The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2593: At the touch of a button (2)

When the battle started, Shen Yanxiao played a spirit of 120,000 points to prepare for the play.

This is a great opportunity to let Shen Yanxiao watch the battle between the magicians in close quarters.

It is a pity that God does not seem to want to let Shen Yanxiao see all this. The situation that was about to start, because of a certain magical move, completely disappeared.

I have never been open to the polar shadow. I don’t know when it’s coming to the fainting Qingjun. His narrow eyes are slightly raised, his long arms are stretched out, and he will faint, and Qingjun, who has overflowed his blood, smashes.

"Before you start, it's best to look at this human being, he is going to die." The sound of the cold shadow sounded.

The situation of Qingjun was so bad that the Emperor Sui had a very heavy hand. He had to say Qingjun. Even if it was Shen Yanxiao, it was estimated that the bones of the Emperor had to be crushed. At this time, Qingjun’s mouth was constantly rushing out of the blood, his face was pale as paper, and his limbs were slightly twitching. This is definitely not a good sign.

The fall of Emperor Sui has already broken the five internal organs of Qingjun. Even if Emperor Shun is no longer shot, it will not take long for Qingjun to die.

The atmosphere that was still tight was completely disappeared because of the passing of Qingjun’s life.

"Sui Emperor, I know that this human can't enter your eyes, but after all, he is the person who the demon gods have explained, and it is convenient for you to do it." The ghost will bite his teeth and look at the Emperor, trying to make his tone calm and humble. some.

The current situation is very bad. If Qingjun is dead now, he will not have the meaning of playing with the Emperor.

Emperor Sui did not seem to accept the words of the ghosts, but the **** came over and said something in the ear of Emperor Sui, and the expression of Emperor Sui had subtle changes.

"But, today's things are all right, you bring people back, can you save your life and see your skills." The Emperor suddenly changed his mouth, so that the shadow will be left to the half-tone Qingjun. After the Jurassic, with a few other demons will go back to the room to rest.

Shen Yan’s eye-opening, a good show, just flew away, almost suffocating to death.

You said that you have already become the same before, how can you not fight if you don’t play? Have you considered the mood of her audience!

Say good blood? Say good, don't die?

Where did Sui Emperor's little temper go? It’s not you, talking so well! You are attached to the pro! !

Shen Yanxiao jumped down and took the two guns to the real one.

The ups and downs of life are such a fall, I thought that the plan to make a small fight, but set off a huge wave, but before she saw the huge waves engulf the big ship, this wave is so silently retired!

It’s really a little sign!

The old generation of the devil will leave, the ghost will finally breathe a sigh of relief, but the problem they have to face is even more difficult.

"Jura, go to Mongolian." The ghost will pick up Qingjun and take it away quickly.

If this is to drag on, Qingjun’s little life can really be explained here.

At that time, the ghost will be in trouble.

Shen Yanxiao quietly followed the ghosts behind them. Although she wanted to follow her, she was more concerned about Qingjun’s life and death. After all, she would not return to Qingjun’s house to serve the maid in the future. See if this Qingjun can still live.


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