The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2528: The authenticity of rumors (2)

I looked at Shen Yan, who was a little surprised, and did not rush to answer her questions. He just stared at her for a long time, and then slowly said: "If he knew that this happened, he would not leave, though. Sometimes it is unreasonable to do things, but he is not concerned with things that happen in the world."

Therefore, the Lord God is not so hopeless as Shen Yanxiao thought?

Shen Yanxiao’s expression was eased. If she knew that the Lord God was missing for a surprise, she did not mind giving him a punch on behalf of the world.

The premise is that the Lord God does not return the hand.

"The Lord God, will he suddenly come back one day?" Shen Yanxiao really can't think of it. What kind of reason is there in the world, the main **** will disappear inexplicably, if not his own willingness, who can Forced to take him away from the city of the sky, even if it is the devil of Satan, in terms of strength, with the Lord God fear is also half a catty, who can not help who, not to mention, the Lord God never leaves the city of the sky, the devil Satan can not enter the sky City, so the possibility of Satan's shot is very low.

But looking at the world, the two strongest are not the Lord God and the Devil?

Since the devil can't start with the Lord God, why does the Lord God disappear inexplicably?

The heart of the Lord God is in the world. If you know the ambition of the Mozu, you will not ignore it. He has not appeared, and there must be something trapped.

But what is that?

"If he wants to come back, he will come back soon. There is no news now. I am afraid..." Fractured slightly, and he never gave any hope for the disappearance of the Lord God. The Protoss has perished, the disappearance of the Lord God, the war of the Mozu, The Protoss has no chance of nurturing new life.

Even today, the gods of the gods, the dragon gods and the gods of light are still alive, but their three male superior gods are absolutely unable to produce a new protoss, and without the main god, they cannot find a suitable soul and create a new body. The Protoss.

Although the Protoss are not extinct now, they are almost the same. From now on, there will be only three Protoss in the city of the sky.

The vast city of the sky will eventually return to silence.

"Maybe one day he will come back. The life of your Protoss is so long. You and Shouge and Dragon God will wait until the day he returns. As long as he returns, the Protoss will rise again." Shen Yanxiao stretched his hand to smooth The word of the eyebrows between the eyebrows, the main **** is the creation god, as long as he returns, even if the protoss has been completely extinct, he can re-create a new protoss, only those souls that have passed away, can no longer welcome their leaders.

The life span of the Protoss is very long and long. Without the harm of the outside world, they can live forever, live for a long time, sit and watch Yunjuan Yunshu, which makes the Protoss have to hone a cold and indifferent character, because How deeply do they have with each other and how deep feelings they have with other races. In the end, their friends and their partners will eventually go with them, and they themselves will live long and long.

As a result, there are unwritten rules in the Protoss. They do not have too much contact with other races without special requirements, and they are afraid of feelings. They must watch their friends struggle to die in the cycle of life.

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