Xu Qinghuan stood next to the sports car, holding the long knife that he pulled out of Lin Yue's car. The heavy rain soaked his messy hair.

The headlights were intact and the high-beam headlights illuminated the entire area.

The tall knight who was hit by his car and flew more than ten meters away was slowly getting up. The high-speed impact did not seem to cause any damage to it. Its anger was ignited, and the dark golden pupils in its empty eye sockets became brighter and brighter.

Xu Qinghuan glanced at the group of monsters that were about to move not far away. These ugly and ferocious monsters seemed inexplicably friendly to him, the demon king.

His eyes finally fell on a few people lying on the ground whose life and death were unknown. He didn't understand why these weak humans didn't run away and put up meaningless resistance when they knew the danger was approaching.

Rain mixed with blood, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Lin Yue, who was seriously injured, could barely stand at the moment. The dazzling car lights made it difficult for her to see the backlit figure.

"It's okay, Xiu Xiu should still be able to drive it." Xu Qinghuan looked at the severely deformed sports car and tried to use his hands to get out the dent in the car body.

He never expected that it would be him, the man he sent away, who would come back to die.

"Why are you back again!" Lin Yue gasped, angry and at the same time looking at the man in front of her with admiration.

what's the function? It's just one more person killed.

Xu Qinghuan raised his eyebrows: "You promised that you would treat me to dinner as long as I answered your questions."

Lin Yue laughed angrily at this ignorant young man. Anyway, there is no possibility of escape now, everyone will die here together.

The angry knight rushed towards Xu Qinghuan, his huge body carrying an astonishing pressure, and he was almost in front of him in an instant, with the long sword in his hand carrying a black aura of death.

Almost at the same time as the knight charged, Lin Yue endured the severe pain and ran towards Xu Qinghuan. She knew how powerful this monster was, and there was no way she could take its full blow, let alone the stupid one. A teenager.

She jumped up angrily and rushed towards Xu Qinghuan. Unfortunately, the knight had already noticed her movement and threw the shield with her left hand. Lin Yue, who was in mid-air, had no time to avoid and was hit to the ground. She was seriously injured and coughed up a large mouthful of blood. Fainted.

"What a madman." Xu Qinghuan said lightly.

The knight was in front of him, and the sword in his hand struck down hard, seeming to have declared the boy's death.

The harsh clash of swords resounded through the night sky, and the huge shock wave overturned many smaller monsters.

Xu Qinghuan held the sword with both hands and blocked the knight's full blow, but his face turned pale and the hands holding the sword trembled slightly.

The knight who lost his soul seemed to be a killing machine. He was angered by the despicable humans in front of him and waved his sword tirelessly.

Xu Qinghuan was not afraid at all and fought with him with his sword.

The two of them were like ancient warriors, attacking fiercely and using all their strength. Xu Qinghuan's strength and speed were actually able to keep pace with this knight who looked like a god of death.

There was a "clang" sound, and as the swords collided again, the long knife in Xu Qinghuan's hand broke. Looking at the broken knife in his hand, Xu Qinghuan cursed.

The knight did not give him time to breathe, and pierced Xu Qinghuan's chest with another sword. The knight did not withdraw the sword from his body, but raised the sword high and roared loudly. Xu Qinghuan was inserted into the sword like a trophy. Blood flowed from the sword body to the hilt, and then dripped onto the knight's face. The knight bathed in his opponent's blood and roared excitedly, showing off to the monsters lying on the ground around him.

Severe pain spread throughout his limbs and bones. Xu Qinghuan vomited blood, stared at the broken long knife in his hand, and murmured: "Fake and inferior products kill people..."

The knife he used was found from Lin Yue's car. The weapons that Lin Yue could carry were certainly not ordinary, but they were still incomparable to the ancient knight sword in the knight's hand.

The dark figure on the cargo ship looked at the scene on the dock expressionlessly, raised his head slightly and said to the two crows circling above his head: "Make it hurry up."

A crow landed on the shadow's left shoulder, and another flew toward the dock.

He was not worried that the target would escape if time passed. The entire dock was shrouded in his domain, and no one could enter or exit. It was just that the damn rain made him a little upset.

