The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1884: Just too beautiful (2)

"You... how can you become like this?" Shen Yanxiao pointed at the body half ahead higher than himself, and couldn't believe his eyes.


How can this be!

Her family is obviously a natural snack food, stupid and cute!

How did this turn into a wild and cold man?

This unscientific!

He looked at his eyes and looked at the face of Shen Yanxiao’s shocked look. After hesitating for a moment, his body shape changed. Once again, he would only go to Xiaozheng, who had a high chest.

"Master~ I am protecting you!" 饕餮 娇 哼哼 , 饕餮 饕餮 饕餮 饕餮 饕餮 饕餮 饕餮 饕餮 饕餮 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 沉 沉 沉 沉 沉 沉 沉 沉 沉 沉 沉The fundus is full of "please praise, ask for feeding, ask for tiger touch."

"Protection...I?" Shen Yanxiao has not yet become a beautiful man, and the beautiful man has become too horrified to wake up.

"I said, the Master and the Suzaku are not there. I will be responsible for protecting the safety of the owner. The owner can rest assured that I will not let those undead hurt you!" He looked at Shen Yanxiao very seriously.

Shen Yanxiao has a slight glimpse.

I did say something similar before, but... she didn't think that she would protect her in this way.

"Can you become an adult?" Shen Yanxiao looked at you.


"Then why are you..." Why are you still selling all day long! !

The innocent drums screamed at the gang: "Suzaku said that the owner likes us like this."

"..." Shen Yanxiao is speechless, and Suzaku instilled in the end what information!

"When did you start to change the human form?" Shen Yan Xiao mouth twitching, she vaguely felt that she seems to be fooled by two stupid budding.

"After the animal tide..." whispered.

"Can Suzaku become the appearance of an adult man?" Shen Yanxiao slightly narrowed his eyes.


"When did it start?"

"A few days before we went to the Qianlong continent..."

"Very good, you two little bastards, actually still lie to me!" Shen Yan Xiao squinted his eyes, smashed through the slap, and his small **** was a slap.

No wonder she always felt strange. He has completely evolved into a sacred beast. Why can't he change into the appearance of an adult man? Suzaku is already about to break through the realm of the Holy Beast. Why is it still facing a face?

For a long time, these two little devils have already become the appearance of an adult man, but they have been fooling her all the time!

"Hey, it’s Suzaku said, Suzaku said that the owner likes the cute look, let me not become an adult, oh..." He wowed, and there was still a little bit of coldness in the end!

A cute little face, with crystal tears, grievously staring at Shen Yanxiao, Shen Yanxiao's heart is fierce.

She let go of her awkwardly and turned her head to the side.

Looking at the little face again, the guilty feeling in her heart is about to burst!

Suzaku guessed that there is nothing wrong with it. Shen Yanxiao has no resistance to cute little things. Otherwise, she will not still occupy the position of her summoned beast by the mini dragon, and will not send it back to its death. Where did the wing go?

In order to ensure that the status of her own pet is not shaken, Suzaku has drawn up the food and food, keeping the appearance of Zhengtai, and inspiring to be the most cute little cute in Shen Yanxiao's heart.

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