The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1866: Returning to the night (2)

"Then, please let Longyan arrange the dragon cemetery as soon as possible." Saerdao.

Longyan smiled slightly: "I have already arranged my hand, and we can leave at any time."

"If you don't want to be late, then we will leave this afternoon." Sargon disconnected.

Just as Thrall and Longyan finalized the news of the resurrection of the Dragon cemetery, an undead guard rushed in.

"Reporting General!"

"What?" Thrall frowned at the guards who broke into it.

"His Royal Highness... He is coming back under the night..."

"What!" Thrall stunned.

Come back to the night? How can this be?

No one thought that the night will actually come back at this time.

Thrall immediately got up and wanted to see it, but before he went out, the two figures appeared at the entrance to the main hall.

In the evening of the night, accompanied by the night fight, he walked into the hall, and the proud eyes swept through everyone present.

"His Royal Highness!" The friends and relatives returned to the first time, and they brushed their knees.

There was a bit of stiffness on Thrall's face. He couldn't think of the night when he would come back, and he looked at the night, and there was no scar on his body. It was neat and tidy.

"General Saar, how can I not see the ceremony?" The night froze, looking at the sand in the same place, with a trace of dissatisfaction.

Thrall was shocked and immediately kneeled down on one knee.

"See the Highness of the Night."

The night snorted, and walked to the main position of the main hall, and sat down safely in the worship of the undead.

Longyan, who has been watching the movie, is a bit dumbfounded. What is the situation?

The night of the night that has been missing for a few days actually ran back? ?

"His Highness, where have you been in this time... Where are you looking for you, I am worried," asked Sal.

In the night, she raised her eyebrows slightly and sneered: "How? General Saar has already begun to ask me whereabouts?"

Thrall immediately said: "I don't dare to subordinate. The subordinates are only worried that the rebellious dragons of this Qianlong continent will be unfavorable to His Highness."

Night night: "How can the little dragons hurt me? I just found something interesting and went to see it."

"Yes." Thrark wiped the cold sweat, but his heart was a doubt. He always felt that the Queen of the Night was different from what he had seen before, but he did not know where it was.

The disappearance and return of the night was too much, and Thrall vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"What interesting things have you found under Your Highness? Let me talk about it, let me wait for a long time." Thrall's tentative opening.

The night of the night blinked and did not respond.

Standing on the side of the night fighting with a low head, but a smile when no one noticed.

Thrall is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he must have doubted the night.


Shen Yanxiao, disguised as a night fight, laughed in the heart, but sitting here is the decent prince, not her fake goods.

Under the suggestion of Shen Yanxiao, Midnight released the dead air on her body in an instant.

The strong dead air surpassed the atmosphere of all the high spirits in the room.

The power of the Undead Chu Jun is already visible.

Feeling the moment of strong death, Thrall's heart was shocked, this is definitely the emperor of the night, no doubt in this deadness, he clearly feels the atmosphere similar to the undead Lord.

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