The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2454: Self-explosion (3)

"But it doesn't matter, no matter what conspiracy they get in the back, our main thing now is to prepare for the battle with the Mozu. This time I contacted the dragon, the undead, the mermaid, the dwarf, plus the elves and us, the six races. The army of the alliance also has the strength to fight with the Mozu." Only by crossing this level first, they have the strength to extract the enemies hidden in the shadows.

"Undead?" All the people in the hall looked at Shen Yanxiao strangely.

"Xiao Xiao, you said the undead?" Yunxiao could not believe his ears.

Shen Yanxiao nodded: "Exactly, under the chance of coincidence, the undead can be regarded as joining our camp, so that we have lost one enemy and at the same time added an ally." The undead joins, even Shen Yanxiao himself I didn't think that it might be God's care, so that the undead also joined the league.

"You Xiaonizi, the ability is getting bigger and bigger, even the undead can come together." Yunxiao laughed and sighed. Before, the undead had been regarded as the attachment of the demon by all races. I did not expect this battle. Before, Shen Yanxiao was able to reverse this situation.

Everyone sat down and talked together. Shen Yanxiao heard a lot of interesting things during her departure. With the growth of the sound of the nine dusts, she has become a beautiful and beautiful boy. In the days of the sun, she has attracted many teenagers. Attention, the teenagers who are under the arm of the Wolf Mercenary and the Silver Hand, have made a lot of jokes in order to brush the presence in front of the sound of the dust.

It’s just that the sound of the nine dusts is always good for those teenagers, but it’s always a lot of contact with the Su River all day.

When it comes to this, the small face of Yin Jiu Dian has already become an apple, shyly lower his head, and blame others for talking.

Until the dusk is over the day, the talents are still leaving, and Yunxiao will go ahead and tell the things. Later, I will talk to Shen Yanxiao later.

Shen Yan Xiao distorted this time, the scorpion, let him arrange a fast demon to rush to the domain, send his own return message, and take the Qixia that profiteer back.

Busy, Shen Yanxiao did not have a breather, and when everything was arranged, her nephew was already dumb.

"Sister." Lan Fengli looked at some tired Yan Yan, thoughtfully handed a cup of warm water.

"Thank you." Shen Yanxiao took the cup and looked at the more beautiful blue-brown glass. The eyes were full of smiles. The little guy who met outside the sun cemetery has grown up and he is taller than her. A lot has gone out, and there have been some changes in the five senses. The only thing that remains unchanged is his concern for her.

"This time, I have worked hard." Shen Yanxiao learned from Yunxiao’s mouth that Lan Fengli was busy all day in the past two years, and there was very little time to rest, eat and sleep, and he left. Time has contributed to the ridiculous land.

He silently guarded the world for her.

The blue-clad glass shook his head. From the beginning of Shen Yanxiao, he turned into a small tail for Shen Yanxiao. Whether Shen Yanxiao was talking to others or resting, he stood by and watched her silently.

Blue-brown glass never said anything lyrical, but every thing he did made Shen Yanxiao very touched.

"Don't be too tired, I am coming back now, you have to pay attention to rest." Shen Yan Xiaodao.

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