The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2474: The surprise came too suddenly (1)

"You are still honestly alone! Girl or something, you don't think about it!!" Shen Yanxiao thinks that these guys are good, good character, good family background, so single. The Jedi is not the problem of other sisters' eyes, but the conditions for this group of guys to pick the other half are problematic!

The illusionary teenagers, look at me, I look at you, I laughed.

They don't feel that they have something wrong with them now. They have never had the idea of ​​finding the other half of their thoughts. It is hard to imagine whether they can still be as desperate as they are now.

The reason why Shen Yanxiao can maintain a consistent state is because her other half is strong enough to make people worship, but the world is as powerful as repairing, not only can self-protection, but also can turn the tide, there are several What?

"In any case, it is still early. When we repel the Mozu, some are looking for a lot of the world, we will always find it. Now our top priority is to fight against the Mozu." Qi Xia shrugged, among them, occasionally except Donagh. Outside the thought of cramping, others are basically satisfied with the current state.

"With you." Shen Yanxiao is not reluctant, anyway, she will talk about it.

"Xiao Xiao, really, you let us come back in time to why? Why not, really intend to arrange a blind date for us?" Li Xiaowei will be suspicious of watching Yan Yanxiao.

"No, it is good to let you come back in advance." Shen Yanxiao’s face suddenly raised a sly smile.

"What is good?"

"There are two good things. Which one do you want to hear?" Shen Yanxiao deliberately sold a piece.

"..." Everyone is speechless.

Shen Yanxiao chuckled: "First, let's say the first one is good. I learned the method of building the holy device in the stormy mainland where the dwarves live. One of the reasons for letting you come back earlier is that I must follow you. Everyone's situation, tailor-made for you."

"Xiao Xiao! What you said is true!" Qi Xia's eyes lit up.

Even the well-informed illusion squad can't help but look forward to the legendary sacred device.

"Nature." Shen Yan Xiaodao.

"Xiao Xiao, you are really great!" Yan Yu gave a thumbs up to Shen Yanxiao, and how bad it was before she was alone. This one alone is enough to make them all convinced.

"I have already created saints for some members of the seven wolves and the hands of the silver. Naji and I have already. This time I intend to wait for you to come back and build the samurai of the seal with you." Xiao Chichi did not create a saint for the blue-brown glass, because the blue-fitting glass itself did not learn any special occupation, so she wanted to let Xiaofeng look at the effect of the other people of the illusion, and then decide what kind of suit is appropriate for him. .

"Naji's luck is so good?" Qi Xia and others did not believe that the Tang Nazhi would suddenly transfer.

"A good ball! Xiao Xiao gave me an ordinary saint. Now she is creating a saint with the power of elements. The gap is very good!!" Donaghy is very sad, do the first to eat. Crab man, he is not happy at all! ! He is a test piece!

"Well, the power that I promised to attach to your holy device is that I have tried to add elements to the sanctuary after a few days. It has been successful, you can rest assured." The road.

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