Because my latest updated chapter was sent to the wrong volume, I couldn't change the location, so I just changed it to a quote from the author.

I just want to answer the question that many readers have asked me.

1. Regarding the killing of the girl at the beginning, I regret it very much now that I think about it. As an author, of course I hope that more people will see my story so that I can make money. I have considered resurrecting it in the future, which will be in another form.

2. About the setting of the story

This is what most people complain about.

Yes, of course I am a fan of dragons. The world background is based on the dragon clan. The dragon clan is my favorite novel and I hope readers who have not read it can read it. It is super good-looking!

Regarding the part-time job, Lord Demon King, there may only be a few people who have read this anime. The settings of the male and female protagonists at the beginning are indeed somewhat similar.

Readers who have read my other online game article before it was released should know that I have always been keen on the setting where the male and female protagonists are mortal enemies. Both of them need to be strong, and the female protagonist is stronger. In fact, except for the Demon King and the Hero, In terms of identity, the male and female protagonists are not the same.

If you feel that the Demon King and the Hero are incompatible with each other, then treat him as the Demon King and replace the heroine with a decent genius girl.

The beginning of this book was written more than a year ago. Forgive me as a newbie, I couldn't build a complete world and could only draw on the background settings of the Dragon Clan. At that time, I thought I could ride on the popularity.

The story is unapologetically original.

3. The character of the male protagonist

The male protagonist changed from a brave man to a demon king for revenge. Many people said that he was not cold enough to be like a demon king, because he was originally a kind and brave brave man, talkative and dedicated to saving mankind.

Many people complain about his low IQ. In his last job, he was a brave man who single-handedly defeated the invasion of demons and killed the demon king. In his last job, he was a demon king who almost conquered the world. Except for Xia Yi who suddenly appeared later, there was no one in the world. His opponent's.

As a person with supreme power, he doesn't care about the tricks of soldiers and generals, and he doesn't bother to care. There is no difference in his eyes whether you are a god or a human being.

He knew that Wednesday had been causing trouble but still didn't bother to take care of it. It wasn't until he confirmed that Wednesday was the mysterious person who killed Xiaoyu that he really became murderous.

As a hero, he was just, kind, and brave. After degenerating into a demon king, he still carried the hero's heart and led the weak demons to fight back against humans. The male protagonist believes that soldiers should be prepared to die when they go to the battlefield, but civilians He should not have been harmed. Xia Yi also said that in the war launched by Xu Qinghuan, the demons no longer slaughtered civilians like before, but more like a well-disciplined army. This was the biggest reason why Xia Yi did not directly kill the demon king. reason.

The male protagonist has also been reflecting on whether he was really wrong.

4. heroine

The heroine is actually a perfect character that I wanted to create, but many people don't like her.

Many people complained about the plot where the heroine stopped the hero and killed the wretched robber directly at the convenience store that night, but the law is the law.

There are also many people who say that the female protagonist is annoying and restricts the freedom of the male protagonist. I'm actually quite speechless about this.

I won’t say much more about her plot if it involves spoilers.

Although the male and female protagonists are devils and heroes, they are actually young people in their twenties. They are growing and changing all the time.

To put it bluntly, the whole story is revenge, the hero's revenge, Wednesday's revenge, and Principal Long's revenge.

Okay, I have enough 1,000 words to post, and I’m going to edit the latest chapter.

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