"Xiao Wang, what are you doing?" Xu Qinghuan shouted to Wang Xichao with a look of confusion.

Wang Xichao ignored it, glanced at Wednesday, who was killed by him, and said, "Get up, Loki, stop playing such childish tricks."

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Wednesday, who was lying on the ground, suddenly got up.

He adjusted the collar of his suit and said with a smile, "You have to expose me every time."

"Is your Eternal Spear a fake? Or is the teacher who told me about the history of the development of alchemical weapons lying to me?" Xu Qinghuan cursed.

Wang Xichao stared at Wednesday and explained to Xu Qinghuan: "I made a blood pact with him."

"From now on, we will benefit each other like a family and never hurt each other. If one of us is hurt, the other will avenge him." Wednesday read the vows made at that time.

"So that's how it is." Xu Qinghuan's expression turned cold. It turned out that the other party was a sworn brother who was playing tricks on him.

He hated these tricks and deceptions the most, not to mention deceptions from people he regarded as friends.

"Let's go together." Xu Qinghuan's body changed again, and he vowed to tear these two gods who thought they were smart to pieces.

"My relationship with him is not a good one." Wang Xichao hit the ground with the black spear of eternity, causing a violent shock wave centered on him, looking down on all living beings like a god king.

Lin Yue wanted to rush over to protect his father, but he couldn't resist the force at all. It became difficult to even stand, and he swung his knife on the ground.

Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan also felt unprecedented pressure.

Wednesday fell to his knees.

"There are only two gods left in Asgard who can't kill each other. You can't get all the faith." Wang Xichao said calmly, "So why did you try so hard to wake me up?"

"Please allow me to explain my great trick to my friends first." Wednesday stood up with difficulty, took out the scarf from his chest and wiped the pure golden blood from the corner of his mouth.

Wednesday showed his representative smile and explained to Xu Qinghuan and others: "You should have heard of the Nordic mythology, the story of Ragnarok, right?"

Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi were confused.

"How did you teach your world mythology and history class? Didn't you even listen in class?" Zhou Zhou was unusually angry.

Xia Yi got a headache when she saw the words, and Xu Qinghuan didn't go to class at all.

It's so fucking abominable that my great revenge plot is about to succeed, but the few viewers turn out to be scumbags!

"Legend has it that Loki used a trick to kill Balder, the god of light. He was tied to a boulder by Odin and had his face dripped with venom from poisonous snakes day and night as punishment."

Lin Yue, who had not been noticed by Wednesday, said.

Wednesday showed an expression of appreciation and signaled Lin Yue to continue.

"The world that lost the God of Light lost its light and warmth and fell into a long winter. The world became restless and wars continued. The boulder that trapped Loki shattered, and Loki took his three children Fenris, Wolf, and Giant The snake Jörmungandr and the god of death Hela, as well as the undead army of the god of death Hela, attack the divine domain.”

"Ragnarok came, Odin died from the Fenris wolf, Thor died from the venom of the giant snake Jörmungandr, Loki and Heimdall died together."

"The Fire Giant ignited the World Tree, the whole world was set on fire, and all the gods and monsters were burned up."

Lin Yue finished speaking.

"Then how come you two are still alive?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

"Good question!" Loki laughed.

Suddenly he stopped smiling and stared at Wang Xichao fiercely.

In other people's impressions, his face had never shown such a ferocious expression. He had always had a smile that didn't deserve a beating, even when he was beaten violently by Xu Qinghuan.

Wednesday's appearance gradually changed, and shocking wounds appeared on his handsome face.

"The great Odin sacrificed his right eye and predicted Ragnarok! He found me and said he had a way to lead the gods to escape the fate of death!"

"I used trickery to get the dwarfs to build the eternal spear Kungunir and Thor's hammer. In order to find the eight-legged god Masleipnir, I gave everything I had to the Asirs!"

"But what did you get in exchange?"

Wednesday looked crazy.

"You stole my mask and turned into me. After killing the God of Light, you put the blame on me! Let me be poisoned day and night and be reviled by people. I was saved by my wife Next, you will use the eternal spear that I dedicated to you to nail me to the Kingdom of Death!"

"After all the gods died, you, who only had faith, used this power to escape your fate. You didn't even think about stopping Ragnarok. In your plan, you were the only one who could survive from beginning to end!"

"But you can't imagine that we had a blood pact. Even the Eternal Spear couldn't break this blood pact. I came back to life, pulled out the Eternal Spear and hunted you down for thousands of years!"

Wang Xichao just faced this hysterical accusation with a blank expression.

"In six thousand five hundred and forty-seven years, you killed me three hundred and fourteen times." Wang Xichao finally spoke, "Even this can't extinguish your anger? Loki."

"It's time to end this farce Odin." Wednesday returned to his elegant expression, and his appearance returned to normal.

"Oh?" Wang Xichao looked coldly at Wednesday and hit the ground again with the spear in his hand.

A huge thunder struck down in the sky of the college again, and there were strong winds and rain, like the end of the world.

A more tyrannical energy spread than before, and Lin Yue was directly knocked away. In front of the supreme power of God, even a descendant of A-level blood was indistinguishable from an ant.

Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi barely stood, and Wednesday actually knelt down directly.

Wednesday struggled to raise his noble head and sneered: "This time I will send the Eternal Spear and Sleipnir to you, and design to revive you, just to end this farce."

"I can't kill you, but your death is already destined." Loki smiled and pointed to the container behind Wang Xichao.

"Answer the phone! Someone is calling you! Answer the phone quickly!"

A familiar cell phone ringtone came from the container.

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