The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1882: Wooden bow and arrow (1)


Shen Yanxiao’s claws were just near the longbow, and a burning sensation was immediately transmitted to her fingertips.

Shen Yanxiao immediately withdrew his hand and squinted at the fingertips with a burnt burn.

"……"What's happening here? !

Shen Yanxiao is speechless.

She couldn't seem to use the bow and arrow made by the elf. As soon as she touched it, she would immediately be hurt by the pure life of the archer.

The elves represent life, and the undead represent death. These two kinds of opposite existence cannot coexist.

Shen Yanxiao now wants to cry a little...

She was still glad that she had a skill that could be used without magic and vindictiveness, but now she finds that the weapon needed for this skill is not proud of her! !

You are a virgin woman! !

The master has changed his shape, you don't recognize it, you are a dog, actually bite her!

The elf's bow and arrow can't be used, she doesn't want to turn her pair of claws into coke.

In desperation, Shen Yanxiao can only go to the weapons shop in the pool of Zerano, pick a bow from the weapons of the undead.

When Shen Yanxiao came to the only weapon shop in the city of Zerano, there were many low-level undead in the whole shop. They were holding their backs and looking for weapons suitable for themselves in the gray shop. .

Shen Yanxiao silently came in.

She has been in the weapons shop twice in her life, the first time to buy a bow, this time... and again to buy a bow!

Unlike the weapons shop in Black City, there are only a few oil lamps in the undead's weapons shop to illuminate the big shops. Shen Yanxiao needs to concentrate on the sights to see the weapons placed on the coffin counter.

At first glance, Shen Yanxiao saw a squat arm wrapped around a bandage. At the forefront of the arm, part of the palm of the hand was clenched, and a gray stone was embedded in it.

This is the undead's ... staff?

Shen Yanxiao looked again and saw that every weapon in this shop was almost related to bones.

Shen Yanxiao did not want to touch those things.

"Do you have pure wood bows here?" Shen Yanxiao found a circle, and did not find a bow and arrow that he could get off. He could only go to the counter of the shop with his scalp and ask the clerk inside.

"This guest, you said... What do you want?" The undead apparently did not quite understand the requirements of Shen Yanxiao. He looked at the empty eyes and looked at Shen Yanxiao, slightly open his mouth, just like an already The dead body of the throat.

"Pure wood bows and arrows." Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath and warned himself to ignore the face like a horror film.

The clerk was dumbfounded after hearing the request of Shen Yanxiao.

On the side of the two low-level undeads who are buying weapons, they also cast a strange look on Shen Yanxiao.

"Hey, you heard no, that idiot, actually wants wooden weapons." A low-level undead ridiculously poked his direct companion, looking at Shen Yanxiao's eyes, full of irony and ridicule.

"Is she really an idiot? Actually want wooden weapons, who will use that kind of thing? Give the children a house?"

For the dead souls, the wooden things can't be used for a long time. Even the branches that have been folded will quickly wither into the fragile dead wood in the hands of the undead. The dead body of the undead will be swallowed subconsciously. All living organisms that come into contact with it.

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