The first batch of mermaids arrived a day and a half later. When they came to the hometown of the mermaid and saw the broken scene here, they were completely shocked.

"Friends from afar, welcome you back to the hometown of mermaid." A beautiful figure appeared in front of the mermaid, the colorful fishtail symbolizes the most pure blood of the mermaid.

"The leader!" The mermaids worshipped.

A chuckle, from the beautiful colorful mermaid mouth.

"I am sorry, I am not your leader." Shen Yanxiao smiled at the mermaids who were preparing for the ceremony.

The mermaids were stunned. They looked at the beautiful fishtail of Shen Yanxiao and looked at the trident of the sea **** held in her hand. This is clearly a symbol of the mermaid leader.

"Your prince is waiting for you in the palace, I am just a guide." Shen Yanxiao explained with a smile.

Yan Yan is too young and has never experienced such a thing, so Shen Yanxiao can only take the mermaid in the first step.

"What? But you are a colorful mermaid..." A handsome male mermaid looked at Shen Yanxiao strangely. The colorful mermaid appeared only 10,000 years ago. The beautiful scales are unique to the mermaid leader.

"Reassure, your leader is also a colorful mermaid, and she is more pure than my bloodline." Shen Yanxiao patiently explained.

A group of mermaid was confused by the words of Yan Yanxiao, and stumbled with Shen Yanxiao toward the broken palace.

In the palace near the ruins, the mermaids saw the second colorful mermaid, who was sitting on the only complete throne in the palace, waiting quietly for them.

The same colorful fishtail, the same beautiful looks.

The two colorful mermaids that appeared at the same time have really subverted the world view of the fish.

"How can it be……"

There are no words that describe their mood at this moment.

"I think those mermaids are going crazy." The dragon **** hiding in the corner is staring at the arrival of the mermaid with Donna.

"Why?" Donagzhi's attention was all attracted by the beautiful girls in this group of mermaid. The beauty of mermaid is not the same as other races. Although they are indifferent, they look quite consistent with the appetite of Donagh.

"Colorful mermaid can be said to be the supreme king of mermaid. Only one person will appear in a thousand years, and the lifespan of the colorful mermaid is much longer than that of the average mermaid. If a colorful mermaid can live for 10,000 years, then the mermaid will not There may be the birth of the second colorful mermaid, Xiao Xiao and Yan Yan look almost the same age, but also the appearance of colorful mermaid, the group of mermaid suddenly see the legendary two leaders, they do not catch The madness is strange." Dragon God smiled, anyway, he just came to see the fun.

Dragon God’s guess is correct, and the mermaid has been completely petrified.

According to the previous preparations, Yan Yan told the mermaids about the encounters of the mermaid hometown, and encouraged them to cheer up, rebuild the mermaid hometown, and fight against the invasion of the Mozu with other races.

The stupid mermaid, who was originally made by two colorful mermaids, heard that even the devil, Satan, had come out. Their fragile nerves were completely cracked, and the entire palace was silent.

It was not until a long time later that they reluctantly accepted this reality.

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