Shen Yanxiao’s curiosity was raised. She carefully looked through the books piled up on the table. It was discovered that the books were used by the warlocks!

Qingjun is not a pharmacist at all, but a warlock!

This discovery made Shen Yanxiao’s heart jump.

The warlocks of the bright continent were almost extinct before, until she became the lord of the sun, and there was a resurgence. Although many teenagers joined the army of warlocks, their learning time was short and their achievements were Not excellent. This Qingjun looks a lot older than her, and has begun to look at the summoner's books.

Obviously, he was already a warlock long ago.

long time ago……

Shen Yan Xiao blinked his eyes. When the warlock's disaster came, most of the innocent warlocks had been poisoned. Only the **** hiding in the dark did not survive.

Can you say that Qingjun is one of those warlocks who study forbidden?

This is not a good thing.

There is a collusion between Satan and Ouyang Huanyu, but it is not difficult to see from Satan's words that he does not have complete trust in Ouyang Huanyu. With Satan's character, he will never allow his suspicion to appear in the devil world. Qingjun appears. Here, make everything confusing.

Shen Yanxiao carefully looked at the things in the room. The words of the Mozu were not the same as those of human beings. The words on those books were used by humans. The reason why Qingjun would let her this demon come in and clean up is estimated to be accurate. A demon can't understand human words.

Scattered on the edge of the book are some scribbled notes. Shen Yanxiao quickly looked at it and found that the notes were very messy and almost no whole sentence appeared, but Shen Yanxiao grabbed several key points.

Inheritance, mixed blood, reincarnation...

The two points of inheritance and mixed blood are very clear. The inheritance of magic and vindictiveness in the broken star palace should be this meaning, and the mixed blood... Shen Yanxiao estimates that Ouyang Huanyu has been studying.

But this reincarnation...

Shen Yan Xiao brow slightly wrinkled, these two words she felt very strange.

I remember that Yunxiao once said that the warlocks of the year had developed a total of three bans. The first two types of clouds were involved, but the third type of cloud was not clear.

Nowadays, this reincarnation is linked to inheritance and mixed blood, which gives Shen Yanxiao a bad feeling.

Can it be said that the third ban on the study of warlocks is reincarnation?

The inheritance research has been almost perfect, and the mixed blood has been going on for a long time. The only thing that makes Shen Yanxiao feel strange is this reincarnation.

Shen Yanxiao bit her lip, in a sense, her rebirth is a reincarnation.

Her past life, she has already died, but the soul is inexplicably reborn into the world. The feeling of uneasiness spreads in Shen Yanxiao's heart. She does not want to come to this world, but also because of the ban of the warlocks.

In order to dispel his uneasiness, Shen Yanxiao carefully read the notes again.

This time, let Yan Yan Xiao slightly a lot of peace of mind, from the degree of scribbled and recurring probability of the handwriting, Qing Jun should have not yet studied the real reincarnation, he is only studying the feasibility of this ban.

Obviously, Qingjun is in this room, the main research direction is reincarnation.

But why should he study this? Is this acquiescence to Satan?

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