The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1953: Exciting game (4)

At the entrance, Shen Yanxiao took more than forty students to come.

Unlike the quietness of Luoqi’s admission, the appearance of Shen Yanxiao made the whole contesting field boil in an instant.

All the students stretched their heads and looked at this rumor, the magical mentor.

A pair of eyes full of curiosity and ridicule are all concentrated on Shen Yanxiao.

This is not an approval, but a form of discrimination.

Accompanied by these complex eyes are the unspoken sarcasm, those sharp words like the tip of the knife, unrelentingly filled with Shen Yanxiao and their ears in the battlefield.

The students standing behind Shen Yanxiao, clenched their fists in such an atmosphere, they lowered their heads and their hearts were sour.

However, Shen Yanxiao, who was at the forefront, stopped her waist. The delicate little face could not see the slightest fluctuations. She responded coldly to these negative public opinions, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

Iry in the stands watched the calm, waveless face of Shen Yanxiao, and the corner of his mouth made a smile.

It was such an expression. On the same day, when they were chased by the Moor beast, she came to her knees, and her face was also an insignificant expression, as if everything in this world could not shake her.

Shen Yanxiao is not as clear and free as Ire imagined. It is only such a situation that she has encountered too many times. From Saint Laurent College to the ridiculous land, ridicule or discrimination, it is impossible to shake her half.

Moreover, Shen Yanxiao is quite able to understand this group of cynical children.

The undead world hierarchy is very cruel. In the eyes of these purebred undead teenagers, she is like a primary school student, and they are already high school students. Suddenly, a primary school student is a high school student. This kind of gap is not a common person. Affordable, estimated this group of bear children, my heart must feel that their dean is crazy.

It is impossible for her mentor, who is a primary school student, to accept it.


She accepts them and accepts it!

Hit it again!

Shen Yanxiao held a very fierce mentality, with his own group of small followers, arrogant and arrogant into the contest, the calm expression, the free and easy gesture, let a group of students waiting to see Yan Yanxiao ugly It’s not calm.

"Is there any shame in this guy!" Looking at a low-ranking undead, the appearance of a savvy martial artist as a mentor, a group of teenagers with low ability to burst into the table, said that they were completely mad.

Do you dare to keep a low profile? Shy! Is there any conscious consciousness of a low-level undead!

The purebred undead are angry, but on the other side, two hundred resurrection of the undead students, but at the moment they saw Shen Yanxiao, they showed a surprised look.

As the resurrection of the undead, they must live with their heads down, not to mention raising their heads in front of a group of high-ranking undead. They are already daring to escape without lightning.

However, Shen Yanxiao is such a self-confidence, so indifferent, the state of the emptiness, can not help but let these resurrection of the souls of the level of oppression have produced such a glimmer of hope.

The petite tutor, like them, is a low-level undead who is not valued, but she has the courage to challenge Luo Qiu, this courage to surprise them and envy them.

They began to subconsciously pray and let the victory of this game come to Shen Yanxiao.

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