The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2508: Forgotten History (1)

Protoss, one of the two most powerful races in the world, is one of the two most mysterious races.

There are only two places in the world that cannot be found.

One is the demon world of the Mozu, and the other is the city of the sky of the Protoss.

Legend has it that the sacred Protoss lived in the beautiful city of the sky, hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, suspended above the blue sky, but even the dragon with the strongest flying ability could not find the legendary city in the sky. .

The bright continent of mankind, the boundless sea of ​​mermaid, the sorrowful abyss of the dead, the dragon's sacred continent, the elf's sacred continent, the dwarf's stormy continent, the habitats of all races are thousands of miles away, but as long as they have the heart, they still You can visit the mountains and rivers one by one, but the only city of the devil and the sky has always stayed in the legend, no one can find it.

Some people say that the devil world is in the ground where people live, but they can't find a trace when they dig three feet.

Some people say that the city of the sky is in the sky, but there is no trace of sight when you want to wear it.

These two fields created by the two creation gods have always been the curiosity and yearning of the world's major races. Before the Protoss has fallen, the Protoss occasionally appeared in other ethnic areas, they brought the Lord God. The gift of God blessed the blessings of God in the earth and the ocean, and then the Protoss flew into the sky under the watchful eyes of everyone, and disappeared into the clouds little by little.

Even if the dragons tried to follow the protoss, fly to the sky, behind the protoss, want to see the rumored city of the sky, but in heaven, the protoss will always disappear into the dragon’s sight. There is no clue to find.

Over time, the major races also gave up the search for the devil world and the city of the sky. They will always regard these two places as the holy places in their hearts.

Before the war of the gods and devils began, the relationship between the Mozu and other races was not so worse now. They were arrogant and evil, but they did not openly kill. Unlike the high-cold protoss, the appearance of the Mozu always makes people Surprised, they either pretend to be people of other races to tease ignorant people, or to make small damages to meet the evil factors in their bodies.

The Mozu has always been a target for all major races, but it is limited to helpless laughter, and there is no real hostility.

The eight races in the world were originally harmoniously coexisting, and neither the sacred and the inviolable Protoss nor the arrogant demons have caused any damage to this world.


Ten thousand years ago, the battle of the gods and devils began.

No one knows, why did the battle of the gods and gods arise, and those survivors who survived the battle can only describe their own views of the battle to their children and grandchildren. .

They only know that the demons who have always liked to make small mischiefs, somehow, suddenly lit up the wolf smoke, stepped into the bright continent where human beings lived, and declared war on other races in the world without hesitation, while the protoss At that moment, he stepped forward and led other races against the invasion of the Mozu.

Fighting, just inexplicably started, no one knows the reason, no one knows why it is not the main god, but the **** of war.

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