan realize that he was not hallucinating. He looked for the sound. The next moment, there was thunder in the sky, the wall of the building was smashed, and a convertible classic sports car appeared in the sky. mid-air, then landed steadily.

In a daze, Xu Qinghuan seemed to see a tall eight-legged black horse rushing in with thunder and lightning. It would trample all obstacles under its feet. The rider on the horse looked familiar to him.

At the same time, the holy sword in Xia Yi's hand cut off Li Pei's head sharply. Dark golden blood spurted out, and Li Pei's head and body fell straight to the ground.

Wang Xichao hurriedly ran out of the car and looked at the heads and corpses rolling on the ground in despair.

He was still late.

"Why are you here?" Xu Qinghuan was surprised. Logically speaking, Wang Xichao should be in a college thousands of miles away at this time, so why did he suddenly appear here.

Wang Xichao didn't reply, his face alternated between crying and laughing.

Xia Yi fell back to the ground and ignored Wang Xichao who was standing aside. She walked straight towards Xu Qinghuan and waved the holy sword in her hand.

"Why do you, a woman, turn your back on me?" Xu Qinghuan felt the murderous intention in Xia Yi, which was even stronger than when the two met again on the dock for the first time.

"I said, we will both die here today, do you have any last words?"

Xia Yi became the silver-haired girl again, because the changes in her body caused by borrowing the devil's power had disappeared.

Xu Qinghuan frowned: "What's wrong with you?"

He noticed something was wrong with Xia Yi. Xia Yi's face was pale and the hand holding the sword was trembling.

"Of course there is a price for borrowing the devil's power. I won't live long, and my body will be taken over by evil after I die."

"I said, both of us will die tonight."

Xia Yi's words were devoid of any emotion.

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