A crow landed on the shoulder of the knight who was showing off his strength. The knight seemed to have received the order and threw Xu Qinghuan with the sword on the ground. Like a general, he shouted to the group of monsters behind him. The monsters stood up excitedly, Start their hunting feast again.

The monster's roar woke up Lin Yue who was unconscious on the ground. She got up with difficulty and saw Xu Qinghuan lying motionless in a pool of blood.

The long sword glowing with blue light spun in the air, flew towards the arrogant knight, hit his armor, and fell to the ground with a clang. This feeble throw was Lin Yue's last resistance.

The knight turned to look at the girl who was still alive. He stubbornly tried to get up, but fell to the ground again. The knight walked towards her slowly, as if death was approaching.

In fact, there was no need to use it. The blow just now exhausted all Lin Yue's strength. She was seriously injured and was at the end of her strength, with little life left.

The knight stood in front of Lin Yue, holding the sword behind his back and stabbing the girl who fell to the ground.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded from behind, a terrifying aura spread, and the blue blade flew towards him with a strong black aura of death. The moment the knight realized something was wrong and turned around, the long knife sank into its chest, and the powerful force attached to the knife directly hit it. The belt flew far away and was finally nailed to the wall of the container.

Even though the knight was a dead thing without a soul, there was a look of horror on his face at this moment.

The boy who was supposed to be dead stood up again. The huge penetrating wound on his chest healed instantly without any process. He was surrounded by a strange black energy visible to the naked eye. Bloody red devil horns grew backward on both sides of his forehead. The strange thing was the one on the left. The devil's horn was broken, and the cut was neat, as if it had been chopped off with a sword.

"I originally wanted to fight as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was a beating. I stopped pretending and showed my cards." Xu Qinghuan's eyes turned a terrifying blood red with a sneer on his face.

"Standing in front of you is the youngest, most handsome and strongest Demon King in history!"

The knight who was nailed to the wall roared angrily, trying to pull out the long knife nailed to his chest. The group of monsters who had been watching the battle waved their claws and rushed towards the only surviving human on the field.

Afterimages flashed by, and Xu Qinghuan's speed could not be captured by the naked eye. The next moment, he was standing in front of the knight, drawing out the long knife body that penetrated the knight and nailing it to the wall, and then slashed it down again.

This is simply a massacre and revenge! Xu Qinghuan swung his sword, but did not chop at the knight's fatal head. Letting him die easily would not make the devil happy. The knight who had previously crushed everyone with an invincible posture was now powerless to fight back. In comparison, its movements seemed clumsy and its strength was even smaller. The long sword in its hand collided with the long sword blessed by Xu Qinghuan's magic power for the first time. It was cut off at the bottom.

Xu Qinghuan looked normal but was doing crazy things. The knight's hands and feet were cut off by him, and many knives were stabbed into his body as if he was venting his anger.

He was bathed in the enemy's dark red blood, and his whole body was crazy and terrifying.

The surrounding monsters stared at this scene in fear. Even as dead creatures, they could feel the man's strength and did not dare to take another step closer.

Xu Qinghuan imitated what the knight had done to him before, piercing the knight's body that was no longer in human form on the knife, and then raised the knife over his head. The devil killed the rebel who dared to resist, showing his absolute majesty and power.

Xu Qinghuan was tired of playing, and with a slight flick, the knight's body fell into the group of monsters, and was instantly eaten up by the hungry and thirsty monsters.

He stood upright, looking down at the fainting human girl lying on the rainy ground. This woman is really interesting. I have only seen her twice, and both times she was seriously injured and only breathed.

How much money do you get in a month to be so desperate?

"Hey, don't die." Xu Qinghuan patted Lin Yue's face with the blade of the knife, "You still owe me a meal."

The seemingly joking words were like divine orders. Dense black energy spread out from Xu Qinghuan's body and penetrated into Lin Yue's body. His broken body began to recover quickly.

Lin Yue's body regained vitality, her heart began to beat vigorously, and she regained her consciousness slightly. She heard someone shouting that she was not allowed to die. She opened her eyelids slightly and vaguely saw a figure with two strange horns on her head, one long and one long. short.

"Sure enough..." She whispered and fainted again.

Xu Qinghuan returned to the car and rummaged for something, then walked to Wang Weiyu and the others who were lying on the ground on the other side. He didn't look at the others, but stopped next to the middle-aged man who had given him a cigarette before.

