The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2526: Belong to our place

The city of the sky is silent, like every day of the year, quietly passing.

A light and shadow suddenly flashed and stopped at the last temple.

It is a beautiful palace. It is bigger than other palaces. It is only one size smaller than the palace of the Lord God, but it is also very eye-catching.

Shen Yanxiao leaned on the repaired arms and looked at the huge palace.

"this is yours……"

"Yeah." Minor nodded and walked to the entrance to the palace.

The closed door, like the induction of the return of the master, slowly started.

A splendid light sprinkled on the entrance, and the other side of the door was not a palace in the image of Shen Yanxiao, but a wilderness covered with grass and flowers.

"This is... your place?" Shen Yan Xiao blinked and killed her. She did not think that the moment when the temple door opened, it was in front of her eyes that it was an endless flower sea.

The white five-petal flower covered the grass in front of it, only a little cyan in the gap.

Shen Yanxiao looked up and could not see the end of the flower sea. She could only see a white road extending from the temple door to the flower sea. In the distance, a white palace could be seen.

"It's our place."

Shen Yanxiao looked up and looked at the repair, his face was slightly red.

She finally understood why it was so contemptuous of Suzaku's lava valley that the lava valley was really small and poor, and the greening of the living environment was really too much!

Surrounded by the fragrance of flowers, Shen Yanxiao's nervous nerves finally relaxed.

A gust of wind blew, the boundless flower sea disliked a wave, the white flowers moved with the wind, the blown petals fluttered in the wind, and the pieces fell in the air, like the rain of the sky.

Shen Yanxiao was simply surrounded by the sights.

There are countless petals, surrounded by her and the body of the repair, here is beautiful and peaceful, without any confusion, if it can, Shen Yanxiao really hopes to stay here, no longer have to worry about the Mozu, no longer Will kill and bloody.

He was holding Shen Yanxiao and flew in the rain. The white petals of the pieces were wiped from their cheeks and body. This time, the repairing flight was not fast. He seemed to let Shen Yanxiao better appreciate the beauty here and reduce it. The speed of the flight.

When she flew to the palace, Shen Yanxiao’s arms had piled up a large number of petals. She laughed like a child and took a petal and sprinkled it toward her head.

The white petals are printed with the beauty of the beauty, beautiful as a painting.

Shen Yanxiao’s smiling smile seems to be very interesting.

And repairing, but also by her chaos, there is no disappointment.

Under the heavens, I am afraid that only Shen Yanxiao dared to so daringly scatter the petals in the head of the fighting god, this should be replaced by others, fearing that it has become a fertilizer that nourishes this flower sea.

When Shen Yanxiao played enough, Xiu Cai put her down, and both of them were covered with petals by Shen Yan, so that they looked funny.

“Do you like these flowers?” Shen Yanxiao looked at the repairs. She could hardly imagine that repairing such a cold temper would plant so many flowers in her own territory.

I repaired the fallen flowers on my shoulders and said: "I don't like it, I don't hate it. These flowers are made by the Lord God."


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