"Where's the money! Where's the money! I've gone through life and death for you, and I've been beaten so many times! Why are you just giving me a few useless credits and a broken medal of honor to fool a child? I work in a convenience store and earn three thousand a month. ! I used to always scold the bald store manager for being shady, but I didn’t expect you guys to be much shabbier than him!”

In the Night Watch Academy, Xu Qinghuan's sonorous and powerful curses echoed in the Executive Department building. Director Sun of the Executive Department encountered this situation for the first time in more than fifty years and was so angry that he was incoherent for a moment.

Financial rewards are not much of an incentive for the students in the Night Watch Academy. After all, most of the students come from various clans, and money is not at all their consideration. Honor is what they care about and pursue. As a freshman, being able to get the Sword Bearer Medal of the Executive Department and have the opportunity to join the Executive Department is something that many students dare not even think about.

"Brother Xu, we are fighting for the peace of mankind. Talking about money is vulgar." Wednesday tried to persuade Xu Qinghuan, but he directly retorted.

"Stop kidnapping me with morals! I'm so poor that I'm going to rob a bank! I just want money, give it quickly!" Xu Qinghuan slapped the table.

Zhou Zhou and Minister Sun thought that Xu Qinghuan was exaggerating. Only Xia Yi knew that Xu Qinghuan really knew how to rob a bank, and that he had really done so.

"Sister Xia Yi, please persuade him quickly." Wednesday turned his attention to Xia Yi, who had been silent.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yi put her hands on the table and leaned over to stare at Minister Sun. The cold expression on her face made people shudder. Xia Yi slowly said: "I remember when you told me before, you said there would be generous rewards. .”

Xu Qinghuan stood aside and said, "You see, it's okay for them to lie to me. How dare they lie to you? I can't bear it."

Zhou Zhou shrugged at Minister Sun with a helpless expression, indicating that there was nothing he could do about it.

It would be okay if it was just Xu Qinghuan. Even Xia Yi said the same. Minister Sun coughed a few times and barely maintained his dignity as the head of the executive department of the college headquarters.

"You are not the official commissioners of the execution department. There is indeed no precedent of paying intern commissioners for tasks before." Minister Sun looked at Xu Qinghuan's murderous expression and immediately added: "But we handle special cases, so don't worry I will definitely give them to you." Satisfactory answer."

The deeds of the trio soon spread throughout the school. According to the combat records released by the execution department, the mission target Li Pei became so powerful that he almost killed Zhou Ran after using special drugs. Who is Zhou Ran? The higher-grade students naturally know this, which shows the danger of the mission target, which once put the execution team sent by the East China Branch into danger.

Facing such a powerful enemy, they were still easily defeated by the trio.

What the students talked about the most was the handsome blond foreign boy Wednesday and D-level student Xu Qinghuan. There is no doubt about Xia Yi's strength, and there is nothing more to talk about. Instead, it is Wednesday, who is also an S-level, with a mysterious identity. According to rumors, Wednesday His strength is even comparable to Xia Yi. As for Xu Qinghuan, most of the comments made by his classmates were envy and jealousy. A mediocre D-level student climbed up to two S teammates and won the Sword Bearer Medal from the Executive Department. You must know the Sword Bearer Medal. However, the highest personal honor that belongs to the executive department commissioner makes countless students hate it, and some even threaten that I can join this lineup.

As for Li Pei's true identity as the mysterious man in black robes, the school's official report did not disclose it. It only said that Li Pei used special drugs to transform into a ghost.

On the balcony of the boys' dormitory, Xu Qinghuan was sitting lazily on the newly purchased massage chair, enjoying a pleasant afternoon.

For the first time, he felt that life could be so wonderful. Most of his magic power was restored, and the execution department gave him a generous remuneration. It was so generous that during this period, he had been shopping online for all kinds of impractical things but still didn't have to worry about going bankrupt.

Simply a winner in life.

He is now in an unusually calm state of mind. Even when he heard the rumors about him lying down and winning with two S-class teammates, he just laughed it off. His calm reaction surprised even Xia Yi next to him.

He is now a high-ranking demon king. He can crush these ants with just a flick of his little finger. Why should he be angry with these ants? It’s better to enjoy life more if you have this time.

The phone on the bed rang with an incoming call.

"Xiao Wang, bring over the latest Apple 13promax 1tb space gray mobile phone I bought." Xu Qinghuan shouted into the room without raising his eyelids.

"Xiao Wang!" Seeing no response, Xu Qinghuan raised his voice.

"Where did he go?" Xu Qinghuan grabbed his left hand and the phone flew into his hand.

The caller ID on the mobile phone shows the note Xia Yi.

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