The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2504: Three Gods Convergence (2)

Just at the moment when the two were about to come into contact, a flash of silver flashed directly around the waist of the handsome man, who pulled him out of the air.

Only a loud bang, the man who was still alive and the wind directly fell to the ground and fell to a solid...

In front of the entire city gate, there was silence, Qi Xia and others, stunned and looked at the Yan Yan Xiao holding the silver whip, looking at the silver whip in the hands of Shen Yan Xiao, looking at the sad man who was attacked by Shen Yanxiao.

"Which **** dared to attack me!!" The man who fell to the ground jumped up and screamed at the gray face.

But when he saw the "sneak attack" on his people, he suddenly shrank his neck.

"Who do you say is a bastard?" Shen Yan Xiaopi smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"..." The man swallowed his mouth and immediately shook his head: "I didn't say you! I am definitely not talking about you! I don't know if you are! Spoken! Spoken!!"

The white man standing on the side, smirked, and saw that his opponent, who was still angry and eager to come, screamed in front of Shen Yanxiao, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, you really haven't changed the dragon god." The white man smiled lightly.

"Don't say that the wind is cool, you will die, the **** of light!!" The tiger is not the other person. It is the news of Shen Yanxiao that rushes to the dragon **** that is not falling, but the one who just hit the dragon **** is Shen Siyu, the master of the gods.

Dragon God felt that his luck was very tragic. When he received the news of Shen Yanxiao, he rushed to the bright continent, and the dragon god’s familiarity with the bright continent was less pitiful. With a questioning path, I was scared of a lot of fragile human beings. I finally found the day and the sun. As a result, I have not seen Shen Yanxiao and fighting gods, so he has met the **** of light here!

To ask the dragon **** which impression of the upper **** is the most profound, in addition to treating him as a sandbag, then there is only a bright god, he will never forget this life, how did he go to be fought by the gods The path of misery, if it was not the embarrassment of the Light God, how could he make such a deadly thing?

When I thought of the year, Guangming God flicked the pure face and challenged him to challenge the picture of the **** of the gods. The dragon **** sighed with anger. He was clearly holding the light **** who was looking for the light and the gods, and the result was The other side has found a big killer in the words of the gods, and has since embarked on the endless road of being abused...

This meeting, the dragon **** squeezed inside the heart of the depression broke out completely, this is in front of Shen Yanxiao's door, and Shen Siyu hit the shot.

However, I haven't waited for him to fight with the **** of light, and Shen Yanxiao actually came out! ! And in front of everyone, he sneaked a mouth and mud! !

Say good dignity of the upper god!

Do not dare not be so pit!

"You are in front of my house, do you want to work with my brother? Dragon God, your courage is too big." Shen Yanxiao raised his eyebrows and looked at the dragon god.

The arrogance of the dragon **** disappeared without a trace.

"What your brother, Guangming God can never have a sister, you must be cheated by him, this **** will deceive most." Long Shen said that he is not against Shen Yanxiao, trying to explain.

It is clear that the **** of light is too mean, shameless, treacherous, and the title of Shen Yanxiao her brother is absolutely fooled!

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