The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1926: Test mice (2)

And the essence of the resurrection of the undead is not the true undead. Their absorption rate of death is like a turtle. Only a purebred soul can absorb a lot of dead air.

Shen Yanxiao seems to be underage, and he is still younger than many students at the School of Fire. The dean believes that his judgment is not wrong. The little guy in front of him is definitely a small undead, with the speed of the dead of the purebred undead. Look, if Shen Yanxiao has been absorbing the dead, it is not difficult to achieve this breakthrough.

The purebred undead is much faster, and it takes more than a decade to resurrect the undead, but the purebred undead only takes a few years.

"Kyle said that you have been living in the forest of death before, your body skills are cultivated there, where you should kill a lot of undead creatures, their nucleus is very helpful to you, at this age A breakthrough can be seen how quickly you absorb the dead air.” The dean thought that Shen Yanxiao had been in the forest of death before, and at the age of Shen Yanxiao, it was estimated that it had accumulated many years before entering the college. After entering the college, it just happened to arrive at the opportunity of promotion.

If the Dean knows that Shen Yanxiao has changed from being a dead soul to breaking through a medium undead, it took less than two months to do so. I don’t know what to think.

Shen Yanxiao touched the tip of the nose and did not explain much. If she really spent a few years to promote from a lower undead to a medium undead, then her monkey year can untie all the seals?

Before Shen Yanxiao had checked the seal on her arm. After breaking through the middle undead, she had already untied two layers. This meant that she still had five layers of seals that had not been unlocked, but at the speed she is now improving, I believe In less than a year, you should be able to completely unlock the seal, freely convert other races, and leave the abyss.

"I am looking for you this time. I want to see you. Second, I want to ask you, are you willing to let us help you to lift your body and let your life be liberated?" The Dean finally said The purpose of shouting Shen Yanxiao came.

Shen Yanxiao's body skills are very powerful, but the dead air is very thin, so other dead souls will use her as a resurrection of the undead. The dean intends to leave Shen Yanxiao in the Minghuo Academy, but in the case of Shen Yanxiao, Long stays are not appropriate.

You must know that since Shen Yanxiao entered the School of the Fire, the mentor and students who came to him to complain were never broken.

This makes the dean very distressed. If Shen Yanxiao is really a waste, he can follow her other teachers' wishes to drive her out of the School of Fire, but now the situation has proved that Shen Yanxiao’s body skills are for the students here. With great help, the Dean had to consider the issue of Shen Yanxiao officially joining the School of the Fire.

The most important thing is to let Shen Yanxiao restore the identity of the purebred undead. Otherwise, in terms of her now meager death, no matter how he and Kyle explain to other instructors, those guys will not believe it.

The dean may not want to be guilty between the mentor in his college.

Lifting the power in her body? Shen Yanxiao is speechless. She is really a dead soul and will definitely be willing to accept such an invitation.

But the problem is that she is not a dead soul!

There is blood in the body of the undead, but this blood only accounts for one-eighth of the weight of her body. The ghost knows whether it will be stupid after being studied by these guys.

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