The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1905: Kyle's invitation (5)

Iri stood in front of the door of the School of the Fire, and still can't believe everything that happened a few days ago.

Kyle suddenly came to the forest of death. Not only did he not pursue their cheating behavior, but also the unscrupulous little undead who would help them cheated to bring back?

"Ire, that Yandi... really want to be our mentor?" Seeing that he has reached the gate of the School of the Fire, the undead teenagers who came back with Ire are living in a dream.

After Kyle and Shen Yanxiao finalized the results, they brought them back directly. After arriving at the School of Fire, Kyle immediately took Yan Yanxiao to see the Dean and threw them into a group of students. At the door.

"It should be, Kyle's mentor is not like a joke." Iray finished his thoughts. He immediately thought of something and said to his companion: "After the task is handed over, we will quickly go to the city. I bought the things that promised Yandi."

A group of undead youngsters nodded and gave them a hundred courage, and did not dare to rely on the future mentor.

"I heard Kyle's tutor say that Yandi will be responsible for our physical skills. What is physical surgery? Do you know?" A dead girl didn't want to understand what it was all the way.

"Probably not using the dead air, to inspire your own strength. Just like the Emperor attacked the Moorish before." Iry's general opening.

"Then we have to call Yan Emperor, Emperor Yandi?"


Shouting a mentor to a little undead who has not had his shoulders high...

The undead teenagers are once again in a dead silence.

On the other hand, Kyle took Shen Yanxiao and stepped into the School of the Fire.

As a mixed college capable of accepting the resurrection of undead and purebred undead, the School of the Underworld is large in size, but the interior is as solid as ever.

Shen Yanxiao followed Kyle, walked through the long corridor and stopped in front of a gate.

"You wait here first, I will talk to the principal." Kyle glanced at Shen Yanxiao and pushed the door and went in.

In the room, a white-bearded headmaster was sitting at the desk, and there was no light in the dim room. Only the sunlight from the window could illuminate the room.

"I heard that you brought a lower undead back?" The low-pitched voice rang in the dimly lit room.

Kyle sat down in the chair next to him.

"She is not a low-level undead."


"There is some kind of power in her body that suppresses her death, so she looks different from the lower undead, but her body's agility is in a state of high undead," Kyle explained.

"Is it suppressed? This is the first time I saw this. What did you bring her back to do this time?"

"I want her to teach the students skills."

"What?" The dean was obviously shocked by Kyle’s proposal.

"I think she has this ability." Kyle surely spoke.

The dean was silent for a moment before he slowly said: "Kyle, I know that you always want the purebred undead to grow in a new mode. This is the body, you have already found many high-level undead, but always I didn't find the right one. To be honest, I don't welcome undead undead as a mentor at the School of the Fire, but since you are fancy, then I believe in your judgment."

"Thank you." Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. The entire Devil's College, his most respected is the Dean.

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