The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2480: Four Kingdoms pilgrimage (4)

"Are you sure?" The emperor is still somewhat dubious.

Long jump nodded.

"If this is not the case, now I am afraid that I will not be a messenger of the day, but I will lead the Lord himself."

The emperor’s face was white, and he hurriedly said: “Long Yue, this matter is handed over to you. You have to prepare something to make her... Don’t care, you will accompany me when you arrive.” The emperor is obviously I was scared by Shen Yanxiao.

Long Yue can only promise.

After retreating into the DPRK, Long Yue walked out of the main hall, not far away, and Yuan Yuanguo slowly came.

"His Royal Highness is worried?" Qian Yuan looked at Long Yue, Long Yue has grown into a qualified Chu Jun, no matter in any respect, Long Yue is more suitable to sit on the throne than the current Emperor.

"National division, you said, will this Longxuan empire be destroyed in this battle?" Long Yue looked up at the gray sky, and unlike his father’s fear, Long Yue did not worry about Shen Yanxiao’s martyrdom. They, what he is worried about, is whether the Longxuan Empire can still be preserved in the battle between the future and the Mozu.

"A few days ago, I went to see the military camp. Father Wang... I didn't care about the training of the soldiers. I lurked in the spies of the other three countries and sent back the training of the other three countries. In contrast, I think... The combat power of our Longxuan Empire is really bad.” Long Yue smiled a bit, and under the huge empire, who knows the hidden crisis?

The emperor of the Longxuan Empire was tempted all day long, and the old man made him more eager to hold all the power in his hands. At the same time he gathered the military power, he did not have the opportunity to arrange the training of the soldiers, so that the progress of the entire army was Was delayed.

Compared with the Longxuan empire, the progress of the Lancang dynasty army is astonishingly fast. Although the Seven Kingdoms has experienced a series of turbulences, the new superior monarch is a decisive one. The work is quite clean and neat. The hand has been handed down, and the Alliance of Gods, which has always been known for its use of force, need not say much.

The position of the Longxuan Empire in the four countries is already in jeopardy. If there is friction between the four countries at this time, the Longxuan Empire is absolutely vulnerable.

These words, Long Yue did not dare to talk to others, whether it is his father or other ministers, will be panic.

Only one person can talk to him.

Perhaps because of the experience of being under house arrest, the contact between Qian Yuan and Long Yue is not frequent, but it is very tacit.

"The things in the world are mostly long-term and must be combined for a long time. The number of lives cannot be mastered. My Highness is not worried about this. It is better to think about it. How can I let the soldiers of the Longxuan Empire be able to fight in the future battlefield?" Killing a few Devil soldiers, preserving the bright continent, and preserving humanity, will be able to preserve my Longxuan Empire." Yan Yuan fixed his eyes on Long Yue. At the age of Long Yue, he is already very good. He has More keen observation than his father, but also has an excellent overall view, if there is an opportunity, he will become a good emperor.

Just don't know if God will give Long Yue this opportunity.

"Thank you for the opening of the National Teacher, Long Yue was taught." Long Yue gave a slight gift to the Yuan Yuan, and the confusion of the eyes faded.

"I don't bother with my Highness. Your Highness is also going to prepare for the day. The Sun Lord can not be pursued, but there are some things we still have to do." Yan Yuan smiled.

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