The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2395: Mermaid awakening (3)

Ouyang Huanyu’s most heart-wrenching, I’m afraid that I lost the experimental body of Shen Yanxiao, and even lost the only Protoss soul, so that no matter what he does, he can’t create eight more races. The experimental body.

Ouyang Huanyu promised to hand over Shen Yanxiao to Satan. It is also because of another wake-up of the repair. It is difficult to take Shen Yanxiao back with his strength. Since he can’t regain Shen Yanxiao, he has to Attention to the soul of the **** of fighting, although the payment of Shen Yan Xiao to Satan, is a thing that makes Ouyang Huanyu very unwilling, but if Satan is not willing to shoot, I am afraid that he will even try to integrate the eight major races in the future. No more.

After weighing the pros and cons, Ouyang Huanyu and Satan made such an agreement.

Shen Yanxiao's mermaid looks so beautiful, all the mermaid in the palace is eclipsed, even if her body is still contaminated with a lot of blood, but it can not cover her glory.

For this, Shen Yanxiao did not react much. She just felt that since her mermaid blood was awakened, her speed of absorption of the power on the trident of Poseidon finally accelerated, and she was relieved.

As for her appearance now...

She really didn't think there was any good looks!

He was all blood on his body, and even the sticky blood on his hair made her sick and disgusting.

How much the aesthetics of this mixed king is distorted.

The awakening of the blood of Shen Yan and the mermaid made Satan feel very good. He stood up with Shen Yanxiao and stood up against the mermaids who had already sang and fainted: "Multicolored mermaid is your leader, since you guys The former leader is dead, so from now on she is your leader, and now take your leader to wash."

Satan does not know what kind of thoughts he has, and he will say such words in front of the mermaid.

The mermaids who stopped singing watched Satan with fear. Two female mermaid, who were slightly more courageous, swayed the beautiful fishtail and slowly swam over.

"Yes Yes……"

Satan put Shen Yanxiao down and let the two mermaids take her to clean.

As for other mermaids, you should continue to be a toy that Satan spends time on.

Shen Yanxiao was brought to the depths of the palace by two mermaids. On the way, the two fishes were respectfully followed by her, but Shen Yanxiao could clearly feel that their bodies were shaking.

Everything that happened before has already made them afraid.

Shen Yanxiao looked down at the trident in the hands of her, and all her hopes now are only it.

After the two mermaid girls brought Shen Yanxiao to the room, they trembled and held out their white hands, trying to dress up for Yan Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao couldn't bear to see them so fearful that they must endure fear and serve themselves.

"You are waiting outside the door, I am used to doing it myself." Shen Yan Xiaodao.

The mermaid girl hesitated for a moment, and then slowly retired.

In the room, only one is Shen Yanxiao.

The hands were buckled together, and Shen Yanxiao’s speed was slow, but she was not in a hurry, just taking advantage of this time and taking a good look at the Poseidon trident.

The weight of the Poseidon Trident is not light. In the case of the suppression of power, Shen Yanxiao must have two hands in order to hold it up.

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