The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2535: God's choice (2)

Luna is the upper **** of the guardian elves, and the gods and moons that the elves live in are also due to the moon god.

Among the elves, there are many poems and songs that sing the moon god. When Yan Yu and Li Xiaowei go to the Shenyue mainland, they often hear the legend about the moon god.

The legendary moon **** is the gentlest and most harmonious of the Protoss.

The elves sing the gentleness of the moon, and also respect the healing power of the moon god.

In the elves, there is such a legend that the tree of life of the elves is raised, and only in the moonlight will flourish.

And Luna is also the most beautiful of the elves, the goddess!

That's right, goddess!

She is one of the few protoss women!

A large part of the choice of the godhead is due to the resonance between the successor and the godhead.

The **** of the moon chooses the rain, which means...

"Hey!" Donaghy blushes and stares at Yan Yu, smirking and screaming.

I still remember the picture when they talked about the **** of Yan Yu.

Yan Yu’s face was blue, white, and purple.

Chosen by the demeanor of a female superior god, this thing is not at all proud of it! !

"If you dare to laugh out, you know the consequences." Yan Yu blinked and stared at Donna.

Donnazhi immediately grabbed his mouth and shook his head.

This is not what he wants to laugh, but the face that Yan Yu encountered is really too good!

In fact, among the six members of their illusion, the gentlest is the rain. He is gentler than the Shen Yan, who is a woman. Shen Yan Xiao Kong has a woman's identity, but her style of work and her temper are not like normal girls. If she looks at the physical characteristics of Shen Yanxiao, she is a metamorphosis than the men.

It is severe rain, gentle and considerate, and it is also a good dish. If Yan Yu is a woman, she is definitely a good wife at home.

Of course, these things, Donna, they only dare to think about it in their own minds. If you let Yan Yu know that they are forced to be divided into five horses.

This can't blame them, you have to blame it.

As a woman, there is no conscious self-consciousness, but she is a little shy and weak, and will not make Yan Yu look so delicate...

Yan Yu’s mood is very complicated. He was chosen by Luna. He really didn’t know if he should cry or laugh.

According to the attribute, the Luna, which is good at healing, is indeed in line with the occupation of Yan Yu sacrifice. The power of Luna can improve his healing and gain effects, so Luna chooses him as a successor. But the original, just... he is a man!

Although Yan Yu is gentle, but when it comes to his male dignity, he will not give in at all.


In the immediate situation, he may not be struggling.

"A Yu, I know that you are making sacrifices for the world, we all understand." Qi Xia looked at the tangled rain, looked at his shoulders with a serious face, and persuaded him to accept this. reality.

"Yeah, Ah Yu is on the battlefield. The role of the priest and the ritual is very important. Only when you stand, we can stand." Donna managed to restrain himself from the impulse to laugh and look at Yan Yu.

Yan Yu glanced at the friends who were not guilty of their mouths. They clearly had a secret smile in the intestines, but they still died.

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