The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2457: Resurrection (3)

In the afternoon of the same day, Xiu will be resurrected, but the repair did not let Shen Yanxiao watch the whole resurrection process. He just let Shen Yanxiao put his body on the bed, and then let Shen Yanxiao leave the room and wait at the door. outer.

Shen Yanxiao stood nervously at the door, and a pair of small hands did not know where to put it.

"Why do you say that repair does not let me see him resurrect? Is it dangerous to be resurrected? Can he cope with it alone? Is it still necessary to wait for Dragon God and Si Yuge to come and give him a safer method?" Xiao’s heart was so tense that a small mouth had been saying that it was not over.

Standing on the side of Donnazhi, silently watching Shen Yanxiao, who was already nervous and incoherent, grabbed her swaying little head.

"Xiao Xiao!"


"You are calm."


"Senior people never do things that are not sure, you don't have to be so nervous." Donnazhi seriously looked at Shen Yanxiao, Shen Yanxiao, such a tense situation, he has never seen, can be imagined, repaired in this small How important is Nizi's mind.

It’s a mess, but even Yan Yanxiao can’t avoid it.

"I still worry." Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath and lowered his head.

How not to worry?

After sleeping for nearly 10,000 years, the soul was forced to peel off from the body. In the experiment of sin, his soul and body have been separated for more than ten years, and his soul has always been in At the stage of loss, until his hometown of mermaid, his soul was repaired. Shen Yanxiao was really worried. The resurrection of the repair would not have an accident. Even if only one thousandth of the possibility was possible, she would sleep hard.

"If there is no danger, why doesn't he let me look inside?" Shen Yanxiao bit her lip, she is not a wayward person, she just cares too much, have to worry.

"The big man does this, naturally he has his reason, you will worry less. After a long time, the adult can be resurrected. When you want to know how to meet the three guys, you Xiaoni Son can not see the color forget friends." Donna Zhijian Shen Yanxiao so nervous, cleverly transferred her attention.

"Qi Xia, it should be back soon. If the dragon **** is fast enough, Yang Xi, Yan Yu, Xiao Wei are coming back soon." Sure enough, one mentions the companions who share the same life and death, Shen Yan Xiao’s heart finally recovered a bit of calm.

"At that time, we can get together." Donaghy smiled.

"That is natural."

As for the two of them speaking, of course, there was a strong sacred power in the room. The door behind Shen Yanxiao began to tremble violently, and the light spurted out through the cracks in the door.

Donnazhi picked up Yan Yanxiao for the first time and jumped away from the door.

The next second, a roar came, the door of the room was directly rushed by a powerful force, and the glare of the light shrouded the entire room, gradually covering the entire city.

In the light, a tall figure slowly walked out, he just came to shine, the light behind him set off his elegant figure, people can not move their eyes.

Shen Yan was stunned and looked at the shadow of the shrouded figure. The nervous hands shook and grabbed the wrist of Donnazhi.

At this moment, she stopped breathing.

"Xiao Xiao." A familiar call to the ear of Shen Yanxiao, the beautiful figure that emerged from the light finally appeared in front of Shen Yanxiao.

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