The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1900: Stunning killing (3)

Iri dragged the bodies of the four ghost wolves, and the soul returned to the spring.

The original undead teenagers sitting on the edge of the spring water, somehow suddenly stood neatly on the edge of the spring water, one by one as the ashes, with a low head and no sound.

"What happened to you?" Iri looked puzzled at some strange companions, and said hello to his head.

Just as Iray asked, a tall figure slowly came out from behind the boulder. The gray skin reflected the fortitude of the five senses. It was an old undead.

After Iry saw the other person's appearance, his face suddenly changed. He immediately put down the rope tied with the ghost wolf body and stood in the same place.

"Kyle Mentor!" Iri was shocked to see the sudden arrival of the undead.

Kyle, one of the top ten instructors at the School of the Fire, is second only to the Dean of the School of the Fire, and Iray’s mission is to be arranged by ordinary instructors, but only Iri knows that the task is a real decision. In fact, it is Kyle, so he has to complete the task anyway, can get Kyle's favor, it is too important for him.

In addition to his identity as a mentor to the Fire Academy, Kyle is also a member of the Undead Royal Family. Unlike the parasites in the royal family, Kelly is a very good leader. After Sal was sent to the Qianlong continent, he mourned. The undead army of the abyss was actually taken over by Kyle.

It can be said that Kyle has a pivotal position in the entire abyss of mourning.

Ire did not know why the old conference behind the scenes suddenly ran into the dead forest.

Kyle's sharp eyes swept over the four ghost wolves behind Iri, and there was something faint in the bottom of his eyes.

"Ire, is this your killing?" Kyle asked quietly, and the powerful momentum made the surrounding undead teenagers stunned.

Iray swallowed the water and struggled for a long time: "No."

He did not dare to deceive Kyle.

"Oh? Who is that?" Kyle asked.

Eric bit his teeth. He didn't think that Kyle would appear here personally. He thought that after the end of the mission, he would bring the ghost wolf's body back to the School of Fire with other companions, and then they would kill them together. But now it is being hit by Kyle. Iray has no ability to kill four ghost wolves alone. Even if he says so, Kyle will not believe it.

"Yes... is a low-level undead." Iri was careful.

"Lower souls?" Kyle's sharp eyes flashed slightly. If he did not know that Iry did not deceive his courage, he really thought that Iray was cheating him.

Eric took a deep breath: "Please ask Kyle's mentor to make atonement. We...we didn't kill the ghost wolf. After we entered the dead forest, we encountered a high-level undead creature attack. At that time, we just met a low. Waiting for the undead..."

Iri’s 151th and Shen Yan’s encounter, and Shen Yanxiao’s two shots were told to Kyle.

Kyle listened quietly, and the deep scorpion made people unable to understand his thoughts.

After a long time, Kyle looked at Iry Road, who was sweating coldly: "The low-dead soul you called Yandi, where is it now?"

"I don't know, she said she was going to find the fifth ghost wolf, let me come back first." Iray lowered his head.

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