Shen Yanxiao turned around in the city, bought all the things he wanted to buy, and after touching a few wallets, he returned to the School of the Fire.

After you have new food, smile and smile.

Shen Yanxiao is very safe in the School of Fire, which makes him very reassured. The only thing that makes him depressed is that he can't eat small bones anymore.

The rest day soon passed, and Shen Yanxiao once again entered the state of cultivation and teaching.

It may be because they heard the warfield they maintained their own. After the school, Shen Yanxiao’s teaching was more attentive. In addition to the unified teaching, she also directed them one-on-one according to each student’s situation. Sexual guidance.

This made a group of bear children flattered.

Warfield and Xerox seem to have guessed the reason. They are working harder, even if they go back to bed after training every day, they can't climb up. They still clench their teeth and repeatedly contact in the middle of the night.

With the help of the battlefield and Xerox, other students are also practicing hard, and the small team in the entire martial arts field spends every day sweating.

Kyle came a few times and saw such a situation, and his heart was infinitely happy.

"Yan Emperor, you are doing very well." Kyle called out Shen Yanxiao before leaving, and said to her alone.

Shen Yanxiao just smiled, she is willing to teach with heart, not because Kyle is not because of her reputation, she is only a group of little warm-hearted bear children.

Shen Yanxiao is a person with resentment and grievances. She is hostile to her. She is not kind to her. She is good to her, even if it is bad, she will treat it with heart.

Regardless of the race of the undead, Shen Yanxiao still likes the group of bear children under her.

"The dean knows the situation on your side, let me call you in the past, he wants to see you." Kyle.

"Good." Shen Yanxiao was very curious about the dean of the School of the Fire. She had been here for more than a month and had never seen him.

"Then let's talk to the students first, then just follow me."

Shen Yanxiao nodded and returned to the military field to make certain arrangements for the students. At the same time, the battlefield was responsible for supervising other youth training.

The battlefield is **** and has a role to bear. Among these teenagers, there is already a leader's posture.

Knowing that Shen Yanxiao wants to go out for a while, the battlefield is not allowed to take on the task.

"You can rest assured that Emperor Yandi, I will look at them well, who dares to be lazy, I will use the mentor and your whip to smoke them." After the last thing, the battlefield was not so strange to Shen Yanxiao. I even dared to make a joke.

"You said so, then I will leave it to you." Shen Yanxiao smiled and opened his mouth, and kept it at hand. He never handed the used whip to the battlefield.

The battlefield laughed and picked it up, but for a moment, I stopped.

This looks like a fierce whip, and it doesn't have any weight on the hand, it's soft.

Where is the leather whip, it is simply a fake and shoddy product made of cotton cloth!

"Use it well." Shen Yanxiao smiled and patted the shoulders of the battlefield. This whip is a fake imitation of the Yangxi before. It looks very horrible, but it has no lethality. There was a little thing in the whip. When it was awkward, there would be the same sound as a real whip. Shen Yanxiao used such a fake and shoddy product and flicked the battlefield for more than a month.

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