The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2511: City of the Sky (1)

The city of the sky has always been silent.

Whether or not the Protoss exists.

The character of the Protoss is silent, like the Dragon God, it is a minority.

"After the fall of the Protoss, many areas in the city of the sky have lost their cover of divine power and become very fragile." Shen Siyu looked at the familiar city of the sky with a hint of helplessness.

The city of the sky is not big, but every building brings the best of art and craftsmanship.

"The area inhabited by the Protoss is the support of divine power. Once the Protoss is degraded, the place where he lives will become very unstable. Now the only city in the entire sky, only the last temple, other places. It’s just to preserve the external beauty.” Shen Siyu’s sight swept through the sky and the sky, the white stone road on both sides, and the golden flowers that opened, as if ignoring the passage of time, gently shaking With your own mosaic.

Shen Yanxiao quietly followed the repair side and walked into the territory of this protoss.

On both sides of the white avenue, the exquisite buildings quietly stand quietly, silently.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the buildings as if they could feel that they were waiting quietly in the passing of the years, waiting for the return of the Protoss.

However, thousands of years have passed, but they are the first to enter the city of the sky. They appreciate the city that has been silent for thousands of years, but they cannot be silenced by this silence.

A continent leads directly to the largest palace in the city of the sky, repairing with Yan Yan Xiao, he walks step by step to the sacred temple.

Standing in front of the last shrine, everyone stopped, and they looked at the door of the temple, which was close at hand, but the expression was very strange.

"How can this be done..." Donagh’s mouth twitched at the unusual palace, which seemed to be only a few steps away from them, but when they walked in, they realized that it was a Unreachable journey, they have been away for a long time, but did not reduce the distance from the last temple.

Shen Yan Xiao Yan blinked, they walked from Shenyintai to the present, a few have also walked for half an hour, the city of the sky is not too big, according to the visual distance, they only need ten minutes I can walk to the end, but half an hour has passed, and there is no reduction in the road ahead of them. The long road seems to be endless.

She turned and looked behind her, but was surprised to find that they were still standing at the port of the avenue, as if this half-hour advance was their illusion.

They simply couldn’t step into the city of the sky...

"What is going on?" Shen Yanxiao looked up and looked at the repair.

Shuai Ran said: "The city of the sky is far from what you see in front of you. This road is very long and longer than you think. If you compare the city of the sky to the continent you are familiar with, even if it is Adding the bright continent, the Shenyue continent, the stormy continent, and the Qianlong continent, and the area of ​​the city of the sky, what you see is nothing but the phantasm of the Lord God to the city of the sky. He makes the area of ​​the city of the sky illusory. The reduction seems to be very close, but in reality it is very far away."

"The distance between the city of the sky cannot be discerned by the naked eye. The area where every upper **** lives here is much larger than what you see. The road we are going to now is called the hidden avenue. It is the gateway to each. The main passage of the sanctuary, its actual length, is sufficient to span the north and south ends of the bright continent."

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