Damn it, why do you default to the first volume when posting chapters now? I posted the wrong chapter again! ! ! !

I'm so angry, I'm so angry, I'm so angry...

How can I revise this thousand words? ? ?

What to do, what to do, what to do! ! !

Let me think about it carefully

Questions about the combat power of this book

For a perfect score of ten, the male protagonist in the devil state is 10, the female protagonist in the brave state is 9, and the female protagonist with the blessing of the holy sword can reach 10 when fighting against the male protagonist.

Wednesday is actually very strong. After sacrificing his eyes to gain strength at the end, he has reached level 6. Therefore, the male protagonist only narrowly defeated Wednesday when his magic power was not full at the time.

The story of the male and female protagonist’s previous world will be written at the back of the book, and then there will be people coming to their world.

Careful readers should be able to tell that the source of the male protagonist's strength is not just fear.

It's over, it's over, it took me a long time to get to 257 characters. No, it's already 268 characters now.

I often see some comments that make me angry, saying that the male protagonist is mentally retarded. Please read it carefully before commenting!

Also, please give me a thumbs up.

I took a look and even though I spent three days fishing and two days surfing the Internet, there are still more than 3,000 people following each update. It would be great if each of these 3,000 people would send me a message every day.

Please, please give me a good review, it's very important to me.

Why did it take me a long time to write more than 400 words? Oops, my head hurts. I swear I will read about the volume division every time I update.

Ouch, why did Tomato suddenly become like this? When I publish the latest chapter, it should definitely be assigned to the latest volume by default. I want to give a suggested price for tomatoes from his grandmother.

Please, please give me a good review and some power for love.

This book is expected to be completed in one million words. Why is it one million words? Because the platform will give recommendations when I have 1 million words, so I definitely can’t miss this opportunity.

The first volume is about Nordic mythology

The second one is Japanese Mythology

After the Japanese chapter, I am going to start writing Chinese mythology, but you know what I say, we can’t let the male and female protagonists be stronger than our gods, right?

And regarding Chinese mythology, there are too many systems and I don’t know which one to use. I am currently studying the Classic of Mountains and Seas and plan to use it as the background.

Regarding Chinese mythology, I have an idea out of nowhere. I only have a name to call it: The Man Trapped in Time. I haven’t thought of the story yet, so I’ll use this as the theme.

Oops, I’ve already reached 700 words. Come on, persistence is victory.

In fact, regarding the recent nuclear wastewater incident in Japan, I suddenly wanted to write a doomsday-themed book about this.

I have already thought of the title of the book, Global Nuclear Change: Come with me to escape this hateful world.

Imagine that the male protagonist is an anti-social personality. After the disaster strikes, the first thing he does is not fear but excitement, because finally he no longer has to go to that unprofitable job to pay off the mortgage!

It's just me

It's a pity that I don't know much about apocalyptic literature and haven't read much. More importantly, my inspiration seems to come from a Japanese anime. Forget it, I'll finish this book first.

I don’t know where I read this sentence, people can only live sincerely in a place where they have no friends.

I’m so annoyed. I really want to write a book that will make the gods earn a million dollars and then lie down. Does any reader have any ideas or suggestions?

make money make money make money

Also, when I was writing this novel, I kept changing the plot. I decided on the outcome first, and then I actually didn’t know what would happen next. I always thought about what the male protagonist would do and what the female protagonist would do.

Okay, that's enough

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