The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1893: School of the Undead (2)

The Temple of the Fire is the last type that is open to both types of undead.

The undead colleges are very demanding on the conditions for resurrecting the undead. It is not only necessary to conduct a dead-end test, but also to resurrect the resurrection of the undead to make recommendations.

Moreover, the teaching content of the college dedicated to the resurrection of the undead is very different. Most of the content they teach is how to let the resurrection of the undead obey the purebred undead.

Before Shen Yanxiao thought about it, I would like to go to the undead college to mix, after all, a lot of knowledge is tailored for the undead, it is faster than she is behind closed doors, but because the entry conditions are too harsh, Shen Yanxiao can only give up.

She can recommend her without any resurrection.

"Yes, our mission is to kill five ghost wolves." Iray saw Shen Yanxiao heard of the Temple of the Fire, with a big smile on his face.

"You?" Shen Yanxiao looked up and down the group of teenagers.

The ghost wolf is a medium undead creature. It is a wolf like a night wolf, but the disparity is huge. The ghost wolf is used to acting alone. Before Shen Yanxiao, he also killed two ghost wolves. This undead creature is disgusting. It can make your body transform into a state of soul in a short time, and people can't attack. Although the time is very short, it can effectively avoid the fatal injury. The two ghosts of Shen Yan Xiao killed a half-day effort.

As for the group of teenagers in front of you...

Shen Yan Xiao really does not like them, in response to their reaction to the Moorish beast, when they face the sly ghost wolf, it is estimated that they will be abused to cry.

"Cough, we are the first time to receive the task of killing the middle undead creatures. It is also the first time to come to the death forest. I think you seem to be familiar with this place. I don't know. Can you please join us and help us complete the task? We will definitely thank you very much.” Iri’s embarrassed opening, a group of purebred undead, actually opened up like a low-level undead to ask for help, which is a shame!

However, Ire has vaguely felt that the other party may not be as simple as the lower dead.

At least, he has never seen such a ferocious low-level undead.

"..." Shen Yanxiao looked at Iri silently, wondering if his ears were wrong.

"No interest." After Shen Yanxiao finished, he turned and walked.

She didn't want to cooperate with the idiots on the moles of the Moor beast.

"Hey! Don't leave!" Iray saw Shen Yanxiao refused, and some worried.

Iray has the most experience in this squad, and is the oldest one here. He was recommended by other teenagers as the captain, but Iray is very clear that his companion really has no strength. When he wants to meet the Moor, he only has One or two teenagers can barely counterattack, and all others will only run away.

With such a team, Ire does not feel that he can complete the task assigned to them by the mentor.

"I am not interested." Shen Yanxiao frowned, some impatient.

"You should not rush to refuse, you can tell us first, the reward you want, the conditions in our family are not bad, as long as it is not too difficult, we may be able to satisfy you." Iray tried to convince Shen Yan Xiao, after just the same thing, he has little confidence in his team. This task is very important to him. He must complete it.

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