A large hole was exposed in Wang Weiyu's abdomen, the blood in his body was almost drained, and his breath was weak.

"Wake up." Xu Qinghuan knelt down and patted Wang Weiyu's face.

This frail middle-aged man actually woke up, saw Xu Qinghuan's familiar face, looked at the situation on the field, smiled and coughed up blood: "I knew you were not hypnotized, you were lying." He then looked at the three lifeless team members lying next to him, looking lonely.

"Has the goods been shipped?" The middle-aged man gasped, thinking he might die at any time.

Xu Qinghuan only felt that this man was strange. He was obviously about to die, but the thing he cared about most was this.

"Don't worry, it's been shipped." Xu Qinghuan didn't know what the cargo was, so he comforted the dying man. He took out the cigarette that he had just returned to the car and handed it to the man's mouth, and then lit the cigarette with a wave of his finger.

"That's good, that's good." Wang Weiyu took a big puff of the last cigarette in his life, took out his mobile phone from his pants pocket with difficulty, and made a call.

The phone beeped, I thought, but after waiting for a long time, the call still wasn't connected.

"This boy."

Wang Weiyu smiled helplessly, his eyes full of regret, the light in his pupils gradually extinguished, and along with the cigarette that was wet by the rain and had not been smoked for a few puffs, he held the cell phone that was dialing.

Wang Weiyu, an older graduate of Night Watch Academy who didn't have outstanding grades, died together with his teammates.

The call he made was answered after he died. The person on the other end of the phone hung up the phone after seeing no response after calling him several times.

Xu Qinghuan watched the death of the man in front of him quietly. Repairing Lin Yue's body had already consumed his few magical powers. He had no intention of saving the man in front of him anymore. He only wanted to wake him up to give him back a cigarette.

But now he suddenly admired these weak but stubborn humans.

He dragged Lin Yue on the ground to Wang Weiyu's body, sat down with his back against the container, lit a cigarette, and looked at the monsters waiting for opportunities in the distance as if nothing had happened.

The monsters that had eaten the knight's corpse became particularly violent and bloodthirsty at this moment, but Xu Qinghuan's brutal appearance during the battle frightened them. They cautiously approached slowly, waiting for their prey to be at its weakest.

Xu Qinghuan smoked a cigarette indifferently and looked at the group of monsters that were slowly approaching and looking for opportunities to attack. He was not prepared to take action against this group of monsters because he knew that someone would naturally arrive to deal with them soon. At this moment, he wanted to reserve the few magic powers he had for the upcoming battle.

He guarded everyone's corpses, intimidating the approaching monsters, and did not allow the corpses of these stupid and stubborn humans to be insulted by monsters. In the eyes of a demon like him, is there anything worth sacrificing his life to protect? Although these people are stupid, they are also heroes.

The dark figure on the cargo ship frowned and looked at the man who suddenly appeared on the shore, his face ashen. He had a panoramic view of the battle just now.

"Since when did humans have such a character?"

The "ghost" released was obviously no match for that man. He had made up his mind to kill the man who suddenly appeared tonight. Even though his current strength was not as strong as at his peak, it was still very easy to kill every human being.

The black shadow recited an ancient and profound spell. The strong wind on the coast blew his broad black robe. The man's eyes under the black robe lit up with blue light. There was thunder and lightning in the sky, and the lightnings illuminated the night sky like daylight.

Just when the black shadow was about to wave his hand to control the lightning strike to hit the man on the shore, his hand suddenly froze.

"Why is there another one!" He sounded like he had seen a ghost.

He felt that someone had broken through his territory and rushed into the dock that was originally isolated from the outside world.

"Forget it." The shadow stopped, slightly unwilling to do so.

The two crows hovering in the sky grabbed the black shadow's left and right shoulders, waved their dark wings, grabbed the man and flew up, disappearing over the sea.

The densely packed monsters are getting closer and closer. They observe the prey in front of them, thinking that the prey has exhausted its energy.

"Why is this damn brave so slow!" Xu Qinghuan had already raised his knife and was ready to fight the monster in front of him.

A ray of golden light came through the sky, and wherever it went, the monster's corpses were separated, and there was no time to even cry.

"We're here." Xu Qinghuan looked at the familiar golden light. Under the golden light was a gorgeous long sword.

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