The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2555: The amount of information is too large (6)

It is possible to let the gods of the gods "tune their education" in the future, let a group of elves tremble with excitement, and they are still talking about the disappearance of the rain, Shen Yan, they, after hearing the words of Du Lang, can not wait to pounce on this human Uncle took a sip!

brothers! Respect is too sweet!

In the rumors, the elves who have been known for their indifference have completely lost their helmets and abandoned their armor under the brilliance of the savvy. Only the long tail is shaken behind.

"Bright God." Suddenly ordered the name of Shen Siyu.

"Hmm?" Shen Siyu answered.

"Give it to you." After that, Xiu has already stepped into the air and slowly walked toward the city government.

A group of elves watched the heroic posture of the gods, and the eyes were full of reluctance, but turned their faces. They looked at the bright **** named by the **** of war, and the hope of the eyes ignited again.

Although the name of Guangming God is not as loud as the **** of war, but he is the only Protoss who survived the battle of the gods and gods, just to seal the passage of the Mozu, he consumed his own godhead and fell into a demigod, but Now it seems that the **** of light has recovered its peak and returned to the realm of the upper god!

Whether it is fighting the gods or the bright gods, in the minds of the elves, as long as they are the upper gods, they are very happy to be "tuned"!

"Really..." For the repair of the problem, Shen Siyu was quite helpless. Looking at the elves under the wall and shining with his eyes, he could not help but have some headaches.

Protoss is actually a race that is very unsuitable for dealing with others. They are used to being alone.

"It's not too late, you will go back to rest first, what's the matter, come to the city government tomorrow, let's talk about it in detail." Shen Siyu smiled and spoke, although it was a task that was hard-hitting to him, but as a ridiculous place. The lord's brother, Shen Yanxiao, is not there, he can only bite his scalp.

The elves under the wall nodded and looked at the two protoss on the wall, and they reluctantly returned to their respective places to rest.

After running for a long time, they were already exhausted, only to see the joy of the Protoss and to scatter their exhaustion.

Nine Uncle and Du Lang also took people back to rest. They can see that today, the three Protoss have no meaning to talk. Although they are full of doubts about the departure of their lords, they are already accustomed to them. The choice has ignored this issue.


When the time comes, the lord will definitely return by herself.

Under the wall, there was only ink rain and their five elves had not left.

Shen Siyu took the crowd down the wall and looked at the young elves in front of him with a gentle smile on his face.

"You don't go to rest?"

The smile like a spring breeze is like a warm wind blowing into the rain of their new field, they feel like they are going to fly.

"Guangming God adults, we are not tired for the time being, we want to gather together with friends who have not seen for a long time." Moyu carefully opened his mouth, looked very slyly and stood behind Shen Siyu to get Li Xiaowei and Yan Yu.

Shen Siyu immediately understood the meaning of the ink rain, he did not say anything, just let them rest early, then left with the dragon god.

After the two Protoss left, the two of them were relieved.

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