The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2546: Far away guests (4)

After a half-month journey, the elf's team finally came to the main city of the ridiculous land.

They stood in front of the sun and looked up at the city that made them stunned. For the first time, they came from the inner praise and the wisdom of mankind.

"This kind of city, even if the Mozu army came to attack repeatedly, it is estimated that there is no one year, it is impossible to break the city." The ink wind glanced at the black shiny wall, all using obsidian To build, just the wall that does not fall on this day, the money spent is only an astronomical figure.

Compared with the day, the previous cities can only be regarded as pediatrics.

"Go to the bulletin." Mo Yan guarded an elf.

The defending city guards who watched the city did not look at the elves who came quickly. The eyes were calm and there was no surprise.

"We will come to represent the Elf King, please inform a lord with you." The elf looked at the well-trained guards and flashed a glimmer of praise. They saw too much curiosity and gaze on the way. The guards saw them but did not show a slight difference. It is conceivable that the quality of the guards that are not falling is quite high.

"Slightly wait." The guards responded and then immediately went to the city.

In a short while, Du Lang has come to the gate with the devil wolf and others.

"Guests from afar, welcome you in the ridiculous land, welcome you all the time, please go to the city to rest first, we have prepared food and wine, waiting for you for a long time." Du Lang did not humble and stood at the gate, looking at the elves The ink rain led by the army, etc., smiled.

As early as the time when the elves entered the ridiculous land, Du Lang had already received news. During this time, he had been discussing with Jiu Shu how to entertain the guests from afar.

"There is work." The rain and other elves nodded, politely dismounted, and entered the city.

The elf forces slowly entered the day and entered the interior of the first city of this bright continent.

The number of urban people who have not fallen in the day has never been too much. It is not difficult to accommodate this team of elves. Du Lang asked the seven wolves to take the elves to the resting place that had already been arranged, and invited the ink to rain. Five leaders, including the ink wind, went to the city's main government to be a guest.

In the city's main government, the hospitality and food of the hospitality have already been prepared.

Soon after the rain and other people were seated, they found a strange look.

Throughout the banquet, the number of humans attending was not too large, and most of them were male. The only woman was a young girl.

Before coming to the bright continent, the ink rain learned from the mouth of the Elf King that the unified bright continent is a human girl, but the main seat in this banquet has been vacant, and no one sits down, the only one A human girl is just sitting aside and seeing her contact with other people is not like a superior.

Could it be said that the lords of the ridiculous land are not going to appear?

Thinking of this, the elves' expressions are obviously unpleasant. They come all the way, in order to discuss with the lords of the ridiculous land against the demon, but the lord did not come out to see them, it is also Don't take them seriously, right?

The elves are indifferent to the temperament, and they are very dissatisfied with such treatment.

Ink rain couldn't help but open the door: "Where is the lord of the ridiculous land? Why not show up?"

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