The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1950: Exciting game (1)

The days of the ups and downs of the School of the Fire are finally coming.

Early in the morning, all the students and mentors gathered in the competition field.

The Fairfire Academy's contest is very broad enough to accommodate thousands of undead. Today, in order to allow other students and mentors to witness the game, all courses throughout the morning have been cancelled.

"I said, this game has nothing to look at, how come so many people?" In the early morning, the companion dragged him up to see the lively undead teenagers could not help but swear. In his opinion, Luo Qiu and Yan Di are the two mentor. There is no comparable, the whole of the School of the Fire can be comparable to Roqiu and only Kyle.

As for the new Yandi, she counts that green onion?

"Then you don't understand, the new tutor, but we have always been curious. I heard that a month ago, she had the courage to provoke the Luoqiu tutor. With such courage, we have to Look at the excitement." Another undead teenager smiled. In their mouths, Luo Qiu was called a mentor. As for Shen Yanxiao, they did not put her in the eyes at all, and they all called their names.

"Provocative Luoqi tutor? Is the low-level undead crazy?"

"Who said it is not, but I heard that Emperor Yan was personally introduced by Kyle's mentor. She was able to enter the School of the Underworld as a lower undead. This is a legend in itself, plus she has been a student for this time. Do closed training, don't you want to see what kind of tricks this wonderful guy can make?"

"Oh, even if she has three heads and six arms, it is just a low-level undead. Those students are not stupid. If they are so honest and obedient, they should be replaced by me. Killing will not let a despicable low-level undead teach us. This is simply It’s a shame.” The eyes of the undead youngsters are full of disgust, and he subconsciously looks to the other side of the competition.

There, there were two hundred resurrections of the undead, who were timid and hiding in the corner.

The School of the Fire is a special college for the two undead, but compared with the purebred undead students, the number of resurrection of the undead is much less. For most of the time, these purebred students despise the resurrection of the undead. They even disdain to talk to those resurrected souls.

In the abyss of mourning, the hierarchy of the undead is very strict, and the lower undead and the middle undead are unable to resist any command of the pure undead.

The resurrection of the undead is equivalent to the slaves of the purebred undead, leaving them and a group of slaves in a college. This is what they can't bear. Now they have found a lower undead to be a mentor. I can imagine that Shen The impact of Yan Xiao’s participation in the original fire school.

What makes them even more incomprehensible is that those students who were assigned to Shen Yanxiao’s hands, apart from the first day of trouble, stopped talking about Shen Yanxiao’s everything, even after they were satirical. When Yan Xiao’s despicableness, those guys will refute two sentences.

It can be said that in the eyes of other students, they are a group of traitors in the battlefield.

As a purebred undead, it is a great shame to be willing to take orders from a lower undead.

"The brains of the lower undead are not good. You still don't know? She will find her own death. This time, she will push her students to the cusp. The garbage is rubbish, and there is no brain at all."

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