The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 9 The Demon King And The Brave Man In The Internet Cafe

In the early morning, the smoky Internet cafe was filled with sleepy customers.

Two women and one man opened the store door. When they saw the silver-haired girl walking in the front, the originally sleepy male network administrator immediately cheered up.

"Oh, why are my clothes soaked!" The young network administrator immediately showed concern, took out a blanket from the counter and handed it over. The silver-haired girl is a regular visitor to the store. A beautiful young girl like her is the most dazzling presence wherever she goes. Many male customers come to this store to surf the Internet just for her.

The silver-haired girl took the towel, wiped her hair, and handed over her ID card.

"Okay." The young network administrator turned on the phone skillfully and said with concern: "I will send you a hot cup of milk later."

The computer rang: "The balance on the card is 200 yuan."

"Thank you, no need." The silver-haired girl reached out to retrieve her ID card with a cold expression.

The young man's crisp voice sounded behind the silver-haired girl: "Give me a towel too!"

Only then did the young network administrator notice that there were two people following the girl. An ordinary-looking boy was smiling at him. The boy's body was soaked, his wet hair was dripping, and his white T-shirt had a big hole in it, making it appear that He was very embarrassed, carrying a girl who was also soaked on his back. The girl's head was buried in her shoulders and she couldn't see clearly. The soaked clothes clung to her body, outlining her graceful and tall figure.

"Ah...oh." The young network administrator was a little flustered and took out two more towels and handed them to the boy in front of him.

The young man was carrying someone on his back and couldn't free his hands, so he touched the silver-haired girl beside him with his shoulder.

"Get it for me."

The silver-haired girl took the towel and threw it on Xu Qinghuan's head.

"ID card." The silver-haired girl asked the boy beside her.

"I know." The boy knelt down and put the girl down on his back, and the silver-haired girl took it and supported her.

"Turn on the phone! Stay overnight!" The boy rummaged through his trousers pocket, took out his ID card and handed it to the network administrator, "ID card." He looked proud, as if having an ID card was a big deal.

"20 per night," the network manager said.

The boy shyly touched his pocket and smiled awkwardly at the silver-haired girl. He didn’t bring any cash, and his cellphone couldn’t be turned on due to the heavy rain.

The silver-haired girl showed a helpless expression, took out all the money from her pajamas pocket and put it on the table. There were banknotes and coins. She counted only 19 yuan, which was still 1 yuan short.

The network administrator was surprised when he saw this. The silver-haired girl had always been a loner. She seemed to have no friends and rarely talked to others. She ignored other people's attempts to strike up a conversation. The young man in front of her was actually her friend! Still the kind who will pay for him! ,

"Since I'm your friend, I won't charge you any money." Although he said this to the silver-haired girl, the network administrator kept his eyes on the boy.

Just as the silver-haired girl was about to speak, the boy immediately grabbed the money on the table and stuffed it into the silver-haired girl's pajama pocket.

This scene made the network administrator of the girl who had been in love for a long time extremely angry. He looked at the young man as if he wanted to kill someone.

The boy was a little confused.

"Thank you."

Xu Qinghuan followed the brave man and found a seat in the corner to sit down. He placed Lin Yue on his back on the sofa nearby. In order to show his kindness to the brave man, he covered her with a blanket.

Xu Qinghuan turned on the computer and wondered why all the men who came in looked at her in unfriendly ways.

"You named yourself Xia Yi? My friend named me Xu Qinghuan." Xu Qinghuan chatted with the brave man next to him who was logging into the game account. When the brave man took out his ID card just now, he caught a glimpse of it. name.

Xia Yi nodded and typed the password on the keyboard.

"Xia Yi is a good name."


Xu Qinghuan was restless. The brave man next to him, whose alias was Xia Yi, had already clicked on the game match and ignored him completely. He had been expressionless from the moment they met until now.

What on earth is this stupid hero thinking! He is the devil! Demon King, brother! You brought me to this crappy internet cafe just so I could watch you play games!

"How did you come to this world?" Xu Qinghuan asked tentatively. The moment he passed through the space rift, the rift was repaired and disappeared. How did the brave man follow him?

Xia Yi said without looking back: "Holy Sword, I used the Holy Sword to open the rift in space."

"Your church is really killing everyone."

"The church didn't send me here." Xia Yi stared at the screen and was choosing a hero.

"What do you mean?" Xu Qinghuan was surprised.

"The church has signed a contract with the demons on behalf of mankind, with the abyssal sea as the boundary and mutual non-aggression. Naturally, I, a brave man born for fighting, have lost his role." Xia Yi looked at the interface of loading the game on the screen, " Life in church is boring.”

"The Sea of ​​the Abyss?" Xu Qinghuan was angry, "The arrogant humans really don't give us demons a way to survive! When I return, I will make them kneel at my feet again, and send all humans to the demon territory, so that Let them feel whether a place with scarce resources and a harsh environment is a place where people can live!"

Xia Yi silently turned to look at Xu Qinghuan, which made him feel a little scared, wondering if what he just said was too arrogant.

"You can't go back." Xia Yi said expressionlessly, "Because I don't want to go back."

Xu Qinghuan looked at Xia Yi next to her in astonishment. She looked like a little girl who was tired of the boring life at home and chose to run away from home. She was addicted to games and her favorite place was the Internet cafe. The reason she ran away from home was that the world had become peaceful and no longer needed her, and she didn't want to stay in that disgusting place. If the Demon King returns, she will need to take up her responsibility as a hero again and return together.

Xia Yi's game has started. She is staring at the screen intently, her expression even more serious than when she was hunting monsters just now.

Xu Qinghuan has played the game Xia Yi is playing, a 5V5 online tower-pushing competitive game. The hero Xia Yi plays is a cute rabbit, and his ultimate move is to release mushrooms.

Xu Qinghuan rested his head on his hands and looked at Xia Yi's screen.

Xu Qinghuan's cry echoed throughout the Internet cafe: "Play Q! Play Q, oh!"

Xia Yi's screen went black.

"Cook! Real food!"

"There's a big dragon on the other side, go, go, go!"

"Cook, brave man!"

The male network administrator diligently brought a glass of milk to Xia Yi's table, but Xu Qinghuan, who said she was thirsty, took it and drank it. The male network administrator gave Xu Qinghuan a vicious look before leaving, which made him confused.

The crystal exploded, showing a big word failure.

"You are the only one who talks too much! You made me lose!" Xia Yi glared at Xu Qinghuan angrily, her usually expressionless face full of anger.

"Which area are you in? I'll take you to lie down!"

The Demon King and the Hero were in a small Internet cafe, wearing headphones and sitting in front of the computer to fight side by side. This time the Demon King played the ADC, and the Hero played the cute hero support who can put mushrooms.

"Up, up, up!"

"You go and seduce him."

"Help me, help me!"

As Xu Qinghuan fired his last shot, the crystal on the opposite side exploded.

Xia Yi looked at Xu Qinghuan seriously and gave a thumbs up: "Awesome."

Lin Yue, who was lying unconscious on the sofa, showed signs of waking up.

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