Li Xiaowei looked at her mother. She said this before her death. Let him go to his father, the son of the Xuanwu family, the weak man who abandoned their mother and son.

Li Xiaowei was silent. At the end of his mother's death, he was still very young. He didn't know what happened between his parents. At that time, he hurriedly asked his father what happened, why he didn't want their mother and child. He did not know at the time that the father's words themselves were a stimulus to his mother.

This gentle but stubborn woman, with her thin body, holds her last dignity.

It was not until he grew up that he realized that his father was a man who did not take responsibility and eventually gave up his and his mother under the pressure of the family.

Even after the college game, Li Xiaowei and Donnazhi recognized each other and returned to the Xuanwu family, but he never wanted to call the man a father.

After the mother left, he went to the Imperial Capital and went to the Xuanwu family, but did not go in.

Because on that day, when he went to the Xuanwu family, he saw the man he should have called his father. He was carrying his delicate and tender son, laughing and laughing from the carriage. The lady in his arms was charming. Touching, a silk satin, his son is lively and cheerful, and the stars are held in the palm of his hand.

At that moment, the little Li Xiaowei finally chose to give up. He did not knock the door of the Xuanwu family, but completely left the emperor and left the place that should be his home.

After the wandering life, Li Xiaowei realized the sadness of being lonely and helpless, until he was taken away by his master, he regained the warmth.

However, in front of the Xuanwu family, the family of the three happy, but the brand has been imprinted in his heart.

Li Xiaowei’s silence made the woman lying in the hospital bed more and more unstable. She struggled to grasp the hand of her son and said intermittently: “Xiao Wei, you are too young, you need someone to take care of you, you go to him. He is your father..."

"I don't have a father." Li Xiao only lowered his head and bit his lip.

For a long time, in the eyes of other partners of the illusion, he always has a good temper, but the person with good temper has his own obsession.

Father is the obsession of Li Xiaowei.

Li Xiaowei never thought about returning to the Xuanwu family until the teenager who had the same blood with him appeared in front of him with a big smile. He tried to use him with no heart, no way, even stupid words. chat……

Little brother.

His brother.

The stinky boy who once replaced him and became the son of that person did not understand the hatred in his heart. He stood so stupidly in front of him, and talked with him red-faced, watching him carefully, for fear that he was wrong. What makes him unhappy.

At that time, Li Xiaowei was very upset. He looked at the boy who had robbed him of everything. He looked at his face with a smile, innocent eyes, and dismissed his heart.

"Brother, can you say something to me? I always want to have a brother, don't you ignore me?"

The stupid boy, standing in front of his eyes, clumsily grabbed his head and said that he was inexplicable.

At that moment, Li Xiaowei felt that the young master of this basaltic family had a bad brain...

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