The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1897: Bargaining (4)

"What conditions?" Iri asked. They had refused the request of Shen Yanxiao before. Now they have to run back to seek her help because they hit the wall. It is ridiculous to say this.

As long as the additional conditions of Shen Yanxiao are not so harsh, Iray is still acceptable.

"First, after I joined you, all of you must listen to me. Second, the five phantom wolves also belong to me." Shen Yanxiao looked at Iri and said his own conditions.

"This..." Iri hesitated.

Shen Yanxiao shrugged and shrugged: "To tell the truth, I am not optimistic about your ability to survive in the dead forest. You know nothing about it. I don't want anyone who accidentally broke into the territory of some dangerous creatures. You need ghosts to just ask for their bodies. Their nucleus is of no value to you. Let us ask for it. Just listen to me and I will make sure that after you help you complete the task, there will be no one among you. casualties."

Shen Yanxiao said very positively, because she did not intend to let this group of slags with only five fighting forces join the battle from the beginning. Instead of a teammate like a group of pigs, she would rather be singled out with the ghost wolf!

“Can you really guarantee our safety?” Iri was surprised to see Shen Yanxiao, to be honest, less than three days into the dead forest, all of them were already scarred, if not the undead, estimated them Few of them have been able to stand up.

Two consecutive blows have already created a huge shadow for the young and undead teenagers.

Now that someone can ensure their safety, that's great.

"As long as you follow the agreement between us, I can guarantee." Shen Yanxiao nodded.

"I will discuss with them, it will be very soon, please wait a moment!" Iri was a little excited, Shen Yanxiao's chest was so successful that he saw hope, he immediately turned back and talked with his friends to convey Yan Yanxiao.

Unlike the previous all-vote opposition, the undead teenagers were very good at speaking. They did not oppose the additional conditions of Shen Yanxiao. Even after they heard that Shen Yanxiao would ensure their safety during this time, they all rushed. Expressed the meaning of his own approval.

Who special wants to manage what **** task, they just want to go back to college safely! They have had enough in this ghost place!

The additional requirements of Shen Yanxiao were quickly passed. She joined the undead squad. At the same time, Shen Yanxiao let her squat in her body pay attention to the surrounding atmosphere. Once she found a high-level undead creature approaching, she immediately alerted.

"That... we don't know how to call you." Iray looked at the little guy who was obviously more than himself, and had some cramped openings.

"You can call me... Yandi." Shen Yanxiao hooked his lips and subconsciously combined his name with the name of the repair.

"Okay, Yandi. So what do we do next? Are we taking you to the ghost wolf first?" Iri looked at the petite Xiaoyan, feeling that such a little guy did not match such a domineering name. However, it is vaguely felt that the little guy in front of him is stronger than many of the undead he has ever seen.

"No, you guys are resting here, Ire, you can take me to find the ghost wolf." Shen Yanxiao raised his lips and smiled.

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