The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1931: I don't have such a big belly (3)

"That is Yandi?" Several passing students curiously stretched their heads. This month, the performance of the military field has become the most concerned place in the School of the Fire. On weekdays, the martial arts are closed door training, no one knows. What happened inside.

This is the first time I saw Shen Yanxiao taking students out of school during class time.

"I am going, what are the guys going on? How are they being beaten so badly?" The passing students noticed the injuries of the teenagers, and they stunned and stunned.

I have heard that this new tutor is very ferocious and will beat students. Today, I can see the live version.

"Where are they going?"

Looking at Shen Yanxiao, they walked out from the military field and followed the road. Some students were quietly following up with curiosity. They were very curious. Shen Yanxiao suddenly took the students out of the battlefield for what If it is to do special training, they can just look at the excitement.

Except for Shen Yanxiao, no one knows where her destination is.

The teenagers behind her were low heads, followed closely by Shen Yanxiao. Their hearts were full of tension. They didn't know where Shen Yanxiao was going to take them.

The back in front of me is still so petite, far less than any of them, but no one dares to step forward and ask, an invisible killing is emanating from the back of Shen Yanxiao, which makes The teenagers behind her are fearful.

Although Shen Yanxiao does not often walk around the School of the Fire, she is well aware of the basic location.

Through a long and thoughtful, Shen Yanxiao took the students to a pavilion.

After standing in the face of Shen Yanxiao, the teenager, after realizing what it is, is a dead end.

The pavilion in front of them is the place where Naken and their men are trained by Roche.

More than a month ago, they were also eliminated here.

Shen Yanxiao brought them here, it’s hard to be...

"Yan Emperor..." The young man was nervous and wanted to open his mouth, but Shen Yanxiao did not give him time.

Shen Yanxiao stepped forward, lifted his foot in a lightning-like manner, and opened the closed door with one foot.

Indoors, more than a dozen students are doing dead-end training, an adult purebred undead dressed in black robes, standing faceless at the top of the room.

At the moment when the door was opened, all the undead in the room looked at the door.

Outside the gate, a petite undead is looking at them with a look of uncertainty.

Behind the little undead is a group of scarred students.

The undead who wore the mentor’s suit frowned and looked at the Yan Yanxiao at the door, and the disappointment of the eyes passed.

"Yan Di! How come you come here?" The violin standing in the room looked at Shen Yanxiao who was breaking into the door.

After she was taken away by Kyle, she used the feelings of Nakon to enter the class of Luoqiu. She did not expect that Shen Yanxiao would suddenly come here with her own students.

You know, Luo Qiu is the entire Ming Huo Academy, second only to Kyle's mentor. It is a new tutor, and no one among the other tutors dares to come and interrupt during the class.

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